
Viewing 9261 - 9280 of 9,662 results

In Which Quilla Has Another Strange, Possibly Relevant Dream · 4:22am Aug 10th, 2015

Just when I thought the weird dreams were over, I had another one. I really have no idea why I'm telling you about it in the first place other than the fact that it could give me for an idea involving the orchestra department in If You Give a Little Love. Since we've looked at the costuming and styling departments, and have a good idea of what the producer and director go through, the actors, actresses, musicians, and possibly techies need all the characterization they can get while

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I'm waiting for big news! · 3:17am Jul 21st, 2015

They said they'd get back to me today, but they didn't! It's driving me batty!

Huh... I wonder if bats make good pets? Used to get a lot of the little buggers back at my folk's place. We'd throw up our shoes and watch them swoop at them. I once almost took a bat to the face myself.

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OC Apprentice Pre-Challenge Announcement · 3:00am Feb 5th, 2016

Here are the team's break challenge submissions. Enjoy.

#Shrekt's Submission:

It had been a while since Golden had gotten a good night’s rest. His worry over the meeting was overshadowed by the happiness he felt for his team’s victory. Despite his joy or rather because of it when they returned to the mansion he went straight to his room for rest. He assumed his teammates did the same.

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Side Story Three: UNLOCKED! · 7:15pm Oct 17th, 2016

You know that feeling of excitement you get when you unlock a new character's side story in a game? Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy that feeling. Anyway, Bambi's is coming your way in an hour or so, and Act III will be my chance to edit the way she gets glossed over in Act I and actually provide some proper characterization for her. The part after that will be Cameo/Coco/Babs bonding time that happens while Bambi is away at the Orange family meeting.

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I Think I Just Discovered Something! · 9:07pm Feb 16th, 2017

So, usually when it comes the ultimate musical duo we all know and love I'm defiantly more of a Vinyl Scratch fan, I just really love her and how she's envisioned in fan fiction.

Somtimes I think I'd even go as far as to consider Vinyl best background pony because she's just that awsome! Yet I've recently found something that makes me question that...

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Two Random Food Items That Are Selling For A Large Sum · 4:31pm Feb 19th, 2017

Here are some articles about some random food items that have fetched a pretty big sum on the online marketplace for simply being an odd shape or else shaped like something people can recognize.

There's A Crisp That Looks Just Like Harambe – And It's Selling For A Staggering Sum

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Whellp... · 8:55am Nov 5th, 2016

I intended on uploading a story for Halloween, but because it didn't pass moderation (my own fault, cause I wanted to be a fancy dumbass) I had to fix the discrepancy and re-submit it. It just recently uploaded, and no one will ever see it... whatever, though. I just wanted it done. It's been in my "unsubmitted" section for such a long time, and I've always wanted to get it done, but never had the right motivation or drive.

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New MH:E Chapter Feature-Complete. Also, Tropes? · 9:40am Dec 31st, 2016

(Image courtesy of MyLittleBrony)

Happy New Year's Eve, everybrony! I hope that y'all appreciate the pic. Saw it on My Little Brony this morning, and it's been helping me smile ever since. Does anybody know who drew it? I couldn't find a credit link on MLB.

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Favorable Alignment has updated! · 11:11pm Nov 28th, 2016


The word count keeps growing!

Send help and/or something!

Seriously - this thing's double the words of my longest works.

Ya know, the 30k novellas?

Well this one's 70k and still far from complete...

Accurate portrayal of the author after spotting a typo in a published chapter that was somehow missed.


Ramble Ramble Ramble (Blog 1: ''AAAH! BEYONCE IS THE NEW BLACK VERSION OF TERMINIX!'') · 11:17am Jul 25th, 2016

A few months ago, I heard that there was this lady named Tomi Lahren of Glenn Beck's TheBlaze who propagated a new lie on the world: Beyoncé showed during this year's Super Bowl that she wants to overthrow the white domination!!!

(Courtesy of Mercury Radio Arts; Glenn Beck, president)

Not only is the statement Ms.

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Fate (+ Update) · 11:12am Jul 29th, 2016

You take a deep breath. You can feel the weight of the cave walls closing in on you, almost fighting to stop your breath. Darkness lies ahead, pierced by the light of your lantern and the flash of the blade you were given by the wood cutter. Yet, you have this task, and before you find someone else it might already be too late. You press on against the shadows.

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Check Out My YouTube Music Channel · 1:29pm May 24th, 2016

Check Out My YouTube Music Channel

Hello everyone! I just thought I would share my YouTube music channel for anyone who would like to listen to some of the original songs I have written.

I am the one singing in the videos, since a lot of people have asked that, just to clarify things.

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>Tfw Lapis Lazuli smiles · 11:39pm May 19th, 2016


OC Apprentice Fifth Pre-Challenge Announcement · 12:30am Mar 6th, 2016

Veggie slumped down against a wall of boxes. She was lost. No, she was more than lost. This wasn't a basement, this was a storage unit if anything! This was more like a warehouse than a basement! It would take years for a group of the best explorers to make their way out of this horrid maze. Throughout her journey, Veggie found some interesting things. Antique weapons, old books from almost every era in history and artwork from some of the greatest artists Earth has seen. But all her

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Episode Review: Maudjestic as Rock (Spoilers... duh) · 5:54pm Apr 2nd, 2016


Small Episode Review: The CMC finally stop staring at their own butts after almost 6 months! (Spoilers... duh) · 5:24pm Apr 9th, 2016

Small review today because my arm is totally janked and I just watched the episode (just now). But the next ones will be big, no worries :heart:

Look, the Gay Ponies TM meeting!

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The OC Apprentice Pre-Challenge Winners · 4:21am Jan 25th, 2016

Here, the winners of the pre-challenge for the $50 dollar head-start will be announced.

XxX_Illuminati_XxX's Submission:

I, the almighty Thunderbolt Sentinel, was chosen to bat. Given my experience as a guard using polearms, athletic lifestyle, and most of all, my teammates loss of magic, I’m the team’s best bet.

That’s what I kept telling myself as I approached the diamond.

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Tarot Using Regular Modern Playing Cards · 2:11am May 29th, 2017

Tarot Using Regular Modern Playing Cards

I've always thought that learning about divination techniques was interesting (from a historical perspective). I don't necessarily believe that they really tell the future or anything. But I do think they are neat to learn about, especially in the context they were traditionally used.

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Just letting you know... · 2:19am Jul 16th, 2017

Psst! I just sent the next chapter of The Iron Horse to the editing team. Expect it Wednesday. I think it'll be worth the wait. :raritywink:

Oh, and, uh, sorry it got so delayed. :fluttershbad:


HOPEFUL RETURN: Hitting FiMFiction Tomorrow Night! · 3:31am Mar 30th, 2018

Viewing 9261 - 9280 of 9,662 results