
Viewing 1301 - 1320 of 1,551 results

OCHG Round Three Results/Round Four Announcement! · 4:36am Nov 17th, 2015

What's up y'all!? Like last time, I'm gonna keep it short and get straight to the meat of this little project. As you all know, the contestants were paired up once more and had to fight their partner's OC in a fair boxing match! I must say some of these were pretty exciting and enthralling! So with that let me introduce the winners.

The first winner is...

Nioniosbbbb! With his outstanding piece! Job well done lad!

The second winner is...

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Another Dusk Guard Saga Art Contest Entry! · 10:54pm Aug 12th, 2015

Alert! We have another entry into The Dusk Guard Saga Art Contest! Entry courtesy of Tweeterhead!

Sabra and Sky by Tweeterhead


Pacific PonyCon is My Life Right Now · 8:37pm Jan 6th, 2016

I'm wearing three hats heavy hats for Pacific PonyCon:

Getting the Ponytones down to San Diego and keeping them from falling apart
Setting up and running the writing panel and Iron Author competition and keeping them from falling apart
Providing equipment and personnel for the A/V staff and keeping them from falling apart.

Do you see a pattern?
expect 2 or 3 new stories next week, though.


On the Horizon · 10:21pm Mar 6th, 2017

I see many things on the horizon. :derpyderp2:

...other than gaudy colors.

No, no, not that horizon! :facehoof: I mean fic forecasts! :pinkiehappy: Specifically, I have several things burning right now, and one or two on fire. My Twistyle checklist:

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Contest Entry: A Still More Glorious Dawn Awaits · 1:22am May 31st, 2016


OC Apprentice Pre-Challenge 6 Results/Challenge 6 Update · 4:38am Apr 12th, 2016


Ah, just click and read. I'm lazy today.

That night Gob turned Coalstone into an infant, he had decided to turn in early. Feeling quite tired after that day of doing nothing but pranking his stone cutting contestant. Gob snuggled into his levitating bed and almost fell right asleep until remembering a very important detail.

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Hap Recommends Scribblefest #7: Take With Food · 4:33pm Mar 14th, 2016

Like I mentioned in my last one of these, I've stopped reading through three at a time because I've been getting much busier, and will only be reading and giving my thoughts on stories that either get requested or recommended to me directly. So there's only going to be one story in this one, I'm afraid.

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Schedule of the Previews for Twilily Saga: Journey To Heartwarming · 4:07pm Oct 21st, 2017

This blog is the one I mentioned last night. I have compiled a list of each preview and even each of the voting contests that I will be having as well. I'll even be going into great detail on what each voting contest will be about. I'll be posting when the contests start and when they end.

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My Weekend Activities · 12:24pm Oct 3rd, 2017

I have a few more responsibilities now, but I'm raring to go.

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Possible Monsterfied OC Contest in the Future · 6:49am Feb 17th, 2018

So this is something I have been thinking about that I might do. As a few of you know I have been working on an additional comment driven story, aside from Ask Graceful Thread, that I plan on releasing some time in October.

One thought I had is to host a contest where people could make OCs for one of these stories (I'm not sure, which yet). However there is a few catches.

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Abaddon Plushie Art Contest Thing · 7:53am May 3rd, 2019

I have no idea how to set one of these things up or how to run one, especially on a platform like this. I would expect it to be a bit of a mess, but I think it'll function well enough.

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"Hear Me Hailing From Inside"—Or, AHHHH WHAT · 9:36pm Nov 23rd, 2018


Signal Boost: Scootaloo, Formula One Driver · 1:40am Nov 14th, 2019

That’s right; another entry into my not-a-contest thingy!


Presenting: Scootaloo, Formula One Driver by none other than Sock Puppet.

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Signal Boost: Ponies, Horses, & Mustangs, Oh My! · 12:44am Mar 25th, 2020

Y’all know I’ve got a weak spot for ponies operating motor vehicles. Be they planes, trains, trucks, or automobiles.

Specifically Mustangs.


So of course I was onboard with a story featuring a bunch of obscure ponies driving Mustangs (and other Ford products) through the backwoods of Pennsylvania.

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Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 4, Fang and Flame · 8:57pm Nov 16th, 2019

Hello again folks. Because the story here is a bit longer than what my tragically stunted reading speed can allow for, I'm only going through the one story today, by Horizon. It's called Fang and Flame, and initially came to my attention when the author pointed out that it was the only other Ember related story. What amused me especially was that it was in the War category.

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New Story! Plus Other Updates · 9:14pm Jul 19th, 2022

It's been a little bit, but I'm back and I've got a new story to share!

ELetters to a Lost World
After a portal malfunction threatens to seal the human world and Equestria apart, the Rainbooms decide to write letters of friendship and appreciation to Princess Twilight.
EileenSaysHi · 10k words  ·  122  5 · 1.3k views

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Behind-the-page: My Dearest Twilight · 4:31pm Oct 3rd, 2022

Hiya, lovely peeps!

Welcome to my new series: behind-the-page, where I can give you background information on my newest story. Make sure to read the story first to avoid spoilers and understand what we’re talking about.

Today’s story: My Dearest Twilight.

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200 Followers · 2:30pm Jul 18th, 2019

Wow I can't believe we made it to 200 followers I wonder how we should celebrate it. I know a small little contest, It won't be like the last one but this one will be fun, send me an idea you might have for a story it must be something within 5,000 words or less, I'm willing to do any story but the best story will win the contest. It'll be a small bit before i can release it but I'll work on it as soon as i can. It can even be a sequel of a story i've done if you want.


RCL Ponyfic Highlander Voting: Signal Boost · 5:19pm Jun 17th, 2019

Those of us among the RCL curators who are attending Bronycon have a panel in the works, "Ponyfic: There Can Be Only One." We're going to determine the greatest MLP fanfic ever written through what I'm sure will be highly scientific and objective processes, for a very serious and legally binding prize.

The greatest MLP fanfic ever written...

Eeyup, that’s what the RCL curators are trying to determine, and you can have a say!

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Hap Reviews: Contest Entries 2 · 1:10pm Nov 13th, 2019

Hello again. Trying to get back into the swing of regular reading and stuff, since I'm out of practice. Last time I had finished two short stories, both okay and worth a look if they were of the sort that tickles your fancy. Today we have two more, also hopefully good. First up is the highest rated story in the Peace category of the contest, so that's pretty exciting, and then a story about Luna, and everybody likes Luna.

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Viewing 1301 - 1320 of 1,551 results