
Viewing 81 - 100 of 311 results

weekly update 10-17-16 · 4:39pm Oct 17th, 2016

hey there, I feel like i need to start a habit of posting a weekly blog to let my followers know I hadn't died or something, go ahed, laugh, it happened to Brony Notion.

so currently I am working on a sequel to my last story Better Place to call home, it's the second part of my gilda arc it's called "old wounds" and you should expect it next week at the very most.

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Report MJP · 351 views · #Gilda #CMC #Button Mash #Halloween

Cutie Mark Crusader Date Night · 7:19am Mar 8th, 2014

Top Left Red Robin and Gin Gear, finally taking the leap
Middle Left Joyous Star* and Moon Dancer, alone for the first time
Top Right Shady Simile and Neon*, a little uncertain on the whole "date" concept
Middle Right Otan* and Torchlight, just enjoying the meteor shower
Bottom Oakheart, scheming mastermind

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Gotta build 'em all! · 8:52am Feb 8th, 2014

I want to build the very best, like no one ever did...
To be approved is my real test, to withstand time is my bid...

I will travel across the land, learning all I can...
Each architect to teach this brand, the skills to draw the plan...

Carpentry! Gotta build 'em all!
It's all on me...
I know it's my destiny!
Ooooh, you're my best friend...
In a design space I will up-end!
Carpentry! Gotta build 'em all!
A base so true...

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Ranking the CMC Episodes (From Worst to Best), Version 2 · 5:33pm Oct 5th, 2019

There's a reason why I waited until after "The Big Mac Question" aired in the U.S. to update this list, the CMC played a pretty big role in that episode. Plus, that means that retroactively I can include "Hard to Say Anything" alongside the CMC episodes we got this season (I don't count "The Break Up Break Down" as a CMC episode because their plot was tacked on and if not for what we saw earlier in the episode it would've had nothing tying it to the overall plot). Sadly, Sweetie Belle didn't

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The Scootablog - StarTrix News · 7:29pm Jul 27th, 2019

This blog post is scootaloo-themed! I hope that was obvious enough.

For anyone watching me for the Great and P-Powerful, you can probably expect a new chapter very soon! I've sent to my pre-readers and have yet to hear from them back. Hopefully I have the chapter ready by the end of this next week, and the chapter after that not too long after (Already got the first scene done).

I'm really sorry about the delay on that.

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The CMC Are (GASP) Maturing! · 9:46pm Aug 13th, 2016

Some interesting observations on the CMC.

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Season Finale Woes · 6:10pm Dec 19th, 2015

Due to IRL commitments, I was forced to miss all the airings of the Season 5 finale. I only have basic cable, so I had to have my mother record it. Because her service is unreliable, her DVR only managed to record part 2. I have been hoping they'd air it again, but the folks in charge of programming seem to have been on a nostalgia trip since then, airing nothing but Season 1 episodes and G3 movies, with an occasional early Season 2 episode here and there. Having to dodge spoilers is getting

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Ode to Troop #185 · 5:37am Apr 12th, 2014

One of my players performed for us in-character today. It was awesome.

Set to Kingsword

Our friendship will stand.
Our friendship will stand.

A friendship created
And magic enchanted.
Our virtues forged
Of tenets we try.

A joyous refrain
To life's little moments.
A colt's hoof to sing it,
And fillies reply.

Light in the darkness,
And spirit unflinching.
Torchlight shows honor

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WIP - Epcot · 12:09am Jul 19th, 2019

I'm currently beginning the planning stage for the next chapter of our CMCs' adventures in WDW with their big sisters! In this next instalment, they bump into a familiar purple dragon. Stay tuned, I'll be going on holiday but will work on it either side.


Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Twilight Time · 4:46am Nov 27th, 2020

When Sweet and Elite first aired, a lot of bronies rightly pointed out that Rarity would have no reason to be ashamed of her friends (or to invent an impressive back story for Rainbow Dash). At that point, the Mane Six had already saved the world three times, Twilight was Princess Celestia's star protege, and Rainbow Dash had won the Best Young Flyer Competition.

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Cast Your Votes For My First Fic! · 5:32pm May 22nd, 2022

If you take a look at the latest chapter of my story, “CMC Watch Bedtime Stories”, you will be presented with two options for what video the Cutie Mark Crusaders should react to next. You’ll be asked to cast your vote in the comment section underneath the chapter. Please take the time to watch both videos if you haven’t seen them already before casting your vote. Whether you’re a newcomer or long-time viewer, I want you to weigh in on this so that I can satisfy as many of you as possible. Don’t

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PATC Updates · 1:25am Feb 5th, 2020

As most of you readers may have realized, I have posted this video trailer around February 2018.
PATC Trailer #1
Since then, I was new to the YouTube community and was needing to balance work, writing, and family all at once.
Now, about a few years later, I created a brand new trailer for the audio drama which will be released in 2020.
PATC Trailer #2

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New Holiday Story! - 12/20/21 · 9:58pm Dec 20th, 2021

Hey everypony!

I got an early Christmas gift for all of you! After a couple of months of writing, my brand new story is finally ready to be released, just in time for the holidays! :pinkiehappy:

If you haven't yet, please check out my new holiday story, An Anon-a-Miss Carol.

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So... About my first romance story... · 9:46am Apr 8th, 2016

It's been three months since I've written my first romance story featuring the three little adorable fillies. Everybody should know who they are by now. So... as the title says that was my first shot into the romance (mostly thanks to a contest which is a part of the reason I'll address soon) It's gotten a decent amount of likes which makes me happy but... there was one comment that made me think about the story in mind... If anyone's wanting to know who's comment this is, here it is... From

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So... About my first romance fic... · 9:47am Apr 8th, 2016

It's been three months since I've written my first romance story featuring the three little adorable fillies. Everybody should know who they are by now. So... as the title says that was my first shot into the romance (mostly thanks to a contest which is a part of the reason I'll address soon) It's gotten a decent amount of likes which makes me happy but... there was one comment that made me think about the story in mind... If anyone's wanting to know who's comment this is, here it is... From

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SPOILERS! Mariusioannesp Reviews: "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" · 6:51am Oct 11th, 2015

WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for today’s MLP episode “Crusaders of the Lost Mark.”

Now, without further ado, here is my review of “Crusaders of the Lost Mark.”

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Two part final episodes prediction. · 12:59pm Jun 12th, 2015

My prediction for the final two parter episode would be (in a nutshell), Starlight finds a way to strip every pony in Equestria of their Cutie Marks including all of the Princesses and Mane 6. All are stripped of their cutie marks and have them replaced with the Equal symbol.The episode (part one) ends with ponies and the Princesses bowing down to Starlight (with those creepy smiles) proclaiming her Queen of Equestria. Unless of course you, like three young fillies you don't have a CM, in which

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The Last Crusade was Great · 6:01pm Jun 17th, 2019

The Last Crusade was a great episode. The fact we finally got to meet Scootaloo's parents and aunts was cool. Also, poor Scootaloo in this episode. Her almost having to leave her friends, you cried right along with them. I know I did. Also, Scootaloos parents are basically the Irwins which is kinda cool. That also raises the question, was Scootaloo born in a jungle somewhere? Just curious. The fact she got to stay with her friends in the end was really sweet as they're the only ones that have

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The shipping goggles were strong tonight · 7:06am Dec 28th, 2013

Poor, poor Shady...


New Video · 4:24pm Oct 18th, 2015

My friend Harmonic Sunset and I made a YouTube video discussing our thoughts on Crusaders of the Lost Mark! This was a quick, one-shot unedited discussion video, so please realize that it's not perfect. I am rather new to doing videos like this, even though I made two character analysis videos (that are now deleted... sorry guys). Anyways, here it is!

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 311 results