
Viewing 1241 - 1260 of 1,716 results

LPL: The Dark Lord · 2:52am Jul 31st, 2020

Team Avatar pushed open the doors, and entered Cthonos's chamber. As soon as they entered, the doors shut behind them. Across the room from them stood a large, black and red demon… Cthonos himself. 

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New Chapters!!! The Lulamoon Files is Complete!!! · 6:41am Mar 4th, 2019

So after almost a year of working to get all the chapters up online, it's finally done. To my surprise the story is actually a little shorter than I thought it was, but that's not a bad thing. I actually really enjoyed going through this, and I hope you all enjoyed the story just as much as me. XD

As always thanks for reading XD

If you are interested in reading my free original fiction check here.


Super smash bros ultimate x my little pony friendship is magic · 9:59pm Oct 14th, 2020


Harry Potter and the Six Odd Witches IS UP! · 10:18pm Jan 14th, 2021


After finally figuring things out (and having to completely revise my outline at least once) I've got the prologue and the first chapter of my own Harry Potter Crossover with MLP up. Story name is in the title tin and the tagged story section, and I am so happy to finally get this going.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 story · 6:42pm Aug 1st, 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is out and I was just thinking, what if there was a story of Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

I don't have the game but I did see the gameplay on YouTube. So if there's anyone out there who would like to, I like there be a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 here.

Eg Flash would be Rex, Sci-Twi would be Pyra, Sunset Shimmer would be Mythra, Spike would be Gramps, Rainbow Dash or Applejack would be Nia.

We could talk about who would be who if you'll do it. Just PM me and we can talk.


11th Favorite Fanmade Non-MLP Music Video, as well as 15th Favorite Crossover Video (Plus, a Bonus) · 6:40pm Nov 5th, 2019

My 300th blog post for here.

Man, once again I seem to be really on fire with blogging more than storytelling. I do enjoy writing stories, but I also enjoy making reviews and blogs that you guys can be entertained by.

But, anyway, for my 300th post, I decided to show you guys another video that doesn’t relate at all to MLP. It’s another crossover video, which is likewise the first I’m showing that doesn’t include clips of MLP and my 15th favorite.

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Mortal Kombat vs. EG, Round Seven · 5:44am Sep 15th, 2021

And here we are at the finish. The last phase of my Mortal Kombat banter series. This has been a lot of fun, but I'll admit, I am a bit happy to be at the end of this little side project.

So without further ado, let's begin.

First up on the roster, is the easygoing wind god Fujin. Brother of Raiden and fellow protector of Earthrealm. And an all-around swell guy too. :twilightsmile:

Fujin: "The sapling does not break against the gale."

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Batbrony Returns: "Batmare Begins" Chapters 22 and 23 Coming This Weekend · 12:32pm Aug 10th, 2020

Fillies and gentlecolts...

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Unusual (but relevant) Question · 9:35pm Feb 17th, 2016

I've been meaning to ask, who here is familiar with the youtube channel Hat Films?


Revisions are Finished · 7:53am Apr 24th, 2021

So chapter 9 and 10 were the two I dreaded the most. After reading them again I realized that having Shepard, AJ, and Dash fight, the way I did, was rather out of character; especially for the latter two. So I removed the fight and added a new story plot point that I think will be a lot more fun to play with in the future. So anyway with 9 and 10 being combined into a singular chapter this brings me to the end of the revisions and new chapters will be coming up soon.


Second to Last Chapter Uploaded · 4:26pm Apr 20th, 2019


Getting Closer · 5:23am Apr 14th, 2021

So Chapter 7 has finally been updated, only three more to go, and I'm making good progress. While I had announced that I'd hoped to have a new chapter up by the second week of April, sadly, that does not seem to be possible.

I'm not going to make excuses, nor can I discuss what has happened, but let's just say certain issues have demanded more of my attention than I'd anticipated. Thus, why my progress has been slowed.
Rest assured that a new chapter is coming.


Updated Cover Art #2 · 11:17am Oct 2nd, 2022

Hey guys, just thought I’d show the new covers for both Horizons and Tomorrow War.


Batman calls for Genie · 6:25pm Nov 12th, 2023

The video speaks for itself.


Missing Story · 5:37pm Oct 25th, 2020

I've been trying to locate a Star Trek crossover story that focuses upon the crew of the USS Enterprise-D ending up in the reality of Equestria thanks to Q's (Discord's) machinations, but the whole matter isn't an issue regarding Discord (this was written before Keep Calm & Flutter On was broadcast). I'm sure I favourited it at one point but I can't seem to find it in my Bookshelves and either I can't get the hang of navigating fimfetch or it's not on there.

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Batmare Begins: Second New Chapter Uploaded · 8:47pm Aug 31st, 2015

Afternoon, my lovely followers and readers! As promised, the second of two new chapters has just been uploaded, featuring more of the Dynamic Duo! :pinkiehappy:

What? :rainbowhuh: No, I'm talking about Derpy and Carrot Top, duh! :trixieshiftright:

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Sequel Confirmed and an Update · 11:14pm Nov 29th, 2016

For those of you who enjoyed "The Great and Powerful Slayers", here's some good news.

I have begun writing the sequel and am approximately 2000 2500 3200 6200 words into the story.

For those of you curious about " Atonement" 's sequel progress, that story is 8000 words in.

I'll probably get more into both stories as the year closes and be ready to submit them with much more content backlogged for them.


Batmare Begins: Chapter Update and Fan Art!!! · 12:47am Jul 5th, 2016

Good evening everypony! First of all, Happy 4th of July to all my fellow American readers! I hope you've had a wonderful and happy Independence Day today, and maybe gotten some good food in your belly and good times with friends and family. Second of all, I wanted to give ya'll a short update on chapter progression for Batmare Begins. The fic is still most certainly on, and while the update is taking awhile, I promise you it's going to be a big one; I'm over halfway through it, it's already

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Family Progress Update! · 11:16pm Apr 16th, 2016

Okay, I have finished the first draft of the next chapter of Family, it took me long enough *sigh* but this is what happens when you move house and things get all packed, unpacked, lost and generally chaotic.

In other news, I have started a smaller fiction project; a Zootopia crossover fiction with The Flash.

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Crossover? · 9:58pm Mar 4th, 2016

As you may know, I had an awesome crossover with FrostThe Wolf's When Lightning Strikes, I'm currently having one with with Element Brigade's Maretropolis Ghoul (A time Travel-ish thing, as told by Deadpool), and I'm

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Viewing 1241 - 1260 of 1,716 results