
Viewing 901 - 920 of 1,167 results

A milestone for Feathered Hearts - Eros... and a possible future story arc · 8:42pm Feb 10th, 2023

Eros just picked up its 150th like! :raritystarry: Well, I wasn’t planning to update it quickly, but as a thank-you to readers for getting it to that point (even if it backtracks), I think I should write a new chapter.

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Question of the Week #57 · 2:00am May 25th, 2022

Hello everyone, thank you all for coming to this week's question of the week.

This week I wanted to ask a couple questions pertaining to a future shortfic that I'm working on. :raritywink:

If Twilight and Spike were to go to a Power Pony convention, what sort of things do you think they'd try to do? Also, what sort of weird/fun things do you think could happen at such a convention?

Yep, there you have it.

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Why do you think that the early YouTube parodies of FIM that was either bloody or scary from the early days of the fandom is nowadays considered tame by today's standards? · 11:31pm Sep 25th, 2020

Do you guys and gals think that the YouTube Parodies of FIM (Like Smile HD,, and that were bloody and scary back when they first came out in the early days of the fandom, is nowadays considered tame by today's standards in the year of 2020?
Why and how?
Answer away!


Question · 3:11pm Jul 2nd, 2020

Ik this is random, but do you think I should change my oc's name? Like instead of Laura it could be something similar to her original name. I will keep the Daniels or perhaps change her last name. Plus for Laura's bio, I'm making it in my google docs still and I'll post it whenever I'm ready to post. I've also chosen the new design and that's the first one I told about in my previous blog.

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Question of the Week #72 · 2:21am Sep 21st, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. I'm glad you're all here and I'm hoping you're all having a wonderful week so far. :twilightsmile:

This week I have an interesting questions to bring up... Hopefully.

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Question of the Week #101 · 2:52am Apr 12th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

I'm really excited, because I will be starting my Cyberpunk Equestria story contest later this Thursday (assuming I don't somehow forget). I hope that some of you will participate. :pinkiehappy:

So hopefully that explains why I'm having a hard time thinking of any questions right now...

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paypal is unstuck · 10:46pm Feb 22nd, 2021

we are unsure how to respond.

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Potential offshoot? · 11:44pm Dec 3rd, 2019

Ok so while the next chapter of Our new friends is being worked on, I have been thinking...
A few of you have been inquiring about the Rainbow Dash side of the story. Rest assured its still coming of course, but here lies my problem.

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Can you guess which ones I don't like? · 7:35pm Jul 1st, 2020

Ten things that I maybe do and don't like. Can you pick out the ones you think I don't like? :rainbowdetermined2::scootangel:

  1. Cake. 🍰
  2. Liquorice. ☠🀒
  3. Guinea pigs. 🐹
  4. Nirvana / Grunge rock. πŸ€˜πŸ˜‹
  5. Being in a relationship. πŸ’
  6. Rollercoasters. πŸš‚
  7. Spiders and other bugs / insects πŸ•·πŸœπŸž
  8. Guitars and music. 🎸
  9. The sea and water in general. 🏊
  10. Writing horror stories. πŸ’‰πŸ”ͺβš°πŸ–‹

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Permanent Daylight Savings Time Review · 7:44pm Mar 24th, 2022

So, the Senate says by a vote of 100 to 0, β€œWe want permanent daylight savings time!!!!!” My response? β€œI AGREE 100%!!!!!!!!!!!”

The clocks changing is the most stupidest most pointless thing and I say that as someone with an ultra flexible sleep schedule, who doesn’t even notice the change. Statistics show that harm it does to too many people.

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Question of the Week #142 · 2:43am February 12th

Hello everyone and welcome back to another question of the week. :pinkiesmile:

Well, this is actually a question that I asked in the Cyberpunk group, but I figured I could post it here too.

Well, I watched Call of the Night over the weekend. It's not a cyberpunk anime, but it does take place at night most of the time. Anyway, during the series the characters went to a night pool party.

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Question of the Week #148 · 2:27am April 24th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Sorry for the long delay, I've been focusibg on this short story for the scifi contest and I just haven't been able to think of any questions to ask as of late. :twilightsheepish:

Well, I'm almost done with the short story and I hope to have it proofread and editted soon.

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Question of the Week #149 · 3:41am May 1st

Hello everyone and welcome back to another question of the week.

In case you don't know, I have officially started the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest. It's SFW as I decided against allowing clopfics... however, if someone wants to write one or start an NSFW version of the contest, go nuts. :derpytongue2:

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Question of the Week #127 · 2:52am Oct 24th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.:pinkiehappy:

Remember that the Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest is still going on.

So, it is still Halloween Seasons, which means more Halloween themed questions.

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Question of the Week #146 · 4:38am March 23rd

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, next week I'll be off on my trip to Hawaii. It's been years in the making but it's finally happening. :pinkiehappy:

So, with me going to Hawaii let's ask an island themed question.

What kind of monster pony would you expect to find on a tropical island? :derpyderp1:

Thank you all for coming this week. Stay safe and have a splendid week. :twilightsmile:

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Question of the Week #90 · 4:04am Jan 25th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Wow, here we are at blog #90, can you believe that?

So, I'm working more on my Neo Somnambula story. It was finished, but while I'm waiting on a character sheet so I can make some cover art, I decided to go back and expand upon the story/setting.

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Question of the Week #151 (More NS) · 2:14am May 29th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Admittedly I've had a hard time figuring out questions to ask and the fact that I've been wotking on other non mlp related projects doesn't help much either.

I've been having trouble focusing on my mlp projects as of late. I've even been having trouble working on Act 3, so I've decided to try to read through the whole story so far.

This brought me to my recent story and semi-prequel, Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus.

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Podcast Day Again! · 10:37pm Jul 1st, 2016

Podcast day is here again, so you know the drill. Today our guest is Majin Syeekoh who's written some pretty interesting shit you should check out. You can come ask him questions, shitpost at him, harass all of us, get your rhino needs, and drink along with us using our drinking word of the day. It's a great...horrible time.
Please don't leave me there alone.

Seriously though, it begins at 4PM PST (in about half an hour) here:

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How I feel about Writer's Block and what I'd like to do with it. · 4:58pm Dec 5th, 2016

Well, as "The Magic of... Music?" is currently suffering some of the dreaded Writer's Block, I thought to relieve some stress I'd give it (Yes, I'm personifying Writer's Block here.) a taste of what I'd like to do with it. (Whistles) Oh, Crowley...?

Crowley: Sic 'em boy!

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nicknack is a pinkie hater in denial · 7:31am Apr 14th, 2016

He is go look at his Taking care of animals fic and Heart of gold feathers of steel fic are all clear signs he has a pinkie hateboner why wont he just admit he hates pinkie and be done with it? he has her being a serial killer and he has gilda having a seething hatred for her being justified in griffon the brush off. hes using his writing to

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Viewing 901 - 920 of 1,167 results