
Viewing 1221 - 1240 of 1,396 results

The Curse is Back · 7:42pm Feb 2nd, 2016

So over the past week or so i have been in nothing but a good mood, I've met awesome friends like Lunaisbae, flashlight4everUK , Lonestar_Pony, Lord of Nothing , and so many others. My story was getting positive reviews and i wrote so much that chapters 2-4 are already to be proofread. Made some awesome music i was proud and was generally able to laugh with friends. Yet today my depression hit me like a freight train issue is i don't know how long this episode will last, fear not i will still

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Equestrian City - Episode 17 Released! · 1:09am Aug 19th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse Fans!

The time has come to release a girthy episode of Equestrian City, this one called "Misinterpretations" and it's ready for consumption!

Thanks to Buck, the Pony Think Tank, and Ali, who all helped put this one into perspective. This chapter has Alden writing our talk show bits, and even has someone you might recognize on the show (or a few people actually :P)

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VIGNETTE — AFTERPARTY  · 7:34pm Jul 24th, 2022


UK PonyCon 2022 – Part 1: This Is How A PonyCon Walks · 5:00pm Oct 20th, 2022

That moment when an actual PonyCon keeps its family-friendly image in line (least until the after-hours events), whereas the TV-Y show somehow let a body pillow slip through.

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Tomb Kings Updated · 8:07pm February 7th

The second meetin gof Equestrians and Tomb Kings begins, but will it go smoothly?

The next chapter is out now following a bit of a re-write, Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy it.


First Impression Reviews: Episode Seven [NSFW] · 5:56pm Apr 18th, 2016

Below are two fanfic reviews based purely on the initial impressions provided by the first chapter (or first 3k words.) For an outline of what my reviewing guidelines are, go here. Please do not request reviews!

One NSFW Mature story review is below. I don't believe I can link directly to the story, even on my blog, so I linked to the author's profile instead. Just to be safe, get the deets after the break!

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New OC New Profile · 3:17pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Wassup Its ya boy Tempo here although now I go by Either Sword, Or Radi. Accompanying my new profile is a picture provided showing of How Radiant looks. and while his wings cover his cutie mark at that angle its Two Swords clashing with glowing blades and sparkles around the outside. So ya Just given y'all a quick update Peace.


Homophobia Bullshit. · 4:15am Mar 8th, 2016

Ok so its been several hours since my story "The Tale of Desert Star" was uploaded and the feedback has so far been negative so its rant time. 5 people in total have sgiwn disaproval of the story with no valid evidence on why they disliked it so I'm gonna assume these people are Homophobic because I know it's not my story. Every story I have written has been met with moderately positive reviews and feedback. Now the 4 people who disliked my story are assumed to be Homophobic in which case shame

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A Bunch of Comics (Dark ones, AU ones, Romance ones, and Comedy ones) · 7:06pm Mar 26th, 2016

I have a lot of comic updates today so I'm just going to post them all with links to them. Remember, if you want to donate to ATN's Patreon, go here and if you want to donate to my personal one, go here.

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New Glasses! · 9:49pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone my new glasses cam today so now i can write and type better than ever so over the next few days I plan on releasing the last two clop fics in Rom-Clop Series 1. To commemorate the completion of the series and my much anticipated return. I changed my profile avatar to reveal the "Real" Radiant Sword. So please enjoy my up coming stories and I look foreword to talking to you all. Radiant has Returned.

Luna's Loyal Servant,
-Radiant Sword


The Lunar Warrior Teaser (Work in Progress) · 4:36pm Mar 19th, 2016

The Evil prince charged at Luna. In her weakened state she was unable to defend herself. As he galloped closer she closed her eyes ready to accept her fate. A loud piercing sound resonates in her ears. After not feeling anything for a few seconds she opens her eyes. The sight before her breaks her to the very core. Before her stands the human as he stares at her with blood running from his mouth as the prince thrusts his horn deeper. He smiles before the horn is forcefully ripped out as blood

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...Well, This is Awkward · 8:09pm Mar 21st, 2016

I am, for all intends and purposes, a walnut.

Like a walnut, I'm objectively delicious, and everybody wants a piece of me. I'm also full of nutrients, and I'm sorta shaped like a brain. The metaphor works in many levels. [1]

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New Story Sneak Peak. · 6:40am May 9th, 2016

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon as you put your books away in your locker and head out the front of the school. You always loved the weekend partying, drinking, and video games was a normal weekend for you and your friends. On your way home you pass a telephone poll with a flyer stapled to it that reads “Big Yard Sale at thirteen Forty-Eight E. Clinton Rd, This weekend Only.” Curious at what they were selling you pull out your phone to check your bank account. Thankfully your paycheck came

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New Band & New Fluttershy Story · 1:02am Jun 21st, 2016

Ok so after reading my most recent Romantic Equestria Story a very helpful reader pointed out that its paced to fast so I'm gonna rename the story as something else and re write a lighter hearted Fluttershy story. Don't work for those who like Th Color Pink I will not be deleting it. I just won't be associating it with the Romantic Equestria Series so stay tuned for the newest installment The Rainbow Dash Story in which you the reader are a Josh gates/ Nathan Drake kinda charecter since Rainbow

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I'm Going Away for a Few. · 1:02am Jul 6th, 2016

Ok so as you know over past few months I've been cranking out blogs and stories. Well sadly its time for me to take a hiatus. For how long i don't I'v reached a point in my life where I'm done with everything. I only drink liquids, i don't eat, and i'm never in a good mood. Again I don't know how long this hiatus will be and i expect to loose followers. I just can't go on like this...i need to take some time to...reflect on my lfe and my past transgressions. I love you all and i'll see you

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What it feels like to have multiple stories begging to be written...expressed in dialogue · 4:18am Jul 9th, 2016

Me: Okay we're gonna write tonight. SYS-TER, I got you in a technology-based story as an artificial intelligence, so what do you want?

SYS-TER: Make sure I'm portrayed in a way that will reflect in all other tales you've written in the same universe

Me: Uh huh

SYS-TER: Make sure the setting is really good. nothing simple

Me: Okay

SYS-TER: And make sure to show off the technology

Me: Fine

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Sirens Song (Work in Progress) · 12:56pm Jan 18th, 2016

[Female Vocalist] Ahhhh [Drawn out notes] (x4)
When oceans part and lands crumble into nothing
will you remember the day I took your hand in mine
As we walked hand in hand we lost track of time
Darling i wan't you to always be mine.

[Female Vocalist] Ahhhh [Drawn out notes] (x4)

Like a flame we conquered everything in our path
when days bled into nights i promised i would always be by your side
Now i sit here in the ruins of before wandering what went wrong.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) · 7:41am Dec 22nd, 2016

Tis the season for all sorts of stuff. Whether it's shopping, shipping or heading to church there's something that you're going to be doing. I can't offer much in the way of advice as to what to do at church though if I followed the rules set forth for me it was, "Sing when they sing, don't talk or fidget and drink what they give you."

"But dad," I'd say, "It's blood!"

"You're a vampire now son! Drink up!'

"And the cracker?"

"That's his flesh."

"How BIG was this guy?"

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September 13, 2016 Update!: October 8th Release Schedule! · 9:32am Sep 13th, 2016

It's September! That means October is right around the corner! As a birthday present, and as a one year anniversary, I came up with a list of fictions and teasers that will be released on that very day! We're hoping to conquer the New Fiction box by introducing several new fictions, pilots, and, of course, Petrify_! But who am I to talk? Here's a list:

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Writer Spotlight: Amethyst_Dawn · 2:56am Oct 14th, 2016

Viewing 1221 - 1240 of 1,396 results