
Viewing 101 - 120 of 216 results

Back Again · 4:44pm Jun 19th, 2019

Previously I was working on a game, however I soon realized I was way over my head once I started playing other fighting games. Once I did actual research my planned roster of 11 characters was far too small having seen the backlash of the Power Rangers game. Also the extreme amount of small almost unnoticed mechanics/strategies of fighting games baffled me. While I will continue working on it, it'll be on paper hence I have no sorts of real updates on it.

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Why are names HARD!? · 9:09pm Jan 13th, 2022

I'm bad enough at naming characters as it is, honestly? The only easy one was Scarlet because I based her loosely off the girl from Nukabreak. But when we're bringing different species and races it gets so much harder. Zebra names especially. I honestly am blown away by some writers like Somber who can just name all of the characters so well, it's wild

Anyway if anyone wants to help name a cute lesbian griffon x zebra couple that run a store together let me know? I am stumped.


Mobile App Design and Development Company in Delhi · 12:34pm June 12th

Mobile App Design Services in Delhi: Elevate Your Business with Cutting-Edge Solutions

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[EqE] Name Poll Final Results! · 11:40am Jan 4th, 2016

Whoops almost forgot! Man what was the deadline again? December 23rd, 2015? This post is a week late! Sorry everyone.
Also to make matters worse I kinda fucked up the poll and the results are now lost, but I do remember the numbers so you'll just have to trust my word on this.
There was a total amount of 30 votes and between Digital Dreamscapers and Almost Reality Games, the former won by one vote!

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Humdrum · 5:04am Sep 27th, 2020

Everypony remembers Power Ponies for its fun premise, its campy action, its awesome villain, and its crowd-pleasing comedy.

However it was also the very first Spike episode where the central conflict didn't revolve around him being, well...a jerk.  

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Magento Dropshipping: Start an Online Business Without Breaking the Bank · 7:19am Jul 14th, 2021

Dropshipping is a sort of retail satisfaction strategy which empowers an organization to work without keeping up with stock, claiming a stockroom to store their items, or in any event, delivering their items to their clients themselves.

How it functions is that the retailer accomplishes with an outsource provider that fabricates as well as stockroom items, packs, and ships them straightforwardly to the retailer's client, for the retailer's sake.

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Fuck yeah. · 8:57pm Jan 19th, 2017


My first fishing encounter in Vast Poni Canyon netted me a shiny Barboach. On my second Ultra Ball I caught it.

Male, level 34.

I couldn't be happier right now.

What was your first Gen7 Shiny?


Being a Better Writer: Giving Characters a Leitmotif · 10:10pm Jul 26th, 2016

Okay, first of all, I need to apologize for this post coming so late in the day. I know that yesterday I said I would have it up this morning, but as some of you likely noticed ... that didn't happen. What did happen was that last night, as I sat down to put together what would have been this morning's post, it ... Well, it wouldn't go together. I was nursing a headache, tired, and after a frustrating time spent slapping together a less-than-subpar BaBW post, I canned the

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Why don't I like character development/growth? · 5:23pm Mar 28th, 2019

It's very simple, and it's the very same reason I write fics in the first place... because the characters did something or acted in a way that I do not approve of and refuse to tolerate, plus, as they CHANGE, they lose more and more insight of who they used to be, and often turn into MORONS like Twilight Sparkle.


She knows that Cranky Doodle is the exception to making friends (at the time) and encourages Pinkie not to bother him anymore

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Being a Better Writer: You Can’t Make Up Rules When the Reader Knows What They Are · 8:01pm Jun 3rd, 2019

Welcome back readers! It’s JUNE!

Right, I know. Hunter/Hunted isn’t out yet. But I’d plan on it this month. Editing is … well, it’s a process. Both it and Jungle are inching closer toward release … But that’s all that needs to be said there. Right now?

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Jobless for the new year · 5:54am Dec 16th, 2017

Hello there everyone,

You might not know this, but I've been quite busy with my job as a web developer for more than a year.
I've come around reading FiM stories on my way to work during the morning, and night (on train, and public transports).

However, starting next year, that will all change.
If you have read the title, then my guess is, that you already know the reason as to why I am saying this.

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Fighting Against the Future · 8:27pm Feb 19th, 2021

I’m not sure how long this post will be, so let’s just dive headfirst into it, shall we?

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Behind the Scenes on "New Horizons" - Vol 1 · 7:26am Dec 8th, 2019

So I'm trying something a little different with this post. As I write and develop my stories I have a tendency to write up a fair amount of documentation on the development process as a whole, the vast majority of which never gets seen. So I figured that sharing little snippets of that documentation every once in a while would be a productive way of getting it out there.

For volume 1 I'll be focusing on the larger theme behind New Horizons that has definitely gone over people's heads.

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Uprooted · 6:45pm Dec 24th, 2021

Not really an announcement, but more of a fan'by moment that I would like to share.

Thorax in Uprooted is portrayed as rather... respectable. I mean, we all respect him - even (most of) the characters in the show with whom he has interacted - but he's usually portrayed as spineless, and a li'l' goofy.

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Being a Better Writer: Building Governments and Ruling Powers for Fiction · 11:18pm May 8th, 2023

Once more we gather writers, for another installment of Being a Better Writer! And today’s topic is an interesting one, once again written in advance as I am out and off of the grid for the time being. Today’s post grew out of another potential topic, but felt better suited to the aim of Being a Better Writer as a whole, IE that of improving the writing capabilities of those who follow Being a Better Writer.

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Ohhh! New blog tagging system! · 1:18pm Jun 7th, 2015

Hmm, it has come to my immediate attention that there is now a tagging system oh FiMFic!

I hope this just doesn't turn out to be like Tumblr....

But I do hope for a system that can give suggestions based on what people has already done for tags... Like Twitter, Blogger, and Tumblr :pinkiehappy:


Being a Better Writer: Body Language · 7:43pm Jul 11th, 2016

How do you show that a character is angry? Or nervous? How do you show that two characters are not on the best of terms with one another while they are on decent standing with another member of their group? Or that one of them is nervous? Jumpy?

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Being a Better Writer: What Makes a Protagonist? · 10:09pm Mar 15th, 2017

All right. So, yesterday's incarnation of this post, to what is now great irony, started with a worried critique of Wordpress' freshly rolled out posting interface. To be specific, it critiqued the poor interface design, but also noted with a faint hint of worry that something so new was bound to have some surprises of a possibly unpleasant variety.

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Ok, One Last Blog Post About Changeling Mine....For A While Anyway · 8:57am Apr 20th, 2018

Well, with the few reactions I got from my last blog post, and after a bit more deliberation, I decided I need to clear something up in regards to the changes that will be made to Shining Armor in this story, mainly in regards to his redemption.

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Quick Naming Question · 2:04am Jun 23rd, 2015

So I have a pony OC for a story, whose special talent relates to diseases, viruses, and other toxic materials, and I've settled on two potential names for her - Quarantine (Simple and direct but makes her come across perhaps too villainously) or Merry Typhoon. (Takeoff on Typhoid Mary, more in line with what a sane parent would name their child, but seems like it's stretching things a bit.)

Which do you think I should choose? Or do you have other suggestions?

Viewing 101 - 120 of 216 results