
Viewing 81 - 100 of 241 results

Patreon Update · 3:15am Feb 1st, 2021

As part of a February drive for my Patreon I'm making the Prologue and the first two parts (consisting of about five chapters total) of my novel: Bare Knuckles & Butterflies, open to the public. No subscription necessary, you can read the first five chapters right there on my site. You can find it under the tag BK&B, easiest to just sort from Oldest to Newest if you want to give the story a read and decide if its worth it to join up

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Transformation: Penny, Amber, Albi, G5, and the Nook! · 10:41pm Sep 25th, 2021

It changed the future… and it changed us. It taught us that we have to create the future, or others would do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for one another, because if we don't, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. Mostly though, I think it gave us hope, that there can always be new beginnings… even for people like us.

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Still on semi-hiatus, but... · 4:56am May 21st, 2016

The other night, I got a really good idea for some scenes to add to my KoA fanfic, so I'm going to unpublish the chapters that I plan to work on, and will re-publish them when the edits are done. Currently I'm focusing on making my "Trouble's Waking" and "Bounty Hunter" chapters a bit more dramatic, as well as exploring some of Goldfeather's backstory in those chapters.

I'm not sure when these edits will be done since I'm in class year round, but I'll let you know when I finish them.

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COMPWETED!!!!! · 7:32am Nov 7th, 2017

My NaNoWriMo's first draft novel was completed on the 6th of November with 50,036 words! That's right, I wrote an entire novel in just under a week, what of it?! Evidently my chakras and my zen aligned together to help my muse flow my prose to great heights!

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Sabaton and Firefly · 6:44pm Oct 30th, 2019

I've made no particular secret of the fact that a ponified version of my favorite band--a Swedish metal group who found their niche singing about historical war stories--is taking a direct role in the Firefly story, with avatars for them created in the form of Episilon's earth pony maintenance crew, who hails from the north Equestrian territory of Swheaten. Their songs have already inspired several scenes and I have others lined up for the future,

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Livestream at 3:00 PM Central Today · 4:55pm Aug 19th, 2018

Today, at 3:00 central, I'll be joining Ben Wheeler on his livestream to discuss Jake and the Dynamo.

Keep an eye on my blog, deus ex magical girl, and I'll post the link when I get it.


I'm sure you have all read this... · 1:45am Apr 3rd, 2019

Sometimes everyone needs a little help, today I have contributed to Novel Idea. He and his family are on choppy waters and I believe that he deserves a bit of help. He made his own blog post over here. Though I only have a small circle of readers, if you haven't seen this yes, I encourage you to at least spread the word if not assist yourself. I

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The State of the Novel Address · 8:40am Feb 4th, 2017

As of Feb 3 before midnight, I've published 39,742 words to Sunset Shimmer Goes to Hell. The Pages document source is now at 67,000 words. I project I have about 5,000 more words to write to complete the novel, but who knows? Exciting characters demand to tell their stories, and I've a feeling a couple of the mane six may make cameo appearances.

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New Novel: "Rising World" · 6:35pm Oct 1st, 2021

My novel "Rising World" is available as of today! You can find it here:
It's a fantasy story in which a modern student is sent to another world where he becomes a magic-using engineer... also a fox. Features slice-of-life style, dungeon exploration, divinely imposed game rules, and friendship.


New Novel: "Virtual Horizon" · 3:06pm Mar 25th, 2020

My new science fiction novel "Virtual Horizon" is out! It's about people who "upload" to a virtual game world under the care of a possibly too-nice AI, and about those who don't take her up on the offer. Obviously inspired by "Friendship Is Optimal".

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Feline Fantasies update June 2021: the release of Southern! · 3:19pm Jun 25th, 2021

Hi guys, TAD here back again, once again! It's almost the end of the month, so as always, I bring y'all the update regarding the progress of Feline Fantasies! As most of y'all already know, Southern is officially finished, and so, it's with pride that I can officially announce that the game is done and ready to be played! :D

You can head over here to play the game right now!

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New Group! Looking for submissions! · 9:25pm Sep 24th, 2019

I just started a new group on FimFiction! Check it out below!

We are a group that shares, encourages, and supports our serial novelists here on FimFiction!

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New Novel Available For Free!!! · 4:43pm Aug 23rd, 2019

My new novel is available for free at Smashwords.

You can get Ash and Magic for free here.

I feel I should also mention this story is a sort of re-imagining of one of my earlier fanfictions Equestrian Souls.


NaNoWriMo Part 3; or, National Not Writing Month · 2:21am Nov 17th, 2015

It was another semi-productive week for NaNoWriMo! For the first bit in any case. I reached 14,509 words total, which means I wrote a gross wordcount of 5,371 words over the course of five days, Sunday to Thursday. I was not home from Friday to Sunday night, and so did not get any words written (I was taking part in my yearly bout of wildlife conservation). This week is looking similar, so I'm going to do my best to crunch as many words as possible before I take my leave of the internet.

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Holy Carp, I have followers! · 12:45am Dec 31st, 2016

*cue retroactive stage fright*

I'm really touched, I didn't expect a bit of speculative fanfiction would have been enjoyed by so many folks.

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Pinkamena: The Game! · 5:39pm Jul 31st, 2016


Bones · 3:05am Feb 7th, 2019

Before I say anything let me preface this with a statement warning that this blog will talk about depression and suicide. If that is something your either uncomfortable about or cant handle this is the point that you should stop reading and move on.

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The last chapter of Trixie My Pet. The story is now completed and fully publisehd. · 10:24pm Jan 9th, 2021

The two arc novel has been in writing for more than half a decade.

It started with a prequel:

TAlicorn Princess
Your memories make you who you are. But what’s left of you when they are stolen?
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  71  23 · 2.7k views

Continued with the sequel:

[Adult story embed hidden]

And now it’s finally time to end it all. I give you: The Last Chapter. The story is now complete.


Feline Fantasies general update: May 2021 · 2:45pm May 30th, 2021

Hiya guys, TAD here back again, once again! I hope y'all have been enjoying your weekend so far! It's the end of the month once more, so here I am with another update regarding the game's progress so far! Hold on to your horses (or felines, in this case), because the game is almost around the corner! :D

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When muses strike... · 9:22pm Aug 12th, 2019

I'd like to apologize to some friends for disappearing the last few days. But I had my muse strike and strike hard. The subject? Not one of my regular stories, but instead, the second book of my anthro adult novel series which I'd been neglecting for the past two years. After letting it languish so long, I've sudden written two entire chapters on it in the space of a week. Here's the first book:

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 241 results