
Viewing 1261 - 1280 of 1,472 results

Cat and Kitten Update · 4:14pm Aug 16th, 2017

Cat and Kitten Update

Well! It turns out that the cat we adopted is a silver Bengal and she mated with a Savannah Cat; which means that the kittens are half Bengal Cat and half Savannah Cat!

In case you don't know what a Savannah cat looks like,'s a picture.

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I Like To Visit Cemeteries · 2:06pm Jul 25th, 2017

I Like To Visit Cemeteries

Well, this will probably make me sound like sort of a weirdo, but I actually like cemeteries a great deal. I like visiting cemeteries in different cities and even various cemeteries in the city I live in.

There is just something very peaceful about cemeteries (to me). And it is kind of fun to imagine what the people there used to be like. Especially the people from the 1900s or earlier.

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An Update On My Mom's Condition · 9:09pm Aug 20th, 2017

An Update On My Mom's Condition

As many of you know, my mom had a very bad injury at her job a few months back, which led to the activation of a recessive genetic disorder know as Vikings Disease, which unfortunately has no cure.

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Dream Journal · 4:52pm Oct 15th, 2017

Dream Journal

I keep a journal where I record my dreams since I usually have very vivid dreams that play out like watching full television shows or movies.

Sometimes I turn these dreams into stories, poems, or other types of writing later.

I actually have four or five dream journals laying around since I've been recording my dreams since elementary school.

Now I record my dreams in a Microsoft document because they are easier to keep track of that way.

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Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks · 3:24pm Sep 29th, 2017

Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks

Here are some of my favorite foods and drinks in no specific order.

1. Potatoes in any form. They can be boiled, stuffed, put in a soup, turned into potato chips; whatever form a potato takes it will be my favorite dish.

2. Any food from India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, and other parts of Asia. I am a big fan of Asian food from all parts of the world.

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Two Amazing People · 1:30am Apr 17th, 2016

As many people know, I have been going through a really hard time right now. You can learn more about my current situation here.

I just wanted to take some time to thank two really awesome people who have helped me out in my time of need.

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Some Ideas I Have For My YouTube Channel · 1:28am May 6th, 2017

I have a couple of ideas for some YouTube videos I want to do.

This has nothing to do with the regular content that will be on my YouTube channel. This will more be like the fan related content. I might start off with making fan-related stuff and slowly move up to doing original videos (which I have pages of notes about).

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I Found Some Interesting Graffiti · 2:25pm Aug 21st, 2017

While my mom and I were walking on a trail that follows the water canal system that winds through the city, I found some interesting graffiti on a wall.

Here's a picture I took of it.

I have always found graffiti (especially street graffiti) to be very interesting. So I was glad that I found this.

I wonder if this is a quote from something or if someone just made it up?

If anyone happens to know, feel free to fill me in.


My Mom and I Went On An Adventure · 2:03pm Aug 22nd, 2017

My Mom and I Went On An Adventure

Yesterday after watching the eclipse, my mom and I went to a bunch of shopping centers and looked around the various stores.

We found this neat costume store while looking at a bunch of stores in a particular shopping center and we tried on a bunch of costumes.

Here are some pictures of us being weirdos like usual. :P

(By the way, I gained some weight over the summer. I'm walking every day to take off the weight. So don't judge meh. <_<)

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Arizona Tea Goop · 2:52pm Aug 18th, 2017

Yesterday I was drinking some Arizona tea. When I took the third sip, some brown goopy stuff slid into my mouth and I swallowed it. I ended up dumping out the rest of the contents of the can into the sink and all of this brown goopy stuff the consistency of snot came pouring out of the can.

I immediately rinsed my mouth out like a million times. I couldn't do anything about the stuff I swallowed though. :L

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About All the Heat CoD: IW is Getting · 9:44pm May 4th, 2016

Now this is just an opinion. Don't start any flames wars on this because that would be ridiculous and I don't want to be involved in any such thing, alright? This is just my own two cents I'm adding to get stuff off my chest. Don't see this as a rant or me saying I have absolute, Einstein-Hawking-Tesla understanding of the apparent astro-nuclear physics involved in making and reviewing video games, okay? Alright.

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Frightmare night · 3:12am Oct 29th, 2022

I took part of a nightmare night artpack for the spooky season, check it out~.

Perhaps it is for the best to linger in the chiaroscuro, the twilight of what is visible and not, what is real and imaginary. To not be seen, but to be able to see what you wanted as real, enough. Perhaps saying so is giving up, to not fall into complete safety, to not stride into the light. But in light or darkness, one is blind. Vision is bred from shadows.

Happy nightmare night~.


XD · 6:21am Jun 4th, 2023

I just saw that my latest story has been spammed with downvotes faster than any other story I've ever uploaded. :rainbowlaugh: On a website dedicated to a cartoon about treating others with equal respect despite individual differences, the LGBT phobia adds quite a bit of irony to the equation.

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XV · 6:31pm Last Thursday

Happy Fourth of July! I found a perfectly appropriate comic the other day, and have been saving it for today. :yay:

I've been having a hard time deciding what song to post today. "Independence Day" by Martina McBride is one of my favorite songs from the 90s. I just listened to it again, and can't resist posting it.

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Boots The Cat · 1:48am Dec 30th, 2016

My mom and I found a little stray cay with white sock markings on its feet that we have been feeding table scraps. It is a grey cat with dark grey tiger stripes, a white underbelly, and white sock like markings on its feet. We've decided to call it Boots for this reason.

We found two local resources that provide free cat food; The Salvation Army and The Humane Society. So my mom and I are going to swing by so we can pick up some bags of catfood to feed the stray with.

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I Am Working On Conquering My Fears · 2:54pm Jan 26th, 2017

As many people know I have social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, PTSD, OCD and other emotional/ physical disorders as the result of genetics but also growing up in a highly abusive household, being abused at school, and also being abused in the workplace.

I've been trying to think of ways to conquer my fears of leaving the house but I haven't thought of any solid plans.

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Thank You Again To TheCastawayPariah · 3:06pm Feb 4th, 2017

As many people know, my mom and I have been going through a very hard time lately.

If you want to read the full story you can check out my blog entry here:

A few days ago there was someone who made a very kind donation to my fundraiser.

He has previously made two other contributions and he made another one which I just received in the mail.

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I Received Another Kind Contribution · 12:07am Nov 30th, 2016

As many people know, my mom and I have been going through a very hard time lately.

If you want to read the full story you can check out my blog entry here:

A few days ago there was someone who made a very kind donation to my fundraiser.

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A Miracle · 7:33pm Oct 2nd, 2016

My mom and I somehow were able to find the $400.00 we needed to pay the rent for the month of October so we won't be homeless.

A long time friend who saw my mom's post on her Facebook wall about the hard times we have been going through sent her the exact amount we need to cover the rest of the rent.

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Some Bad News · 10:05pm Sep 26th, 2016

People who have been reading my blog know that I've been going through some hard things in my life, and my mom and I might be homeless in six days. You can read more about this in my blog entry here.

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Viewing 1261 - 1280 of 1,472 results