
Viewing 1021 - 1040 of 1,167 results

Question of the Week #65 · 2:30am Aug 3rd, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week and I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far.

This week I want to talk about a setting idea I have, one that I'm sure some of my friends are tired of hearing about. :rainbowlaugh:

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Whoops, or I Hate Executive Dysfunction and Have a Pathological Need to Burn its House Down and End its Bloodline · 1:18am Aug 27th, 2022

Heyo, uh, sorry for the other absence? I kinda missed my deadline there, so I'll try and be quick with this. I know that people who are invested in my writing are probably wondering: where the hell is he? So I'll make this quick for y'all.

Am I burned out on my pony writing? Or writing in general?


Do I struggle with having difficulty getting time to write?

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Question of the Week #54 · 3:09am Apr 26th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, this is a bit of a complicated question(s) so hopefully some of you will be willing follow along. So, some of you might be aware that I am a personal fan of the Ahuizotl x Mane-iac ship, so much so that I've created pieces of artwork and even a story based around it (feel free to read the story that is tagged to this blog).

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Question of the Week #69 · 2:35am Aug 30th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to our 69th Question of the Week... :ajsmug:

While I would love to have a question revolving around this number... Tragically, I can't think of any. So instead we'll just go onto the other question I have.

So, I've been doing some writing for my Neo Somnambula story/setting and as I've been doing that, something came up and it raised a question.

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SURPRISE HAZBIN HOTEL Q and A! PART 2 · 2:35pm Nov 8th, 2019


Question of the Week #38 · 8:42pm Dec 28th, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week.

This week, the question is: If you were to go to an aquarium with one of your friends, what fish/sea creature would you be the most excited to see/show your friend?

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that you all have a great new year. Until next time, have a wonderful day.

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Question of the Week #128 · 2:31am Nov 1st, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back.

Now let me just... Put this right... Here. :raritywink:

Well, the end of the contest draws nearer and nearer, still there is time to participate if you're interested in writing a cyberpunk mlp story that takes place during/around the holiday of Nightmare Night. The story can take place in MLP Gen 4, Gen 5, Equestria Girls or an alternate dimension/timeline of one of the above. :pinkiehappy:

There are prizes of course.

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Question of the Week #130 · 3:45am Nov 15th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back.

So, the deadline for the Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest has been extended to Dec 1st. Please check it out. :fluttercry:

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"A Guide to Herd Dynamics" Under Construction and Questions · 3:50am Dec 28th, 2017

Once again, playing the bullshit game with my readers.... if I still have any. In either case, more work will be done on 'AGHD.' Mostly minor changes and cleaner, smoother flow. Also, as he's gained more of a personality, I've realized I've made him too 'dense' without actually giving clues as to WHY he's acting this way. So, yeah, that should make it more interesting as well as add more pony flavor to what's essentially become human MLP with cosmetic changes. Hopefully this will get me off my

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Question of the Week #141 · 3:37am February 7th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

So, this week's question but be a bit of an odd one. As many of you know, I am working on a DnD 5e setting to DM for my friends in a Saturday game. Initially I had tried to learn the VtM 5e rules but just lacked the time and couldn't find the motivation when I did, so I decided to run a DnD game instead, while giving my players access to some stats that could allow them to feel like vampires if they so choose.

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Question of the Week #102 · 2:35am Apr 19th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Man I'm frustrated. I have an old, original xbox that I'm trying to clean up and sell, but I try starting it up and I'm having so many troubles. The cd tray won't open and the despite being all plugged in, the video output isn't working either.

Such a pain. :twilightangry2:

Well, one project I'm working on, is trying to get Zone 15 to a point where I can upload it. One of the things I am doing is writing another chapter.

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Question of the Week #145 · 4:09am March 12th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, at work I used a dye grinder and my hand has been numb since last Friday. On the flip side, I'm going to Hawaii and I'm excited.

Now I wanted to talk about a future project I am working on. As many of you know, I am wanting to at some point step away from writing fanfiction and start writing my own original stories, which is kind of what I wanted to talk about today. :pinkiesmile:

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Question of the Week #137 · 6:20am January 4th

Hello everyone and welcome back to another question of the week.

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Question of the Week #108 · 2:30am May 31st, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Now let's just start off with saying that there are 3(ish) days left until the Cyberpunk Story Contest ends. There is currently 7 stories in the contest (which is awesome by the way), but if your story is complete I'd love to see it enter the contest. :pinkiesmile:

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Online ANS-C01 Practice Test - Free 90 Days Free Updates · 9:37am Oct 20th, 2022

Amazonawsdumps is the ultimate solution for all your ANS-C01 exam-related questions and issues. Their expert team of IT professionals carefully craft each and every question answer set for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam. Those who purchased our ANS-C01 Dumps are fully satisfied and achieve their AWS Certified Specialty certificate on the first go. When you purchased ANS-C01 Exam Study Guide from

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Does Anybody Remember These Fools? · 2:49pm Aug 16th, 2015

I used to LOVE Reno 911 a few years back. So did my mom, so I'd watch it with her... Because I love her and I'm a mama's boy, you got a problem with that?

Anyway, does anybody else remember watching this show? Please tell me I'm not on a lonely island here.


So there's kind of this big thing happening today... · 7:46pm Mar 4th, 2017

For those who do not know, HaHcon is, in their words:

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FAQ · 1:50am Mar 30th, 2016

Author/Fan/Random Citizen: Epicken! I got a question!

Epicken: Well sure! Wanna follow your bestest buddy editor while you're at it?

Man/Woman/Child: Nah, I'm good.

Epicken: Oh, okay.

Poor editors, never getting credit...


Q: How did you join the fandom?

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hello · 1:11am Feb 3rd, 2017

I figured I would take to you when I dont feel like crap.
Here is a thought! ask me some questions in the comments section. Nothing sexual, you pervs.


A hard question for ALL my readers · 8:41pm Oct 30th, 2019

Okay, guys. I have a serious question to ask all of you. Are you enjoying A Tale of Two Suns Book 2? And more importantly: Do you want me to continue?

I know people have favorited it, and liked it, but here’s the thing: I published the latest chapter more than a month ago, and on the day that I published it, the response I got was lukewarm at best.

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Viewing 1021 - 1040 of 1,167 results