
Viewing 9221 - 9240 of 9,662 results

(The Not-So) Weekly Teaser #16 · 12:27am Jul 17th, 2016

Just a teaser for that new story I hinted at ages ago... Here ya go! Again, not guaranteed to be in the story, but the concept might be similar.
Song inspiration: "Pull The Trigger" by Russ

???: Self-Actualization

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Have Some Cute Bug! · 3:16pm Apr 3rd, 2018

Haven't posted anything cute in awhile so here's some cute bug for you all. Find it below the break!:yay:

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Should I write this story after the Chrysalis origin story? · 11:19pm Oct 17th, 2015

Okay once I finish this story, whenever that happens, I want to write another story. Now I was thinking of writing a story about people being transported to the world of Equestria through their tv. And it will be a series of misadventures of them trying to escape the world of Equestria and get back to the real world. If it's successful and released on time then I will add a Halloween special where they temporally escape Equestria. In that story they go to a camp and the slasher film cliches

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New Story and asking for advice · 9:24pm Feb 1st, 2018

So hey all of you. I don't know if you all know but I started a new story because I felt I had moved past where I was on my previous work here. In many ways I have but most importantly was my mentality. I feel in someways a different person than what I was a year ago. I hope my writing has improved, which I know it has but how much is so difficult to say, but more importantly is things are looking up for me in my life outside of writing. Which is kinda funny coming from a person who just spent

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September's Schedule / New Chapter / New Extra Tidbits / New Commission Contests / New Story · 5:27pm Sep 1st, 2018

Hello everypony it is September and here is to hoping this month is a lot better than last month. We have so many things to go over for this schedule. This month will be quite fun, becuase not only do we have a chapter for Journey of Hearth's Warming and two Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbits this month, but we also have two voting contest. That right two. If you are here for those then jump down pass the schedule. As for everypony else here is this month's schedule...

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[Superlong-RwR-250th!] A Tell-All Tale About What Could Have Been · 6:52am Jul 14th, 2017

In commemoration of the 250th blog and since Rain without Rainbows turned six years old this month,
I’m going to spill every secret, plan, and answer that I’ve ever held back.

So go ahead.

Read further.

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Mechanic: Choose Your Own Adventure · 11:46pm May 30th, 2019

Okay, kids, got a special one for y’all today! It’s gonna be a choose-your-own adventure style blog post, where you get to diagnose the vehicle along with the mechanic! Won’t that be fun?


So without any further ado, let’s dive in!

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NEW STORY: Contest time! · 11:50pm Jan 31st, 2020

The first chapter of my story for Jake the Army Guy's contest is up. Go check it out, especially since I don't write Discord super often! Or, if it's not your thing you can always wait for the last chapter of Distance Beyond Any Measure on Sunday.

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Creepy Sites #1: Insecam · 10:05pm Aug 25th, 2017

Creepy Sites #1: Insecam

Insecam is a site where people find security cameras, CCTVs, other surveillance type cameras, and sometimes even webcams that are not password protected and add links to places you can watch the footage of those cameras on the site.

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Badfic Slaughterhouse #27 · 7:05pm Jun 8th, 2016

To the surprise of all, the doors of the Badfic Slaughterhouse have opened once again. Five stories await judgment. Which ones are worth reading, and which ones will be thrown into a grinder for your twisted amusement? Click the button below to find out.

In this edition:
—Rarity subverts expectations by not subverting expectations.
—Twilight adopts Sweetie Belle.
—A pegasus bursts into flames.
—A rabbit just bursts.
—I make up a new question for Cards Against Humanity.

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Major Music Project · 4:17am May 24th, 2015

It has been a while since I have updated my journal so I thought I would let everyone know that I am working on a major music project right now. I am excited because I am getting my songs officially produced.

If you want to check out my music and support the project, you can follow the links below.

Check out my Facebook Music Page:

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Chapter 2 of "Dreamwalker Dash" is released: "Long Lost and Forgotten" · 2:51am Apr 18th, 2019

I finished Chapter 2 of "Dreamwalker Dash" today, so it's time for its release! Arrived in Canterlot, Rainbow Dash gets led by Luna to a historic place, where she finds out what kind of ancient knowledge it is that Luna wants to show her.
Curious what it is? Find out by reading Chapter 2 here:


"A Lesson in Crimson Red": Chapter 3 of Dreamwalker Dash has been released! · 1:58am Apr 25th, 2019

The time for Rainbow Dash's first lesson has come..... even though she doesn't know that it's a lesson. What that means is what you will find out if you click here and read Chapter 3:


Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 9.5: The Hand Of Elisus / Tidbit Season One Finale · 7:58pm Jun 19th, 2019

Hello everypony, I’m late, I just got finish watching Snowpiercer finally, a really good movie, by the way, I'm glad you are here for the season finale of tidbits. This one though is not extremely long, it is a heavy one. This one adds so much weight to the season one finale that will affect my entire universe for years. This tidbit will not only be important to Journey To Hearth’s Warming but to every story I post in this universe from now on. This is the Hand of Elisus…


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Voting Contest: Let Them Stand: Final Week of Voting! · 5:28pm Nov 27th, 2017

Yes that's right there is only one week left to vote. So get in while you can, and hurry. This Monday, December 4th is the end of the voting, a winner will be chosen that day in honor of the anniversary of the Twilily Saga creation. I hope to get more votes before the end, so make this a worthwhile anniversary. Link below.

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A Storm is Coming..... "Aunt Millie" returns from its unwanted hiatus! · 1:10am Mar 13th, 2017

You read that right. "Aunt Millie" is finally back on track! Chapter 10 is out now:

While the last chapter was calm, this chapter will be rough.....
Cold front Millie heads towards us, bringing us a storm and very low degrees this night. Make sure to take shelter from Hurricane Dinky when it hits the coast of Chapter 10 later tonight.


February Monthly Schedule / Journey Hearth's Warming New Preview / New Voting Contest / The Brave, Bold and Courageous · 8:40pm Feb 1st, 2019

Hello everypony, welcome to a new month. First off, sorry this was posted late, I'm been busy today. Either way, I have many things for this month. From new chapters on Letter To The Gods to build up on the second half Journey To Hearth's Warming first season to a new voting contest that will feature stuff from multiple sagas. This is going to be fun. Now, first, the schedule, under it will be news on Journey To Hearth Warming and news on the new voting contest.

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Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 2: Cerberus Plains · 7:25pm Aug 29th, 2018

Sorry, this came in a little late, I've had a bit of a bad day. Now we have the next of tidbits, the one is important not just because it is such a beautiful place, (I'm planning on showing off much more later), but because this will be the center of a lot more of the story after the first season, from battle with the unicorns to pegasus, particularly the battles with the earth ponies, a lot of it will be happening in these beautiful plains. This also a good way to get a feel for the map of

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Read It Now Reviews #114 – Snowed In, Deathbed Confession, This is Not a Drill, A Slice of (Cake) Life, Mint Condition · 7:26pm May 28th, 2018

Happy Memorial Day! I was planning on having a story ready for today, but ended up getting distracted with reading pony fanfics instead. But hey, six of one, half a dozen of the other, right?

Today’s stories:

Snowed In by OkemosBrony

Deathbed Confession by Dreadnought

This is Not a Drill by Tumbleweed

A Slice of (Cake) Life by Epic Yarn

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Loving Submission has the same number of likes after ten days as A Gentleman's Price did after ten days. Also updates. · 9:01pm Aug 4th, 2019

Viewing 9221 - 9240 of 9,662 results