
Viewing 9721 - 9740 of 11,937 results

I'm still here · 11:50am Apr 5th, 2017

So yeah, it's been a few weeks without any updates or anything. I'm sorry. First, I was busy with different things in life and then I got sick. I have been sick over a week now and it's slowly getting better by the day. Nothing too serious, I hope. I'm just so tired...

I haven't been able to work on my stories at all. However, I have given them some thoughts and I might keep the OC story as is and push forward once I conquer these awful diseases.

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The Tragic Lore of Risk of Rain · 1:41pm Aug 28th, 2021


Story Notes: Emmet St. Bridge (Destination Unknown) · 11:45pm Sep 30th, 2021

Remember how I said I should write more stories with ponies and trains? I wrote another story about ponies and trains.


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Heroes of Bite Apple · 7:21pm Oct 11th, 2022

My story, the Heroes of Bite Apple is finally here.

TThe Heroes of Bite Apple
You're a pegasus stallion, who is now living in the Ashen Wasteland with a monster mare, Runt. After stumbling into the town of Bite Apple, Runt's monstrous identity is exposed and now the two of you must work with the townsfolk from raiders or else.
Robipony · 15k words  ·  53  3 · 551 views

If you want to read a story where you're in a post apocalyptic Equestria with a monster mare accompanying you through the ashen wastes, then this is the story for you. Enjoy.:raritywink:


Story Notes: Nightmare Night · 5:28am Nov 9th, 2022

Once again, we find ourselves on the eve of an election, and once again I decided to surpress the urge to do something political. You know, like Sunset Shimmer declares herself God-Empress of the United States.


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Nightmare Night in April (2021) reminder · 9:05pm Apr 17th, 2021

In case y'all haven't seen, this year's Nightmare Night in April is going on, and the folder is open for submissions. If you're interested in writing a horror story this month, you have about 2 weeks to do so and put it in the write-off folder.

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The Power of Edits! · 9:27am Apr 20th, 2023

Great news!

The prologue and the four chapters posted have been edited, and redone! It is the same story, same outcome as you know it, but the language and writing has become so much better! At least according to myself. SoloBrony has done some amazing work, and we have been in daily discussion about the story and how to tackle certain writing paths. :moustache:

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Basically Lycanthropes · 2:42am Sep 4th, 2019


Belated 10th anniversary of Toy Story 3 · 12:37pm Jun 22nd, 2020

I can't believe I completely forgot about this. Anyway, here goes. 4 days ago marks 10 years old of the most emotional and heart-wrenching sequel Pixar has ever made.

Released on June 18, 2010, Toy Story 3 is where Andy prepares to go to college as he's outgrown from playing with his old toys. They were supposed to be kept in the attic, but they were sent to daycare thanks to his mom who thought they were trash.

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New Chapter of Sea Story, Upcoming changes? · 11:20pm Aug 18th, 2017

And would you look at that, the story from last week continues this week.
Would have preferred to put them in separate stories for individual descriptions, but this should work fine.

It still means we have a tonne of filthy stuff to follow up from last week, the flood will flow from the cauldron~.
And that you can read in the story, conveniently tagged in this post.
I may be changing my prices

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Upcoming Story Alert: Secondhand Laughter · 8:48pm Jul 23rd, 2021

Hi everyone! 

If you've been following me then you've probably noticed that today I published the last chapter of The Opening Act. In fact, chances are that you found this blog post through the Author's Note of that chapter. In any case, the way that chapter ends is the way I felt that story needed to end. However, it is only the beginning of what I had planned, the opening act, if you will.

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Behind the Story: A Series of Letters · 12:37am May 29th, 2020

Yes, ThePinkedWonder does stuff like this. That’s exactly why I’m doing this. I’ll probably be doing this for future stories, as well.

It’s a good idea, what can I say? You might want to read the story before this though, because there’s a lot of spoliers.

So, for the 7 people who read the whole story through, whoever you are, let’s talk about this story.

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Lovely Darkness (anthology of my FiM tales) available again! · 7:17am Sep 7th, 2022

I've been getting requests for my FiM anthology Lovely Darkness, so I'm making it available again. Please read the complex mess below if interested. :twilightblush:

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Chapter 22: Marching Order + Progress on next chapter · 9:50pm Nov 4th, 2018

Just a reminder, Chapter 22 of The Wayfarers -Marching Order- has been out now for a few days. If you haven't read it yet, maybe stop by and do so.

In this chapter, we see the start of a long trek to central Equestria for two of our black sheep.

But what's this? Trouble in the air? Maybe... a whiff of... smoke?

Come get caught up!

Progress on The Wayfarers.

Chapter 23: 40% edited
Chapter 24: 60% written

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The Writing of The Bonds of Love Update 5 · 1:02am Dec 26th, 2021

Hello again, everyone! So, the last time I posted one of these updates was shortly after Thanksgiving, and I had just finished discussing Ch.8(Tension) and Ch.9(Fear) and was ready and excited to talk about the next two, Ch.10(Home) and Ch.11(Closure). But then at some point or another, I blinked and suddenly it was Christmas, and I had only finished discussing one of the Griffonstone chapters.

Firstly, Merry Christmas, everyone! :yay: Hope you’re all enjoying the holiday!

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Milestones and Other News · 9:05pm Mar 4th, 2022

Well, this week has been full of interesting. Interesting in a way that brings to mind that common curse (thought as I understand it, it is neither ancient, nor Chinese) “may you live in interesting times.”

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Christmas Bundle of 2022 Day 2 · 6:49pm Dec 22nd, 2022

Hello Every One

I hope you liked the last book I released yesterday for the Christmas Bundle, but today's book is not going to be so good. Actually, it was supposed to be last year's final story, but I got sick and never released it.

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Solemn Night - Art by Skyeypony · 3:51am Jan 5th, 2023

Seems like I've been all business lately with my blogs, but because my artists are working wonders lately! And quite quickly. Here's the illustration Skyey made for me for the latest chapter of A Kindled End. It was a simple drawing this time around, but an opportunity to make it beautiful. Skyey absolutely delivered. What do you think?

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BIGTOP BURGER: UP · 5:13am Aug 5th, 2023


Royal Duties Part II: The Running of the Leaves - Posted in Ms. Glimmer and the Do-Nothing Prince · 6:16am Nov 18th, 2023

Skimpy outfits and unintended innuendo, what more can a clueless Starlight ask for? A short interlude between serious chapters. Enjoy. (Also, remember, authors really like comments, so please add your to the story.)

Viewing 9721 - 9740 of 11,937 results