
Viewing 101 - 120 of 903 results

Link to my Patreon · 6:51am Jun 22nd, 2017


My first Patreon-funded story has been updated! · 9:59am Jun 27th, 2019

Rise of the Serpent Queen:
The Queen of Lamias finds a new host to help restore her lost empire and dominate Equestria...

Warning: NSFW

Read the first chapter here!

Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 183 views · #Patreon

Should I Make A Patreon? · 9:13am Dec 25th, 2017

Writing for free is swag af, but getting paid to do what I love sounds OG dope.

Report Ringtael · 209 views · #patreon

more bills · 8:11pm Dec 10th, 2020

So, I got in contact with financial aid they are processing that $5,000 hospital bill. That put me at ease at least for the moment. Its not a solution but its a hope. ... and then I got a radiology bill and the bill for urgent care. an extra $550 to be spent. Paid both today but its really killing my checking account.

I'm very grateful to the people who've donated to my patreon page, after this shock has worn off I'll get back to writing the stories.

Report Blue Cultist · 93 views · #patreon

WE ARE LIVE! · 5:37pm Oct 1st, 2018

Finally! I have done it! My Patreon page is now up and running! Now I'm still new to this so bear with me and my future blunders.

The lowes Tier is 2$ and is for anyone who just wants to support me, but don't want any real benefits in return. Now go forth and become a patron today!

Thank you all so far and I hope you continue to support me in the future.

Report Phoenix Nebula · 170 views · #Patreon

Patreon is now active. · 5:27am Sep 3rd, 2018

Hello there I decided to officially open my patreon to the public. Now before u enter it I would like to tell you some of the perks of becoming a patron. You get access to new chapters a few days before they end up on this site, and access to my discord channel. Also all my fanfics there will be here eventually so no need to become a patron if u don't want to.

Report Chaotic Flier · 174 views · #Patreon

Patreon Fucked Up · 9:38pm Aug 2nd, 2018

Hey, Patreon did a stupid thing without telling anyone and, long story short, a lot of Patrons had their pledges canceled because of bank snafus. If you're a Patron of mine (and, if you're not, you should be! Support my degeneracy!) please check with your account to make sure everything is okay and nothing is currently on fire.

Thank you for your continued support

Report LewdChapter · 209 views · #Patreon

Patreon · 6:10am Nov 27th, 2021

Came for the potato chips. Left when I found out they were already gone.


New Bronze Tier Story: 'Domination 101' by Sunset Shimmer · 11:49am Nov 28th, 2022

A new NSFW story have been updated to the Bronze Tier Folder on my pay-to-read accounts:

'Domination 101' by Sunset Shimmer

Twilight's venture to the human world takes a dark turn when she finds herself at the mercy of Sunset Shimmer. Taking advantage of the former Alicorn's lack of knowledge regarding human anatomy, Celestia's former student proceeds to subject her to the most torturous pleasures imaginable.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 147 views · #patreon

Special Poll Announcement! · 2:32pm May 8th, 2023

Hey everybody!

I'll be blunt and quick with this announcement, since I've reached a certain milestone I've decided to celebrate a little by setting up a special poll for my generous supporters. This poll will determine which of the following two stories will not only be brought back from their long hiatus and added to the update list, but also undergo a more detailed rewrite.

The options will the following stories:

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 190 views · #Patreon

New Gold Tier Story Uploaded: Scaly Dreams · 9:31am Jun 30th, 2023

The first chapter of a new Gold Tier Story has been uploaded to the Bronze Tier Folder, the sequel to Rise of the Serpent Queen; Scaly Dreams

[Firm reminder that while the first chapter will be in the bronze folder, future chapters will be added to the higher tier folders.]

(The story will be made public after the 2nd chapter is finished.)

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 202 views · #patreon

New Bronze Tier Story: The Bride's Broodmare · 3:00pm Nov 2nd, 2022

A new NSFW story have been updated to the Bronze Tier Folder on my pay-to-read accounts:

The Bride's Broodmare

When Twilight witnesses "Cadence" brainwashing Shining Armor, instead of running away she attempts to confront her, attacking the "Alicorn" head-on... only to be overpowered by the false Princess and captured in the process!

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 142 views · #patreon

New Bronze Tier Story Updated! · 11:28am Oct 26th, 2022

A special sequel to Join Me For A Bite~♥ has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder my pay-to-read accounts (it'll be made public on Halloween)

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 128 views · #patreon

New Gold Tier Story Updated! · 1:31pm Jul 31st, 2023

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know that the first chapter of a new Gold Tier story has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder.

Hunting the Huntresses

After clearing out a nasty Grimm infestation on an abandoned island, Team RWBY decide to take the moment to get some long overdue R&R after their mission.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 193 views · #patreon

New Bronze Tier Story Updated! · 8:59am Jul 28th, 2023

The newest installment in the Succubus Apprentice Saga has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder.


While time has passed, Trixie had never truly recovered from her encounter with the Mage turned Succubus Midnight Sparkle, who was more than eager to make Trixie her pay for her constant abuse.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 197 views · #patreon

New Silver and Crystal Tier Stories Updated! · 12:44am Oct 29th, 2023

The first chapters of two new stories have been added to the Bronze Tier Folder.

Self-Love is the Best Love

This story is a sequel to Relapse and the next installment in the Succubus Apprentice Saga.

The two Knights; Applejack and Big Mac, are tasked with capturing Midnight Sparkle; a rogue Succubus responsible for the theft of a special mirror, one rumored to see into other realities...

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 231 views · #patreon

Patreon Things: Poll, Deleted Scene · 8:55pm May 14th, 2023

For anyone who may have seen my Patreon launch and been asking yourself "sure, great, but are they actually going to put anything of value on there?" well, I've just placed two things of possible interest.

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Report SilverNotes · 119 views · #patreon

Patreon · 1:21pm Nov 24th, 2019

Guess what this blog is about.

I have a Patreon page now. It's poorly made and looks like crap and I'm mostly planning to use it as just a tip jar for now, but it's there.

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Report Third Wheel · 110 views · #Patreon

hey hey · 8:43am March 6th

if i get one more $5/month patron on my patreon ill buy the domain and host a good ol' Minecraft beta 1.7.3 server there :V

also something something private discord chat on my personal discord (although it's primarily tech-centered atm)

also also also as a benefit you get an even more direct way to bug me about what if chapter suggestions through that private chat I guess

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Report TheMajorTechie · 101 views · #patreon

New Silver Tier Story Updated! · 1:56pm Last Sunday

The 2nd chapter of The Quickest Way To A Witch's Heart has been added Silver Tier Folder. And as such the first chapter is now public within the highlighted sites in the link.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 41 views · #patreon
Viewing 101 - 120 of 903 results