
Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,340 results

Chapter 30 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 9:08am Aug 25th, 2017

The final chapter of White Raven is finally finally done. Phew. It took forever to wrap up all the plot points in this story. Hard to believe I was able to get this far. Thank you to my faithful viewer for sticking with this silly story of mine. It had some ups and downs and some parts I am unsure of, but I am overall happy with how the story turned out. This chapter is one of my favorites. I love writing Luna and Trixie interacting with each other. I feel they learn a lot from each other. I am

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Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy are coming to the big screen after all! · 7:59pm Mar 28th, 2017


Nights In Pink Velvet - Act 1 Complete! Some Announcements and a Teaser. · 9:48pm Feb 11th, 2018


The epilogue of Galaxy Rangers: The White Raven is done! · 3:06am Sep 1st, 2017

White Raven is finally finished! I'm so happy. I honestly thought I wouldn't get this far. More Galaxy Rangers is to come! Next will be a Lyra/Bon Bon side story. I am still not sure how many more side stories I want to do before part 3. I am thinking about doing a short one about Luna, but it is still in the rough planning stages. I also have an idea for one about Moondancer(Who is totally not Zizanie in disguise), but I am worried about it being too similar to

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Story Notes, Labor Day, plus a challenge to readers · 3:53am Sep 3rd, 2019

Happy Labor Day, Y’all!


Here in Americaland, we set aside the first Monday in September to celebrate the working mare man. Also in Canada, incidentally; much of the rest of the world celebrates on May 1.

It’s no coincidence that all four of the stories I published over the weekend feature working mares and stallions.

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NEW STORY AHHHHH · 4:01am Oct 7th, 2018

There will be a more coherent, organised, and interesting blog tomorrow, detailing actual stuff about this story, it's creative process, and my future plans.

But for now, it's 4:50 AM, I finished this with like an hour to go, and I'm on some kind of caffeine/adrenaline high right now.

So I will just say this: I have finally published a new story. Please go read it, and tell me how much you love it or hate it. Either is good, as long as you actually read it.

...Time for bed.


Firefly chapter down, Firefly chapter upcoming; implications for Feathered Hearts · 5:30pm Jun 1st, 2022

I’m pleased to say the latest Firefly chapter was very well-received, so I’m going to officially say that I did Denim_Blue’s changeling lore and characters proud. Queen Lepidoptes has basically turned into the anti-Chrysalis as far as Changeling Queens go, so I’m now making plans to bring her descendant-led hive into Feathered Hearts.

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Roommates: Memoirs of the Hairless Ape · 9:35am Nov 22nd, 2017


Paul's Thursday Reviews CIX · 9:10pm Mar 22nd, 2018

Well, that was unexpected. Somehow, Good Morning, Cookie has managed to get into the Feature Box for the last… 48 hours? Something like that. I was not expecting this at all. The only reason I published it was because I wanted to maintain my ongoing ‘one story published per month’ streak. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, it’s just interesting. Mayhap more of my short stories will end up there.

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Eros in prereads; upcoming writing schedule + question for C&C readers · 3:55pm May 3rd, 2022

With Eros now scheduled for a Thursday night release, Harmonic Resonance is on deck, featuring Gilda’s favorite filly. And I believe after that, I’m going to grind out three straight chapters of Firefly to keep my promise of getting six out by summer, with possibly one chapter of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles thrown in the mix.

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Signal Boost and a bonus! · 11:45pm Nov 1st, 2022

Posting this a day late . . . why should Halloween only be one day, huh? Who doesn't love ponies in costumes?


I present to you a new Not-A-Contest submission:

ECostume Contest
Another year has passed, and Halloween has rolled around once more. Last year I took ponies to a trunk-or-treat. This year I'm hosting a costume contest.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 8.3k words · 377 views

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The Changeling at Fly Leaf's · 8:01pm Oct 26th, 2022

So you know how I had said I wouldn't be writing a sequel to "Grief is the Price We Pay?"

Well, I'd argue that is still the case, because in terms of continuity this is, technically, not a sequel. :raritywink:

EThe Changeling at Fly Leaf's
A certain two employees at Fly Leaf's Books and Stationery decide to pull a Nightmare Night prank on their competitor.
Scyphi · 7.6k words  ·  60  4 · 1.1k views

... · 9:07pm Sep 24th, 2015

Little tired child, it's time for bed

Time for you to rest your head

And dream of things nice and good

As I dry you of all your blood

Dream of puppies with yummy bones

And listen not to my haunting moans

So go little one, and lay down to sleep

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Dragonjek's Recommendations #4 · 5:29pm Oct 8th, 2015


I know it's, like, two months away BUT-- · 10:53pm Aug 30th, 2015

Halloween is coming up, guys. Tumblr is just barely holding back as is; the moment it turns to September 1st, chaos will ensue with spooky gifs and scary skeletons that are raving in graveyards. It will only grow worse as September turns to October, often referred to "Halloween Month".

That is why I am preparing you all for the coming holiday.

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Chapter 10 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 4:57am Nov 23rd, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 10 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. This is one of my favorite chapters. I admit that maybe I didn't make Trixie broken up enough about losing her horn, so I hope this chapter can fix that. I really wish I had the opportunity to introduce Sleuth and Twilight in the story sooner. Since they are such important characters in the story after all. I just couldn't find the right moment to do so. Oh well. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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F/F/T3K15 10/22: Belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve. · 2:54am Oct 23rd, 2017

So our spoopy story is concluded. Christ almighty, how does the FNAF fandom still have this much traction...

Speaking of traction, "Unstable Unicorns: Believe in Steven" by Daiquiri-kin Mycaruba is now on part FIVE. Good luck, those of you who have stubbornly trudged through this.


Chapter 13 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 6:42am Dec 29th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 13 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I've wanting to bring Fluttershy properly into the story for awhile. She's a mix of canon Flutters and Lunaverse Flutters. Shyer than canon, but not enough that it's debilitating. I like having the original Mane 6 appear in the background or have small supporting roles. Though I do admit they are more like their canon versions then the Lunaverse ones. I never really liked the level of hostility between the Luna 6

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Chapter 15 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 10:16am Jan 15th, 2017

Hey guys. Chapter 15 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. Writing Zecora is so hard! Constant rhyming is so difficult and annoying to write. No wonder she barely shows up in the show. Usually when she appears in the story, I write a general idea of what I want her to say then some back later and contrive a rhyme for her later. I use a rhyme generator to help me out. It makes it a little easier. Still, not fun. Anyway, I hope you enjoy

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Another new Firefly chapter out this week - teaser included · 1:47am Jun 6th, 2022

Every once in a while, your muse kicks in, and then you get on this writing roll and can’t stop. Today was a such a day, as I took my new Firefly chapter from 1600 words all the way to draft complete at 9300 words. So at this point, you can expect it to launch by midweek and probably be in the neighborhood of 10.5k words after all prereads are in and all my editing passes are complete. As this is the fifth of six promised chapters by summer, this also means there should be no issue with

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Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,340 results