
Viewing 101 - 120 of 241 results

Things You Missed in Doki Doki Literature Club · 11:57am May 1st, 2019


In the aftermath of Monsters · 5:12pm Oct 31st, 2015

You know, I've been sitting here for a while, looking at the blank blog page, trying to come up with something to say. It's strange; it's like I have so much to say, yet so little. This blog will be a bit rambly (which is probably what you'd come to expect if you've been following my blogs), so apologies for that. Hit the break if you want to hear (well, read) me talk about Monsters and what went into its creation, as well as my plans for the future.

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NaNoWriMo Part 5; or, The Last Push · 2:46am Dec 1st, 2015

This is it, folks. The final day of NaNoWriMo, the day where your word-count stands in judgment over you. What does mine say?

"Eh, good job buddy. Better luck next year."

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World Building Natter for my Original Novel · 3:43pm Jun 1st, 2018

I've been distracted by my original novel lately. Nearly done with the third draft! No idea what I'm doing with it when I'm done.

My Enormous Yarazahn

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Original book/graphic novel in progress · 7:47pm Jul 28th, 2018

On the second draft of Year Zero right now. My pony OCs show up as Plush Toys attached to one of the main characters' dual wield weapons.


Future idea · 3:37pm Mar 8th, 2020

So a future book idea, that i might write after this monsterotica hear me out.

It's modern-day, and a virus has taken over attacking humanity (Call it the Konus Virus) so the idea was that while a group of scientist, goes off and tries to find a cure cause its getting out of control they freeze a group of humans so that if they fail and humanity dies they can awaken a thousand years later where the virus would be dead and they can bring humanity back from the brink.

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MLP/Transformers crossover graphic novel coming in November! · 10:01am Feb 7th, 2020


...two of my favourite franchises...

...finally meet.

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Epilogue for Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul - My novel is now complete · 9:36pm Sep 7th, 2019

It’s been quite a ride since the first draft. The idea for this story is what brought me to this site. It’s been over 6 years ago when the first chapter was published. Much paper was spent on this story from then to now to make the story what it is today:

(this is an actual picture of some of my notes for this novel)

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Feline Fantasies general update February 2021 · 10:52am Feb 27th, 2021

Hi guys, welcome back! From now on, at the end of the month, I've decided to create a general update for y'all so everybody can keep up with the progress of Feline Fantasies! But, if you want to support the game and get access to all of the art already and you are not yet my Patron, please consider supporting us! All of the support 100% goes to the development of this game! :3

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A Guide to Classic Who Audiobooks and Collections · 10:16pm June 11th

Classic Who audiobooks. These are a vital element of the fandom. Put out by the BBC, these are readings of the novelizations, mixed in with a few sound effects and little bits of music. Often read by Doctor Who actors, they are always a high quality production.

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SunLight Sliders Collaboration · 7:11pm Jan 28th, 2017

Heya folks! Novel Idea recently put together a collaboration project featuring everyones favorite ponies, (Princess) Twilight and Sunset. It starts with them building a portal to traverse the multiverse, and each author does a short chapter following their zany adventures before it gets passed on to the next.

I signed up to participate, and as of Chapter 10, my own entry is out!

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NaNoWriMo Hiatus Begins · 8:05am Nov 3rd, 2016

Okay, I'm not changing the story status because, frankly, I've gone far longer between updates without changing it before, but Legacy is going on hiatus for a month or so. Maybe six weeks at worst. The reason? National novel Writing Month.

That was the bad news.

The good news is, my NNWM project is Legacy.

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Movie Review: The 5th Wave (WARNING: SOME SPOILERS) · 9:44pm Feb 18th, 2016

Hey everyone, I'm back with another movie review!

I just got back from the theater, seeing none other than The 5th Wave, another movie I've anticipated for a while. I'm so happy I got to see it, knowing today was the last day it is showing here, and probably everywhere.

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Random Game Review: Everlasting Summer · 10:36pm May 7th, 2016

I've reviewed Katawa Shoujo when I played that one, so it's only fair I do the same for what is, in spirit, its Russian counterpart. Like KS, it's completely free, though ES does require Steam (though their slightly older versions can still be found from the official torrent distributions if you look around a bit through some probably-Russian blogs of the creators)

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Dark Fantasy Series · 6:03am May 29th, 2019

So, for those who haven't caught on, I've been branching out from the Pony fanfiction lately to start working on some Dark Fantasy Novellas under the series title of Tales from a World Corrupted. It's set on a planet that's been ruined by magic and the ways people abuse it, and it's got some wacky races too, including talking horses. I'm also working on a tabletop game set in that setting, which will hopefully have some starter material as well as a video series starting in June. As

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Parody of the flag of China · 12:29pm Jan 31st, 2020

As you may or may not know, the novel Coronavirus (nCoV) has been all over the news. The image above is the flag of China except the stars are replaced by virus particles and it is illustrated by Danish artist Niels Bo Bojesen for the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten (JP for short).

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NaNo! · 4:46am Oct 26th, 2020

I will be participating in NaNo this year. No pony stories. The challenge:

To win NaNoWriMo, participants must write an average of approximately 1,667 words per day (69 per hour, 1.2 per minute) in November to reach the goal of 50,000 words written toward a novel.

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I'd Still Own the Film Rights and be Working on the Sequel · 3:57am Sep 21st, 2020

Pillars of Society is barreling towards a conclusion, helped along considerably by my new 'listen to text-to-speech of the chapter on my phone while I edit it on my laptop' method of editing. We're still talking nine or so more chapters, but it's going by fast. I edited two chapters today!

After this, I want to do another long thing! Writing long things is fun! It might not pull in the updoots like the clickbaity little stories do, but it's just more satisfying and solid to write them.

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An Update... · 9:52am Apr 4th, 2022

... and a change, inevitable as life.

Before I explain that, first, here's another excerpt from Chapter 12 of To Bellenast. I promise, I won't paste the entire chapter in blogs; I write long chapters. Sue me.

“Familiarity breeds comfort, so they say… though I reckon a fire helps more on that front. Where you from, girlie?”

“Neighvarro, for most of my life, but the mountains way east of here, more recently. Near the Celestial Coast.”

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NaNoWriMo; or, How I Plan to Spend my November · 9:58pm Oct 31st, 2015

My friends, I come to you with mixed news.

I've been wanting to write original fiction for a while now. Years. Decades, actually. This year, I set out to write an original novel.

It's been sitting pretty at three and a half chapters since February. Yeee... :facehoof:

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 241 results