
Viewing 1301 - 1320 of 1,471 results

Not Sure What To Do · 8:15pm Nov 17th, 2015

The bed bug problem at this apartment has gotten really bad. We have tried everything we can to contain the problem, but we have had to throw out all of our rugs, a lot of furniture items, and even a great deal of our clothes. We also had to throw out our bed clothes and comforters along with all of our pillows.

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I'm A Nerd And Proud · 6:55pm Oct 4th, 2015

I'm A Nerd And Proud:

Here is the proof.

Me In My Natural Habitat:

I regret nothing.


Season Seven Of MLP Was Eaten By Dinosaurs · 10:00pm Mar 15th, 2017

Some butt hurt fans who refuse to believe the show exists after season two trained dinosaurs to eat all of the footage for seven seven.

So long story short, there will be no season seven now.

I believe they are trying to get the giant beasts to eat the footage for the movie and season eight as well.

But for now, it is only season seven that has been eaten by the rogue creatures.

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My New Cat Named Boots · 11:38pm Mar 16th, 2017

About a year and a half ago my first cat who I owned for about nineteen years passed way.

Then five months ago, a little cat started stopping by every day to say hi. She was a little stray without a home so my mom and I adopted her and named her Boots.

We named her boots because she has white socks on all of her paws/ legs which kind of look like socks or boots.

This is a picture of my new kitty, Boots. Isn't she precious? XD

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Typical Day In Arizona · 11:50pm Feb 21st, 2017

I went outside to take out the trash and someone gave me a five dollar bill to offload the garbage from their truck and put it in the bin. Naturally I took the five bucks and helped throw out their trash.

People randomly pay you to do next to nothing here. My mom got offered one dollar for a cigarette she had in her pack the other day, and she took that as well (naturally) in exchange for the cigarette.

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I Need Some Input · 1:16am May 24th, 2017

I have depression, social anxiety, PTSD, agoraphobia, anemia, OCD, and a few other emotional/ physical disorders. I want to make a YouTube series about what it is like to deal with these various conditions but I don't want to come off as being a victim. I want to make these videos to spread awareness and give people some insight into what it is like to deal with these things.

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Parental Glideance, various thoughts · 10:01pm May 13th, 2017

You might have noticed I skipped an episode there. No worries. It seems like a few early releases happened over in Canada, so, varying levels of lore to comment on I guess.
So with a little bit of retconning and some delicious character interaction, here we have the fundament to Rainbow's past. What do we have in store?

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Results Released for CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest! · 4:57am Dec 16th, 2017

Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience- I've just released the results of my CuddleFic Contest, which can be found HERE.

If you're looking for some of the best, new snuggle horsewords on the internet, I suggest you take a look!


My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality · 7:03pm May 29th, 2016

My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality

I have a conspiracy theory guys.

I think we are all secretly characters in one giant multiverse wide SIMS game.

There are some things that support my theory.

First of all, nothing in life ever goes friggin right. Like you could just be minding your own business. And bam. Your toaster explodes. That is some SIMS bs right there.

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Hey, do you want a fic of your very own? · 10:53pm Jul 27th, 2016

Have you ever wanted someone to write a story about __________________ doing stuff like: things ponies do, kissing, fetish hoof holding, or the really freaky stuff? Are standard story commission costs too high? Have you approached an author to get a commission only to find they're a huge duchecanoe? Well then get on over to Jumbled Thought's page and

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Sequel to: Some Soup Would Be Nice · 2:18am Mar 3rd, 2016

I almost don't want to talk about it since I'll end up NOT doing it since I'm talking about it and I'm notoriously known for not doing things I talk about doing. But, I'll still talk about it.

I've actually started production on the story, however, something hit me.

It's written almost like a normal fictional story with fictional characters. Normal names, an actual location/setting (Implied to be LA), and a more mature setting. So then I thought:

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My Computer Won't Boot · 1:30pm Jun 20th, 2017

My computer decided to be dumb at exactly 4:00 PM yesterday and nonchalantly made the decision not boot anymore. I am kind of depressed because all of my writing, art, music, etc. is saved to my laptop. I can't even boot it to access any data.

Why did this happen, you might be asking? The latest Windows 10 update literally killed my computer. But I am not alone. Apparently it killed other people's computers too. <_<

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Kamen Rider Build Reveal First Thoughts · 6:28pm Jul 14th, 2017


A Royal Problem, various thoughts · 5:50pm May 21st, 2017

It's been a long time coming that we have some proper insight into the lives of the princesses. What sort of feelings and times left behind. Just some sisterly interaction! How will this measure up then? Let's find out!

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I'm A Big Vehicle Fan · 2:33pm Sep 9th, 2017

I'm A Big Vehicle Fan

One thing you might not know about me is that I love vehicles like trains, cars, motorcycles, trucks, and so on.

In terms of industrial and transportation vehicles I love trains, trucks, airplanes, construction equipment, metro trains, and other industrial/ transportation vehicles (both modern and historic).

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What Image Hosting Site Works On Fim Fiction? · 1:52pm Jul 18th, 2017

What Image Hosting Site Works On Fim Fiction?

Is there an image hosting site that actually works here? <_<

I have literally tried like seven different image hosting sites (Imgur, Photobucket, ImageShack, Dropbox, Slimgur...the list goes on...) and all of the pictures are blocked on this site.

Photobucket is the exception but they recently made it so you can't post on third party sites unless you pay a yearly subscription fee (which is dumb).

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Friends · 4:36am Dec 13th, 2017

Man you're annoying, bland, and not very loyal but hey I know you better than a stranger so what's up dude-

Sure is fun doing the hobbies we share together~

Sure is fun to joke around, relax, and have fun doing the hobbies we share together~!!


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March Schedule / Journey To Hearth's Warming / Hoodwinked: Pony Edition · 3:49pm Mar 1st, 2022

Hello everypony, I'm back from my very chaotic break. That winter break had to be the most chaotic time I have ever had. From stuff breaking left and right to new things up and down. Heck, just yesterday alone was hellish on me. I was planning to include my new streaming schedule in this post too, but yesterday also killed my TV... only one of the many things that happened this winter. It's a very simple return for me as I have more stuff to write. New chapters for both Journey To Hearth's

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My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War · 3:57am Dec 6th, 2015

My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War:

Well, here is my totally serious entry into The Cute War. Yep, it is meant to be the most serious entry you have seen today. Nothing fishy is going on here. Nope. Nuh uh. Nada.

So I humbly enter my cute face.

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Many Thanks To TheCastawayPariah · 11:42pm Mar 21st, 2017

As many people know, my mom and I have been going through a very hard time lately.

If you want to read the full story you can check out my blog entry here:

Yesterday there was someone who made a very kind donation to my fundraiser.

He has previously made three other contributions and he made another one which I just received in the mail.

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Viewing 1301 - 1320 of 1,471 results