
Viewing 101 - 120 of 772 results

Trixie Plays The Walking Dead · 11:48am Jun 29th, 2019


Quick Not Dead Post & The Alicorn Problems Preview · 4:29pm Feb 28th, 2021

Yo. Just wanted to say that I'm not dead and haven't quit. Not really much to say other than some of the stuff I've been working on. There's a new chapter to The Worst of All Possible Worlds dropping some time soon as a prelude to a sequel. Wasn't originally planning on doing a sequel to TWoAPW. Probably shouldn't do a sequel. But I'm going to because—eh, why not?

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One thing we like to know from Mykan himself. · 7:59pm Jun 28th, 2020

when is he going to finish Season 9 of his Starfleet and will he make another PR fic?


Regarding ‘What I Want’ · 2:15am Jun 12th, 2020

This is the second (the first being Please Don’t See Me) of a series of short stories I’m releasing in my Dead by Sunset continuity. I’m going to be writing stories that look at a bunch of the characters in the aftermath of ‘Exodus Night’ when the girls escaped from the hell of the Entity’s Trials.

Report I-A-M · 206 views · #Dead by Sunset #DBD #crossover

No Dead Space Stream · 11:35pm Jan 27th, 2023

Well, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Dead Space Remake has humbled my 9700k CPU. I've had to bump the game down to Medium settings, and to say that OBS sputters along with the game running would be a rather generous statement.

That being said, wow this remake is awesome. Still hope to take a break at some point tonight and finish up the next chapter update. Thanks everyone for your patience.


Bronycon Bookstore Update · 3:38am Aug 3rd, 2019

So, I think everyone's already aware of how the bookstore did on its first day. It's safe to say that many of us who brought books to contribute did not realize how much demand there would be for hardbound versions of our stories.

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Hello Star wars fans! · 1:10am January 23rd

After a painstaking year I am back to do the Corvette, the Prologue has been remastered, and to keep it on the main Star Wars canon as possible new characters from the star wars Ahsoka Series would have their appearance.

If you had watched Ahsoka good for you because I think it is great!

If you haven't even better! Because then it'll be a surprise! (Unless you watched spoilers, then shame on you! :D)

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Reboot · 2:28am Nov 13th, 2015

The King and Queen are dead!

Sooo... yeah. Black Queen, Red King is officially a dead fic. I haven't touched it in well over a year now, and the more I've thought about it, the more I've grown to dislike it.

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Report wille179 · 361 views · #dead fic #reboot

Wow... I Can't FUCKING Believe It... · 2:37am Jun 16th, 2015

Congratulations, 343 Industries, you successfully killed my favorite video game series of all time. Halo is dead to me.

I will be officially removing my pre-order for Halo 5: Guardians, and placing it on the Fallout 4 Pipboy Edition.

After that, I will go home, curl in a ball, and rock back and forth while playing Fallout 3, muttering "There's no place like the Ark."

In short:

You fucked up.


A Love Lost · 2:46pm Oct 20th, 2016

Hello everypony, I'm going to write this while it's still fresh in my mind. Writing, like any art form, is a skill. Whether we have a natural affinity for the creative word, or if we struggled and fought to perfect our craft, is of no difference. To set pen upon paper, is in and of itself not an terribly difficult task. But to write a story from the heart, with love and conviction, with sadness and struggles, is one of the greatest forms of artistic expression.

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How's it going, friends? · 4:34am Oct 23rd, 2016

It sure has been a while, hasn't it. I've been pretty out of touch with the MLP community for the past several months, partly because of my full-time job, partly because I just haven't been interested in the show. But you fine people are here still, so I figured I'd pop in to see how everyone was doing!

And you know, if anyone has any questions/comments/concerns for me, you can ask those too.

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I am not Dead Blah Blah Blah... you know the drill · 10:17pm Feb 1st, 2018

So, a friend of mine recently asked me if I left the fandom since I haven't talked to him a while. I will NEVER leave this fandom until the day I die. It's just I got super busy at work and recently quit to go back to college (again) so I can hopefully finish that and work on my 3D portfolio.

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Three words · 5:58am May 12th, 2017

I am lazy.. :moustache:

Well I've been getting on fimfic on my tablet and it's a pain in the butt because it takes forever to load. Writing is hard too.

There you have it, I'm just lazy.

Right now I am in bed listening to Hollywood undead and typing this.
My arms hurt. Good night. :rainbowlaugh:


If · 9:42am Jul 20th, 2018

Sometimes, I make the mistake of looking at my stories here and their comment sections, and I get that old itch to make pony stuff again. I had a lot of fun doing it, after all, and I do love to entertain. I still have a lot of trouble getting any creative work done, of course. I haven't even had any real interest in it for quite a while, now. But even beyond that... well...

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New Story · 2:54pm Sep 10th, 2016

I know I'm a lesser known Brony on the site, but for anyone who cares, I was planningon writing my first story in this site soon. It's going to be based off of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead. There's also going to be shipped in it. They're going to be RariJack (Rarity, AppleJack), FlutterDash (Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash), SpArlight (Spike, Starlight Glimmer), and my personal OTP, Twinkie Pie (Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie).

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Sad · 7:43pm Oct 18th, 2016

My Guinea pig Butterscotch died today. I may, or may not able to write today because of what happened. The cause of death I beleave may have benn a bad liver.

Report dash446 · 231 views · #Guinea pig #dead #sad

Meanwhile, in the human world... · 6:46am Mar 1st, 2020

So I've been working on another fic, for when I feel like switching things up. It's going to be an Equestria Girls fic, and it's going to be pretty different than Renaissance, but just as epic!

I'll keep you all updated~

Au revoir, my wonderful friends and readers~!


The Trotting Dead: VG · 5:15am Jan 19th, 2021

Greetings and salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Due to a slight misunderstanding, I'll be Re-reviewing 'The Trotting Dead: VG'. In this crossover, three of the Mane 6 are sent into the TellTale series of 'The Walking Dead'. This story proves that people will go insane if they think the world is ending, that not a lot of choices are easy ones, and that you have to trust people to survive. Aside from some grammatical errors, this is a pretty good story for a Halloween read. I

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Return of the dead Robocart · 4:39pm Jan 8th, 2020

Hey guys, long time no see, after years of losing account info, losing drive to write stories, and time to do stuff i wanted to do. I am finally back again. However i probably will not post any stories for a while, since i have no inspiration, but if an idea pops up in my head i might write a mini story from it to see what people like and to see if i want to expand on it. I hope you all have a good evening and a good year!


Innocent Whistling Release of Outline · 11:48pm Dec 8th, 2021

This is the public outline.
Yes it is censored on purpose.
Go on, highlight the Censors, I dare you.

The Outline - Link

Report Fiaura · 335 views · #Outline #Preview #Dead Tree
Viewing 101 - 120 of 772 results