
Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,470 results

Paul's Monday Reviews XV · 6:25pm Jun 8th, 2015

This was a difficult week for reading, and it also holds the record for the most number of words read in a week for these reviews. Even stretching the reading period to encompass an extra two days, I was still reading around 24,000 words a day. While I don't mind doing a lot of reading, it does make it tricky to keep up with my schedule. With this in mind, I've decided that from now on if any reading set for a week exceeds 200,000 words then my reviews will come out on Tuesday instead of Monday

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Possible Story Idea · 5:17pm Jul 1st, 2018

Okay, this is probably one of those ideas that I'll never go through with, but I would like to hear your thoughts on nonetheless. Ever since the introduction of Kamen Riders into the Wild Access universe, no thanks to the support of Shagohad and Thunderclap, I always wanted to try my hand at writing a pure Kamen Rider story, not Riders just teaming up with Rangers and being pushed to the side more often than not. So, late last night, this sorta came up.

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Story pace: your thoughts? · 2:33am Jul 30th, 2016

So, I have a question for everypony. I wanted to ask what pace you want me to put my stories out. Do you want me to put one out, focus on that one till its finished, then go onto another? Or, would you like me to put out multiple at once? You decide my friends:twilightsmile:

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SEO is Magic and statistical inferences @0200 · 7:45am Mar 1st, 2016

So, Permutator made a blog post explaining he's giving up a chance to post something on 2/29 because he gets more hits if he posts at 0800PST. And so I decided to spin up a theory on why that might be instead of sleeping.

And now I'm immortalizing my rambling here for future reference.


0800PST? Now why would that be?

That's 1100 EST ... hmmm. Lunch. Its gotta be lunch.

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Endings are Finito · 1:51am Nov 23rd, 2019

Results are often the boring part of an endeavor: they signify an end. The culmination of work, time, effort, and planning. Yet, once you arrive at the results it is over. What do you do next? Listen to the world provide you feedback? What for? So you can begin your next journey towards a result.
Another Journey.
Another Wait.
Another one.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Bounce · 9:58pm Sep 27th, 2019

We bounce, between the real and the unreal, between the worlds nourished by unconcsious and those fed the impressions we decypher from the world at large. Clockworks threading towards their chime, is never heard. Every other tick, is mystery, every other tock, is waking. A blend of the natural and unreal. Yet, to a clock, all seconds chime the same.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Dark days of dready meetings · 12:30am Dec 22nd, 2018

Tens of times have we met on the road,
each time we averted our gaze,
who has eyes for those going backwards?

Wish you a Happy Filthy Friday.


A void opens up, a door to new possiblities · 11:36pm Mar 15th, 2019

Life is not a road. It is not a linear path to travel down, despite an uncountable myriad possibilities lay nestled between each edge of the path. We do not walk the road, we have been to every part of it, and yet experiencing it for the first time. We craft our own understating of reality through the lens of our ones perspective, a perspective molded by ourselves, and tinted by communion, relations, experiencing, the collective minds blotting out enough of the world that the negative space

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Rummaging for Maturity · 10:57pm Mar 25th, 2022

There are few's judgement which affects me more than my own. In the moment, that feels odd to claim. To some extent, the judgement imposed on me from others shapes the person that I am, to whatever extent I deem to listen to it. Though, that is just it, isn't it? In the end I am arbiter of my own judgement, of what I take to heart. What sticks. In addition, it is responsible for how I weigh my own shortcomings, and how long they remain, and remind. I have the greatest effect on myself, for in

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Time Measurements · 10:23pm Apr 22nd, 2022

How much excitement is your time worth? If an experience brought you less excitement than it has done in the past, is it worth less to you? What if you did it with someone else? How much is their excitement, worth in terms of your time? Had you spent your resources elsewhere, and gained further satisfaction and excitement alone, was your time better spent? Each other person, surely does the same, so should each care only for their own investments?

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Vacant days, odd times · 1:00am Mar 23rd, 2019

Long nights and cool stars, the sounds of road frogs croaking, time passes us by and through it we venture. Some steps you have cherish, the ones you enjoyed the most, for their mark on you is fleeting, and on the road even more so.
It is the memory that entertains the goodwill of those steps, even if by time the memories erode and reshape. It does not matter if the step you remember were in reality as great as you conceived, all that matters is what it means to you.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Days of Dusks and nights of nought · 12:57am Nov 17th, 2018

What trouble us can easily stack up, and when you have your gaze aimed forwards, you miss the luggage which weigh you down. However, many of us know it is there, we simply tell ourselves that we can handle it.
For some weights this is true, but if we use the excuse enough, soon we pick up and carry everything, unable to leave any worries behind us.
Acknowledge your weights, and they can be lifted.

Wish you all a Fun Filthy Friday~.


New SotS Story with Genshin, Updates, Plans for the new year! · 7:36pm Jan 4th, 2022

This is gonna be a long blog, I can tell, but let's get right to it. First, the new story in the SotS multiverse!

Facets of Fate

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Those Moments We Cling To · 11:24pm Jan 14th, 2022

There is a pleasure to action, a thrill and eager to achieve, doubt and uncertainty in the moment, followed by a grand elation upon its success.
Yet, I find myself treasuring, inaction. There is a luxury to allow yourself respite. Perhaps savouring an anticipation, for something waiting ahead. In those moments, where I have done nothing, and not required to do anything, have I been happy?
Or, do I cherish nothing, all the more, when there is something else, that should be done?

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Ancient Relation · 11:05pm Jan 7th, 2022

What if I existed in place of one of my fore mothers? How would the sensations I feel today, translate to that of a creature in the dawn of life? Minds, senses, and out interpretation of ourselves in the whole of the world has changed dramatically again and again. What of me, as I am now, would exist back then? Perhaps, only the basics. Perhaps, some aspects only coincide tangentially to what I might have experienced. Perhaps, nothing.

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Hope in a world of opposition · 8:17pm Sep 16th, 2022

Sometimes, despite doing all I can, the result is the same. Sometimes, despite all the resistance I put up, the opposition makes it through. In those times, my thoughts stray towards capitulation. There is little you can do to resist the forces out of my control.
Or, is there?
Thinking there is nothing one can do, breeds an ill behavior within me. And I think back to what I heard long ago: The bravest are those who know the odds are impossible, and still try.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Moon Beams Tonight · 2:15am Jul 13th, 2019

This week, we continue with the chronicles of the unfortunate Changeling, though this time, they are going on new ventures. Another chapter opens, and we will see what fate he shall be lead to.

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Experience of Time · 12:27am Mar 30th, 2019

Years become like days, as we traverse our paths. For each steps allows us to experience, and reflect upon all previous. Our journey becomes longer, and with it, our experience of it shrinks. An hour was a day, but now it is but a minute, a gradual change constant through our existence.
This awareness begets wisdom, a spark we cherish, and pass on for the future travelers.

Happy Filthy Friday, enjoy a scillitant weekend~.


Friday nighting · 10:31pm Jan 13th, 2023

When answering a question, take heed to consider if the answer you are providing is merely a recital, a regurgitation of what you have heard previously, what you have been told previously. And what importance does it serve? What can your personally add to it?
Or, what are you already adding, superfluously...

Happy Filthy Friday the 13th~.


The year is not new anymore. · 11:57pm Jan 20th, 2023

Memory of pain differs so from the pain in the moment, a memory can amplify the hurt, can make it more meaningful in the living now. But, as memory fade, so eventually does the pain. We can tell ourselves it still hurts, though at some point, we just have ourselves, telling us we remember it. Those who can get through their pain, that is.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,470 results