
Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,470 results

My Thoughts on "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" · 9:57pm Oct 10th, 2015

Thoughts, spoilers, wow, Jesus Baby Christ, this week's episode, Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Spoilers. You've been warned.

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My Interpertation · 3:45pm Oct 12th, 2015

My interpretation of the CMC's new Cutie Marks:

While all three have the same BASE mark, each has a unique symbol relating to them. Applebloom and Apple, Scootaloo a lightning bolt, and Sweetie Belle a song note.

I believe this shows while all three have VERY SIMILAR base talents, ultimately it's not the SAME talent, merely like Flim and Flam they have talents that work best when combined.

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Mistletrapped - Chapter 5 is up · 8:33pm Oct 16th, 2015

At long last, after all these years months...

Yes, that's right! Another chapter of Mistletrapped!

And better still, I have the remainder of the story written up and mostly edited; my plan is to post the final chapter and the epilogue within the next few days.

Until then, I hope you enjoy!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this story:

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The Dark Crystal — My Thoughts · 5:11pm Aug 20th, 2015

I have no idea what just happened, but it was a very pretty one and a half hour mind-fuck. :applejackconfused:

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Monster's Curse · 5:13am Jul 4th, 2015

Hey everyone out there in poneland.

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. Been busy with a bunch of stuffs. One of which is the awesome Choose Your Own Adventure style fic: Monster's Curse by the talented Jumbled Thought.

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A quick discussion about today's episode · 6:06pm Nov 28th, 2015


The Secret Code Solution Revealed! · 11:22pm Jan 31st, 2016

Well, the new chapter is up and unfortunately nobody found the correct solution to the secret code I've been posting. :fluttershysad: I intended it to be difficult, but I hadn't counted on it being so tough that nobody would get it. Anyway, if you haven't read the latest chapter of The Iron Horse, "Technologic, Part 4," then the rest of this post is a spoiler. Proceed at your own risk!

Okay, so here, once again, is the code:

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UniqueSKD Needs YOU (the person reading this blog post) To Help Him With His Christmas Animation! · 6:32pm Oct 22nd, 2016

So I'm going to be getting a start on my Christmas animation after Halloween has come and gone, and so before Halloween arrives I want to get to work drafting up some ideas for what my Christmas animation will be. However, I've got a few ideas for what I want to do, but I don't know if they would be good enough to be worth anyone's attention. So what I thought I will do is put one or two of the ideas I've had in my head for the past week in this blog post, and see what you guys and gals think

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[FMP] Thoughts On: Crossover vs. Adaptation · 11:03am Mar 6th, 2016

I.....think the writing is good. However, my preferences for crossovers do not lend themselves into putting characters in the shoes of another...I am not a huge fan of having Twilight take Edward's job.

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Pony Thoughts: The Crystalling Parts 1 & 2 · 12:46am Mar 27th, 2016

Well season 6 is officially underway and so is Pony Thoughts. Here are my initial thoughts, feelings, and QUESTIONS on the opening two parter.


Extra Thoughts on "What Remains of the Chaos King" · 12:20am Jun 3rd, 2017

So I'm not gonna lie. I really liked that story. It was something different at the time and something I had in my head for a while. It was also a complete "shrug and fuck it" story. Meaning it wasn't cute, or clop, or straight out comedy. (The three-Cs of this site.)

Other recent "shrug and fuck it" stories would include:

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All Bottled Up, various thoughts · 7:38pm Apr 15th, 2017

It seems like for now we're back the daily lives of ponies and related parties. As such, we'll be getting sweet moments. Full disclosure; this one had some questionable choices that I don't really appreciate, but it's a suitable counterpart to the previous part. I've some few thoughts for now.

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still thinking · 7:15am Oct 8th, 2016

if a character in a game were self aware, wouldn't that just be a self-fufilling existence? They know exactly why they exist, and they have the ability to achieve their purpose, so imagine how content they would be, as something that will be able to do the job that only it can do. Then consider a really bad game, like Sonic '06; imagine the pain of knowing that the you are doing a bad job as a character, would you fix it and risk not fufilling your known purpose in life, or would you keep doing

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Forgotten Friendship EqG airing this Saturday · 10:57pm Feb 15th, 2018

So, I hope everybody had a good day yesterday. Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback so far on the new chapter of A Tale of Two Suns. As it stands, I was taking today as a sort of rest day. Posting new chapters is usually pretty tiring for me, yesterday being no exception between the posts and the corrections I made.

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Paul's Monday Reviews XV · 6:25pm Jun 8th, 2015

This was a difficult week for reading, and it also holds the record for the most number of words read in a week for these reviews. Even stretching the reading period to encompass an extra two days, I was still reading around 24,000 words a day. While I don't mind doing a lot of reading, it does make it tricky to keep up with my schedule. With this in mind, I've decided that from now on if any reading set for a week exceeds 200,000 words then my reviews will come out on Tuesday instead of Monday

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Possible Story Idea · 5:17pm Jul 1st, 2018

Okay, this is probably one of those ideas that I'll never go through with, but I would like to hear your thoughts on nonetheless. Ever since the introduction of Kamen Riders into the Wild Access universe, no thanks to the support of Shagohad and Thunderclap, I always wanted to try my hand at writing a pure Kamen Rider story, not Riders just teaming up with Rangers and being pushed to the side more often than not. So, late last night, this sorta came up.

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Story pace: your thoughts? · 2:33am Jul 30th, 2016

So, I have a question for everypony. I wanted to ask what pace you want me to put my stories out. Do you want me to put one out, focus on that one till its finished, then go onto another? Or, would you like me to put out multiple at once? You decide my friends:twilightsmile:

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SEO is Magic and statistical inferences @0200 · 7:45am Mar 1st, 2016

So, Permutator made a blog post explaining he's giving up a chance to post something on 2/29 because he gets more hits if he posts at 0800PST. And so I decided to spin up a theory on why that might be instead of sleeping.

And now I'm immortalizing my rambling here for future reference.


0800PST? Now why would that be?

That's 1100 EST ... hmmm. Lunch. Its gotta be lunch.

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Endings are Finito · 1:51am Nov 23rd, 2019

Results are often the boring part of an endeavor: they signify an end. The culmination of work, time, effort, and planning. Yet, once you arrive at the results it is over. What do you do next? Listen to the world provide you feedback? What for? So you can begin your next journey towards a result.
Another Journey.
Another Wait.
Another one.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Bounce · 9:58pm Sep 27th, 2019

We bounce, between the real and the unreal, between the worlds nourished by unconcsious and those fed the impressions we decypher from the world at large. Clockworks threading towards their chime, is never heard. Every other tick, is mystery, every other tock, is waking. A blend of the natural and unreal. Yet, to a clock, all seconds chime the same.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 1141 - 1160 of 1,470 results