
Viewing 1221 - 1240 of 1,729 results

Strange Sequel To An Already Strange Story In The Works! · 6:31am Aug 18th, 2015

Alright, I'm sure most of the people who have seen my whopping two stories have caught a glance at Rocky Romance, whether you've read it or not.

Well, many people think that my horrible beast of a story beautiful, heartwarming romantic comedy is hilarious. Well, I've begrudgingly gladly started work on a sequel!

Expect some more romance between our favorite two rocks in the near future!


Theme Song · 7:31am Oct 6th, 2020

So when I write a new chapter for this story I can't help but think about what kind of theme song it would have.

I think I have found the one that I think most reflect the theme I want to hit with my story. War, love, loss, friendships. A dark past in the field of battle, yet finds new life in the light of the apple orchard.

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Wish You Were Here · 8:53pm Feb 14th, 2020

Note: For the three people who don't know already, "Ross" here refers to the Fimfic user MrNumbers; "Pear" refers to the Fimfic user Pearple Prose.

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This song has been stuck in my head · 1:17am Jun 30th, 2016

Speed this up to 1.25 and it's the closest to the CD version. I love The Weeknd so much! I've thought of slaying poon to this music once or twice.


A new, sexy, sad, Berry Punch story is now here! · 8:55pm May 9th, 2019

Picture, very unfortunately, unrelated. :(

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New One-Shot Out! · 4:21am Jun 9th, 2017

Like random fics? Like arcades and/or video game references? Want to know how weird my dreams can get from time to time? Then check out Crystal Prep Gets Bulldozed and Replaced With a Chuck E. Cheese's!

I’ve been promising this baby for a while, and what can I say? I’m pretty satisfied with it. Hope all you guys enjoy it too!


Must stay possitive · 11:21pm May 14th, 2016

Hello peeps, so like I have no idea what the buck I'm doing I barely remember the last two days so like first thing I know I'm watching star wars with the dudes then I'm grining ear to ear because I just applied for a job. WTB is going on in my head. :rainbowlaugh: But that aside, I met this really cute girl at my place of work (hopefully) usually I'm not one to get nervous over girls but damn! I was nervous. She was realy cute though. :twilightsmile: Ah HARMONES NO! Lul.

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luigi board? · 9:18pm Dec 12th, 2017


Signal boost: Rally the troops · 1:12am Feb 3rd, 2019

Hey, everyone! If you don't live under a dang rock on this site, you more likely than not have heard of An Intricate Disguise and what he's been going through lately. If you haven't, you can read it Here and an update on the situation

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okay so i just realized this · 2:08am Nov 20th, 2015

so the mane-iac looks like a pony version of the vine haired lady from this episode of sailor moon


Caption this image of Cadance staring lustfully at Shining Armor · 8:05pm Mar 23rd, 2019

Post potential captions in the comments.


Looks like today is my lucky day! · 11:10pm Aug 10th, 2016

Yesterday, I lamented about not seeing my best friend often enough, and I found a fugly spider on the ceiling. Today, we hung out and it was fucking awesome! After that, I went home and when my mom looked for her credit card bill, I found my old iPod! Then I deleted all that old weeaboo shit and put some good ole OFWGKTA on there! My brother is coming home tomorrow, so he can teach me how to put my CD's on there! I found the speaker/charger for my iPod, but couldn't find the

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I'm really grateful for this community · 1:57am Sep 5th, 2018

Not just Fimfiction, but the brony community in general... though Fimfiction played a big part in my experience with the brony community. I’ve made numerous wonderful friends, written some crappy stories that I can laugh at myself for, and even fallen in love a few times... all because of a little show that brought us together. I discovered my sexuality (biromantic ace) with the help of the brony community, and I’ve gotten tons of inspiration for my Starbourne stories, (Which I had the original

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state of the darf · 8:17pm Jan 6th, 2021

hello all. it feels pertinent to provide a last update some time after our most recent crisis, so here is that.

firstly, and we feel extra stupid saying this as a 'writer', we have no idea how to express our gratitude in words. the sheer generosity and kindness of the folks in the community is overwhelming, and it makes us want to do something special to show our gratitude for all the kind souls who were able to help us out during our time of crisis.

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Yesterday was my birthday! · 7:06pm Feb 14th, 2022

Hi guys, thanks for all your support yesterday! :heart:

In my last blog post, I asked if anyone could gift me Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach, so even if no one can, I wanted to correct my mistake of the username.

Either later today or tomorrow, I will explain what happened on my birthday yesterday. :)

My Steam username is Pipwise NOT Cookiebaly (oops). :raritycry:

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Another Update and a Reminder · 2:49am Apr 11th, 2022

Tomorrow, I have my final checkup regarding the surgery. While the tumor is out, and I am in remission, this checkup is just going to tie up all of the loose ends.

In other news, I will be going on holiday to see my grandparents for Passover. I'll be gone (and offline) from 4/12 to 4/25.

To people who I was friends with on Discord who wanted to know where I went, I deleted the account for privacy concerns. Apparently Discord isn't the most secure platform...

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NEW STORY: This Is How You Start The New Year! · 11:30pm Dec 30th, 2023

EThis Is How You Start The New Year!
Pipp just really wants to nail her first video of the New Year! And she would be done already if everyone wasn't such a wet blanket.
overlord-flinx · 2.6k words  ·  16  0 · 277 views

Twenty-seven hours until the start of the new year...

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Afternoon Surprises and more to come next chapter~ · 5:36am Aug 5th, 2022

We're getting close to the end and I'm excited~ I just published Afternoon Surprises and I hope everyone checks it out! I feel extremely proud of this story and I am looking forward to what comes next~ Thank you, everyone!


Exciting News For the Love Postulate! · 5:21am January 18th

I’m re writing it. Yup. Only two chapters in and it’s getting a re write. I don’t think I’m doing this story a justice with how it’s going so far.

So I’m gonna re write it. And it’s gonna be a lot better I promise. And with this, the rest of the chapters will be following right behind the re-writes.

Stay tuned.


In time for the Holidays, Skyeypony's new art for A Kindled End! · 11:29am Dec 25th, 2022

We call it... Proof of Love. Illustration for chapter 1.

It shows a smol Chrys receiving the heartfelt gift of Queen Chrysalis, during a life-defining moment. Skyey's art is truly, truly fantastic. And she made my lonely Christmas so much brighter by getting it out to me on the day of. Hope you like it too!

Viewing 1221 - 1240 of 1,729 results