
Viewing 1021 - 1040 of 1,400 results

Potential Logo for Equestria Girls: the Empowered World found · 11:48pm Apr 9th, 2016

I'm curious about fan opinion on the matter. Would you be okay with this image being used?


Art evolution (spoilers) · 6:51pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Remember how Statue of Liberty in Manehattan looked back in Cutie Mark Chronicles?

Well, now for some reason it looks like this:

I'm guessing she smiles because she knows what Lyra and Bon Bon did there when Berry Punch took Manehattan two years ago...


It's come to my attention · 6:11am Mar 13th, 2017

So I have sat long and hard on my stories and came to a realization. I have two stories that have no end in sight. Miss Martini and Apple pet

Also I have found myself at a loss on how to wrap up the confusing life. This doesn't mean that I have given up on them. Im just at a weird point.

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My Little Pony Season 7 (Up until like episode 11) · 3:18am May 26th, 2017

I thought I had too many stories going at once. I was popping along doing seven stories. I'd hop between them making a little headway every day. Then I finally finished one. I came back to my story pit and found out that instead of six I now have eleven. How the heck did this happen? Are they breeding? Why are they doing this to me? Am I going to have to neuter them or something?

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Guide: How to deal with a lack of love for your content · 12:06am Jan 12th, 2014

Edit: for those of you reading this from the editorial. The video is from Ckat and is the same as the link to her. The word, however, are the transcript. We both promoted her video and both got on the editorial. Sorry about the duplication.

I recently started a writing focused Youtube channel. Part of this is bringing content from others, and the first video is up. It's about how to deal with a lack of love and recognition for your work.

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DuckKing reviews MLP Part 2: Shipping ahoy and someone has PTSD · 2:53pm Mar 31st, 2018

Just getting ready for the expected meltdown of Tschernomykan

Just getting ready... so Standby

Yeah. All your fans are so ready to read how much you hate another episode of MLP.

I could use something to rant on,

So he finally admits that this is less about hating MLP and rather about just finding something to hate on, so he can't feel as worthless as a human as he is. Dear lord, rant about Gamergate then.

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Minor retcon incoming · 10:28pm Sep 1st, 2018


New Story! · 7:51pm Aug 12th, 2018

Hello everyone! So I knew I said I'd have a new story out next week but turns out I finished it a little early, so here it is!

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My Little Pony: Season 7 (2017) · 9:03pm Jan 8th, 2018

Yesterday I saw someone get plowed into by a semi-truck. Now in this case I mean it was only a partial truck I'm not quite sure what the rest of it was. I'm going to say a vw bug. Anyway I think the guy's soul entered my body and I think he had jock itch and a penchant for curry.

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Results · 12:15am Oct 27th, 2018

The poll is closed and the results are in. I will be writing new chapters to 'Crystal love' because that one got the most votes. Now, I just want to say that I didn't plan on making new chapters because this was supposed to be a one-shot story. But after getting PMed a few times and being asked in the comments if I will be making a sequel or new chapters. I decided to hold a poll and see which one of the two people wanted.

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Story updates · 7:48pm Oct 31st, 2017

The next chapters of OSF, AHSB won't be too much longer. They're just being checked over by my collaborator/proof-reader. The next TWO chapters are done and I'm writing the 16th.

I'm also writing the next chapters of all my other continuing stories.

There should be updates in November.


New chapter updates · 11:49am Aug 25th, 2017

The next chapter I'm going to start soon. There'll be a bit of a time skip and be set during the GGG.

In 'Trojan Pony', I'm planning to publish the 4th chapter later today (or tomorrow).

'Let's Rock 'n' Roll' I'll be publishing the next chapter in the neat future and I've already made a start on the chapter afterwards.

'One Step Forwards, A Huge Shove Backwards' I've already made a start on the next chapter but it'll be a while before it's out.

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"Human After All" Update Delayed (But at least there's a preview!) · 2:35pm Apr 14th, 2018

Yeah, sorry everyone, but I've been feeling a bit under the weather and wasn't happy with some things so I need more time to work on it. Plus, I'd need to give the editing team and illustrator time to do their thing. So, come hell or high water, the next update will be on April 22. Everyone's been really supportive of the new story, and I'd hate to disappoint anyone. Still, to tide everyone over, here's a preview from the upcoming chapter! Enjoy!

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Story updates · 9:37pm Jun 4th, 2018

New chapters are coming along, it's just that work have become short staffed and my hours have picked up as a result. This week I'm doing 40 hours over four days. I'm going to try and finish the next chapter of 'I Treasure Your Love' this week, and the next chapter of One Step Forward is being looked over now by my proof-reader/collaborator.

After I publish the next chapter of ITYL I'll start on Trojan Pony.


MLP Movie Review · 10:31pm Oct 8th, 2017

In a format NEVER done before on YouTube, me, NateZ and our friend Nick talk about about the My Little Pony Movie in a VERY dark car! Professionalism!


Resuming work on Midnight Rising & announcing a new M-rated story by AJ_Aficionado · 7:17pm Feb 18th, 2021

The latter was just released. It was written for a clop challenge issued by the World's Strongest Writer (i.e., the immortal Shakespearicles): He's been offering an Incest is Wincest Found Out February Contest with a $200 top prize.

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Season 2, Week 4 · 11:34am Jun 27th, 2021

This week, we return to the fever dream of Pony Life, which proved more pyretic than usual last week given the misadventures in time and probability space. Let’s see how delirious this assortment gets.

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The Last Laugh/A Friendship is Magic Season 9 Review · 3:47pm Aug 7th, 2019

Hey, paesanos! It's the 'Super Party Pony Super Show'! Cue the music!

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Blog on Updates #6 (The One Where I Start To Number Them) · 4:03am Mar 29th, 2021


Will start posting updates for ALL stories on Saturdays. No point, I feel, in having different update days, and Saturday works best as I can edit and upload at any point in the day. From Monday - Friday and Sunday, I have other real life engagements that prevent such freedom.

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Blog On Updates #12 - The One Where I Pretend The Last Few Months Didn't Happen · 3:03am Sep 9th, 2021

So I'm still not back to writing a consistent amount every day or even week. But we are trudging along. I released the new chapter of Sunny Starscout and the Mystery of Magic, so go check it out if you haven't already. I am also working on finishing the next chapter of Butterflies and Balloons plus finishing my Iron Will clop /

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Viewing 1021 - 1040 of 1,400 results