
Viewing 81 - 100 of 137 results

Working on new chapters · 9:30pm Jan 13th, 2016

Hello, I just wanted to inform everyone that I am working on the next few chapters of Princess Exchange Program, I'm going to try to put them all up near the same time, I wasn't able to post anything for a while because my laptop decided to die, I now have a replacement and am able to do more now than just 2 hours a day at my local library.


The Blog Post You Are All Owed · 3:36am Jun 14th, 2020

Alright First. I am still Alive. My attention has just been very distracted
Secondly, I want to shout out to a few friends that I have been Remiss in talking too.

True Edge - I look forward to what you're planning. Whatever it is. But please don't pull a Jaycren and forget others exist. Not my favorite personality trait.

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To the one who's going around down voting my stuff · 9:06pm Jan 4th, 2020

While I appreciate feedback especially the constructive type what I don't appreciate is someone going around down voting my stuff and not explaining why so to my followers and non followers if you got a problem with me for some reason PM me that reason so that we can talk this out even though it's slightly annoying I'm mostly wondering what I did wrong.


"Me" Time · 4:55am Jun 30th, 2016

For those who have noticed my absence, I will explain myself to you and will answer any questions about the OCA contest as of where it stands and what not.
To start off, the contest is still going on. Part two will be posted eventually. However, I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a while since my audience plays a huge role in my career as a writer.

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Firebird, and My Life - Explained · 4:38pm Nov 20th, 2022

My dear readers,

It's been a while since I uploaded a blog, but after uploading Firebird parts 1 & 2, I decided it was a good time to explain a little more about my life and my situation, which hopefully elucidates as to why my chapters take so long to write and upload.

So, since the 9th of November, I've been happily married for FIVE years, quite the milestone.

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Delta Guardian, and Heart of the Dragon · 12:02am Dec 6th, 2016

Now, there are quite a few things that have been left unexplained with the Delta Guardian reboot. In this blog, I'm gonna be trying to explain everything as best I can.

Firstly, what happened to the world of the original Delta Guardian, and by extent Zinnia?

Well, after a long discussion with the higher-ups of the Displaced group, we've finally pinned down a canon, in-universe fate.


As stated by MidnightChaos herself...

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Announcement · 7:36pm Sep 25th, 2022

No more changing the story pic. Cus seeing that everyone liked that I'm keeping the old thing.

Anyways I also Like to announce that I am in the making of two side midquel stories that are canon to the main story.

(Edit: forgor to add pics)

1st Side story is called: The Overlords Reapers

2nd Side story: A explanation to remember.


"We will ask something of you..." · 7:31pm Mar 27th, 2023

”The International situation is intensifying.”

These words might ring relevant and timely in today’s war-ridden atmosphere, but some might be surprised to learn that they are, in fact, a direct quote from a 1969 movie, from before the time of (what has been locally dubbed) the “System change”, the dismantling of the Soviet one-party state and the introduction of Western democracy to Hungary and less directly the rest of Eastern-Europe.

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Why Beyond Life and Death is STILL in Hiatus. · 1:10am Aug 4th, 2015

Given that I have fans of My Little Pony: Beyond Life and Death now.
I feel obliged to address said fans on just why It's been taking so long to update said story.

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update and slight spoiler...Warning · 12:44am Aug 7th, 2018

So there will probably be an update tonight since for a lot of reason I couldn't update yesterday. Anyway, I figured I should warn my readers that the siren's spell will make some characters OOC, especially since some are in cannon slow to anger (or not likely to act on their anger)
anyway, figured I'd explain why some things will happen later in the story before I just get a bunch of hate mail about it.


What a Marker is and what it does. (Spoilers!) · 4:11am Sep 29th, 2016

Urgent Forewarning: Images linked throughout this information contain extremely graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised.

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The Iron Guard will Return · 4:30am Oct 28th, 2021

So, I’m putting part I on hiatus, due to the incredible lack of support I have and the fact that I really messed up while writing it.
I just wanted to get it done with, rather than having fun with writing - as you can imagine, it’s not exactly worth reading.
Also, all the hype is of Gen5, my story isn’t exactly related to it, so it wouldn’t do too well.

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The “Mechanisms” behind the Deus Big Mac’ina · 3:22pm Aug 15th, 2022

So my first and most recent story, Dash Gets Help from a Deus Big Mac’ina, is actually extracted from a much larger story I’m working on. It picks up immediately after the girls wrap up their time together at the dance.

Deus Big Mac’ina came about as is because of a few factors.

  1. I really wanted to get busy posting something. Preferably something that did a decent job representing how I liked to tell stories.

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That's What They Tell Me · 5:02pm Jun 4th, 2018

During the publishing of "Growing Pains", one particular comment has come up time and again; my decision to refer to Discord as "they". I would like to address my reasons for this here and now, so as to avoid repeating myself further.

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Out With The Old, In With The New · 3:04am Jan 15th, 2016


About "WtW?" · 8:19pm Apr 8th, 2017

A few days ago,I tagged "When's the Wedding?" as complete, despite my intentions to add on to it and update.

I believe I need to explain myself.

While I could say that "life is rough" or "I don't have the time for it," it's not the case. Sure I've had changes to my schedule, but my life still has room for writting stories. And I do, just not for Rumbaloo anymore.

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Upcoming REPAINTED Project + Update · 11:14pm Sep 8th, 2016

Hey everyone, Alucard here just to give you a few messages and just to confirm that I'm not dead or anything.

First of all, I apologise for the lack of updates on 'Tourette's Guy goes to Equestria'. I've had a really hard time trying to figure out how to continue the fic from where the most recent chapter left off mostly because I have a nagging feeling that people won't take a liking to what I come up with compared to the other chapters.

In other words, I'm stuck.

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Delays suck. Here's why they've been happening... · 1:43am Jun 24th, 2018

Okay everyone, I feel like I should explain the recent delays on "Human After All." First, I apologize profusely for the inconsistency with updates. With The Iron Horse, I tried and mostly succeeded at getting a new chapter out every two weeks. I feel really bad to keep you all waiting for chapters, but I do have my reasons. If you want to know them, keep reading after the break.

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An Explanation... · 9:37am Oct 16th, 2020

This has been some time in the making, I must say. I don't know if anyone will even see this. An explanation for my stories on hiatus and/or cancelled. I've been struggling with work, mental health and writers' block for quite a while now. Nobody's fault but my own. My first two stories are, frankly, hot garbage. Steaming, flaming piles of it. Truly it all started when I entered a relationship that... Didn't pan out, and it severely impacted my mental health and willingness/ability to write,

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Sorry for the wait · 7:01pm Apr 28th, 2016

i apologize for the wait but the third chapter for eternal love, life, and death is finally up :pinkiehappy: hope you all enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Viewing 81 - 100 of 137 results