
Viewing 101 - 120 of 311 results

My Reaction to "Surf and/or Turf" · 4:30pm Apr 21st, 2018

YAY! Another CMC episode! And it takes place in an area we visited in the movie! I have high expectations for this!

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Descent · 2:10pm Jan 5th, 2019

We left our distressed filly in the middle of the adventure at the lake. Will the CMC mission be a success? Find out in the latest chapter of

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  180  45 · 6.8k views

Chrysalis: Saviour of Time Chapter 14 · 11:18pm Sep 14th, 2019

AKA: Sticks and Stones. Actual discussion with spoilers and all after the page break.

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On Your Marks · 11:52pm Apr 26th, 2016

It took over two weeks, but I finally figured out something interesting to say about this episode. The overall bronalysis reaction to this episode (well, the half dozen or so that I've seen anyway) all appear to agree: this episode is a good follow-up to "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" but otherwise is a bit forgettable.

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My Review of MLP: FIM season 9 episode 12 The Last Crusade · 6:50pm Aug 19th, 2020

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)

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Story Idea: The Cutie Mark Crusaders meet... The Cutie Mark Crusaders?! · 4:56am Jun 24th, 2022

I've had this story idea in my brain for a couple of nights now, so I wanted to get it off my chest to see what people think of it.

The Premise: What would happen if the EG versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were to meet their pony counterparts?

I mean, there's a lot of ways one could tackle this premise:

  • Where would they meet up?
  • What would be the catalyst behind their encounter?
  • Why would they meet?
  • What would they talk about?
  • And so on...

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On this day, 7 years ago... · 4:17pm Apr 9th, 2023

On Your Marks, the fourth episode of Season Six was originally aired on April 9, 2016.

In this episode, the Cutie Mark Crusaders struggle with the question of what's next after receiving their cutie marks.

It also features the song, Out On My Own, which is the first song of season six and marks Apple Bloom's first solo in the series.

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Kick the Can · 12:27pm Dec 12th, 2022

Games ponies play, for day 9 of the NATG IV in 2014. CMC playing Kick the Can, based on this:

Przewalski (chevvalski) wild horses kicking the box. Except they also stomp and rip the box to shreds as that too is part of the fun.

Report Frith · 74 views · #NATG #NATG IV #art #CMC #real horse

Keeping it up... · 9:19am Jan 13th, 2018

Hi to eveypony that's following my stories. I have another chapter of 'A Long Way Away From Home' to post, and I'm working on Five Score as well. Several other stories I'm adding to as Ideas crop up will probably never be seen for a very long time, but don't despair. I'm still working on my three active stories, and I will try to complete them before really starting anything new. I don't want to put anything on Hiatus if I dn't have to, as i know that getting started on something you stop can

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Joy to the world. · 2:47pm Nov 17th, 2019

Well well well.

Christmas is around the corner, well almost. All around I hear songs and see decorations, impossible not to get in the mood a little.

And so, with my Joker story done, I think I will make a new hobby story, something small and I can write on whenever I want. A Christmas themed one!

Involving the CMCs and a pony version of Santa!

That will be fun :trollestia:


On this day, 5 years ago... · 9:32am Apr 21st, 2023

Surf and/or Turf, the sixth episode of Season Eight was originally aired on April 21, 2018.

In this episode, the Cutie Mark Crusaders get sent by the Cutie Map to Mount Aris to help a young Hippogriff figure out where he belongs.

It also features the song, Your Heart Is In Two Places.

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Realization of destiny. · 6:20pm Sep 5th, 2016

Just realized something: that precocious trio of tricky troublemakers are going to play a MASSIVE part in New Tricks, and I didn't shoot them.


I meant that I didn't TAG them. Sorry. My brain decided to quit on me for a second there.

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Report Will · 229 views · #talk #CMC #wut #brain #social anxiety #fear

Comic: Tiara's Got Connections · 3:46pm Nov 22nd, 2015


Story Ideas and Updates · 6:21am Nov 9th, 2015

So I updated SETA today. The current segment will last another one or two chapters, then I can move on to the next set of characters. The writing pace for this will probably be slow-burning.

Some of the other ideas I have, some of a one-shot nature, others not...

Dust in the Wind

One-shot. Following 'Tanks for the Memories', Lightning Dust confronts and comforts Rainbow Dash. Part call-out fic, part friendship fic.

Maud Pie is Evil

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I'm blown away! (Warning: SPOILERS!) · 3:53pm Oct 13th, 2015

Last night, I finally got around to watching the latest episode of MLP, and I'm blown away!


1. Diamond Tiara is reformed, so I don't hate her anymore
2. The CMC finally got their cutie marks
3. This reminded me alot of the episode where Twilight is converted into an alicorn princess

Everything about this episode was absolutely beautiful! Keep it up, Hasbro! You are doing an excellent job of blowing us bronys and pegasisters away!


So, Umm... · 4:08am Sep 9th, 2016

I guess I can still write when I put my mind to it:

The Cutie Mark Crusaders Fly Delta Airlines: Chapter Tres

And now it's time to put my mind to even more writing, specifically a certain story that's been neglected for FAR too long:
Yeah, THAT monstrosity

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Pony Town · 11:38pm May 24th, 2017

No clue why I just did this, except that Lucky just told me about an amazing game. Quite simple game, really. More of a hub world... but maybe I'm just not familiar enough with it yet.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 387 views · #mlp #pony #town #oc #cmc #skyblue #pegasus

Miss Koi's Collab Review on "On Your Marks" · 9:59pm Apr 9th, 2016

Missy: Greetings Everypony!:D And welcome to another new episode Saturday review of MLP Season 6:) Once again, I’m doing a collab review with a friend; BUT this time, I’m reviewing with a friend that I haven’t done a collab review with. Please welcome InkQuill:D! Thanks for joining us Quill. Since you’re a guest on my channel, you get the pleasure of going first and telling us your first impressions and your score for today’s episode.

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If you hadn't noticed, I have a new story out. · 1:19am Dec 27th, 2017

It's about a gay horseOC being totally in love with another OC, and the CMC helps the first dude get the second dude.

And then shenanigans. woo

check it out


there's already two chapters.


CMC Shipping · 8:26pm Nov 10th, 2015

Am I the only one who wants to see a fanfiction featuring the CMC in a polyamorous relationship? Because I feel like there is a severe lack of that here. I've seen stories with Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo x Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle x Apple Bloom, but I don't think I've ever come across a CMC polyamory story. Maybe once, but I'm not really sure. I don't even really ship it (much), I just think it would be interesting to read.

Until next time,
Some Random Brony Online

Viewing 101 - 120 of 311 results