
Viewing 121 - 140 of 956 results

Thoughts on the Season 6 Premiere in Relation to My Previous Blog Posts Part 2: Headcanon Ammo · 4:24am Apr 2nd, 2016

As I watched and reflected on the season 6 premiere, I looked for anything that either strengthened or weakened my headcanon. So far, I was not able to find much that weakened my headcanon. However, I did find quite a bit of information that supported it.

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Who saw the new episode? (Spoiler Alert!) · 8:50pm Apr 30th, 2016

Just watched and I gotta tell you. Big Mac talking like a gentleman cracked me up followed by Rainbows face when Starlight asked What's a Wonderbolt?

Report Valiant Charge · 118 views · #Blog #Season 6

Need some direction. · 1:23am February 17th

Hello all! I have one more chapter to go before part 3 for my zombie fic.
I just want to know for the ones who have read it, what would you like to see.

1) The group stays in the town of Iron’s Ridge and fortifies it.

And if they have to leave Iron’s Ridge then they,

2) Takeover an prison.
3) Takeover a military fort.
4) Takeover a grand hotel on a hilltop.

Thanks and have a great day and or night!!!

Report DILLYbOd · 118 views · #zombies #main 6

🦋 #4 · 1:55pm Jan 20th, 2020

Do you sweetlings like Ocellus? I'll hopefully get my second story done by the end of the month.


The elements of harmonies · 1:41pm May 20th, 2021

The pillars

Mane six
Young six

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Query: What Do YOU Think? · 6:49pm May 23rd, 2016

Yellow readers! You beautiful people behind the screen that I know nothing about, how are you today? Good I hope.

Now enough flattering, let's get down to business shall we? (I'm joking you guys are awesome.) Anyway. For the past few weeks prior to my last update in ALJA, I've been thinking about the whole Rainbow Dash issue. You know, her and what happened with Spike, followed by Twilight bitch slapping, smacking the snot off her at the train station back at Baltimare.

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Just another sunny X-mas, if you have Luna grade sunblock. · 11:31am Dec 20th, 2016

Errr, what did I say about our X-mas day's (I jinxed it)
Current forecast for the next few days.:facehoof:
Wed Dec 21 Thu Dec 22 Fri Dec 23 Sat Dec 24 Sun Dec 25 Mon Dec 26
Maximum 73°F 90°F 100°F 102°F 108°F 106°F

I'm gonna need that bottle just right of Luna

Report Boulder · 501 views · #heatwave #beach #mane 6

I Woke Up This Morning to a Sudden Revelation · 1:19pm Mar 26th, 2016

Guess what?

Yup, it's that time again. Source

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Report Chicago Ted · 268 views · #Season 6 #Alicorns

Four wonderful things from S6 Ep 1&2 (spoilers below) · 8:24pm Mar 27th, 2016

1. Starlight Glimmer not only learning from Twilight, but living with her. Also I love her new Mane style. Loving that she is also in the intro picture, shows some permanence.

2. Adorable Flurry Heart. Nuff said, thank goodness it wasn't Skyla.

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S6 premiere in three weeks' time! · 4:54pm Mar 5th, 2016

Discovery Family have confirmed, with the release of a trailer stating the date, that Season Six of Friendship is Magic will begin not in May, as we'd been led to believe, but on Easter Saturday. The trailer is very spoilery, so watch it at your own risk! But yikes, all of a sudden the new season is almost upon us. I'm pleased to find that yes, I am very much hyped for it: no sign of interest diminishing here. Looking forward

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Report Loganberry · 242 views · #show #season 6

MLP meets FMa (spoilers for season 6 btw) · 7:29pm Feb 27th, 2016

I got to say that i could totally see this happening xD


The Answer To A Question No Body Asked Part 2 -Episode Order June · 8:28pm Nov 7th, 2017

It's my understanding that Hasbro has said that the first 3 seasons were 1 year.
Even allowing  for 90 days of Winter with no adventures this is mathematically possible. 
Since the show starts "2 days until the Summer Sun Celebration"
I'm going to run the calendar from June to June

It helps if  you assume that most of the Crusader episodes take place during other episodes.

It also helps A LOT if you assume that Magical Mystery Cure took place over 1 day. 

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The June Update (2019) · 4:25pm Jun 10th, 2019

Footage of nyxOs after publishing chapter 6, part II (2019, colorized)

Yeah, this chapter really kicked my ass.

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Report nyxOs · 330 views · #Update #June #6-2

Fic request. · 1:47am Jan 15th, 2017

Hey, sorry if this blog seems weird. Could anyone make a fic about the Main 6 reacting to the Samurai Jack show? If so, please tell me when it is put up.

Report Windy0 · 318 views · #Main 6 #Crossover

As the times goes past Midnight here; · 11:41pm Oct 10th, 2017

The day is here... The day I lost my unborn child, 6 years ago.

I remember the events leading up to it like yesterday;
I was at my parent's house trying to relax after grinding through a mountain of college work, thinking that when I'm done - I'll be able to jump onto the job train to give my child the good life.

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Report darkstone57 · 252 views · #6 Years Now

Here You Go... · 7:02pm Apr 5th, 2018

...the Twitch live stream I'm planning Friday night will be at approximately 1:00am EDT/10pm PDT (technically it would be Saturday morning where I live). Anyways, the stream will be found here.

Hope to see some of y'all there. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:


SENPAI HAS NOTICED!!!! · 12:10pm Mar 17th, 2016

Arcane Academy is gaining some moderate recognition, several of you awesome readers have favorited or given me some feedback on the story (which is greatly appreciated) and I will continue to do my best. I'm still debating if there should be a waiting period for the episodes or if i should post episodes more constantly. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

If you haven't read Arcane Academy you can check it out here ------>

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tomorrow update. · 12:52am Mar 26th, 2016

il be off the first part of the day for oil wells and of course mlp season 6 premiere!! so please don't be mad if im not online in a while just means im watching it!
have fun tomorrow!!

signing off!

Report The loser · 262 views · #season 6 #premiere

S6 is coming *this* year.... oh no it isn't! · 2:08am Jul 9th, 2015

By 'eck, it is an' all. And when you consider that Friendship Games turns up in late September, we're going to have the opposite problem to last time. Instead of an enormous hiatus in which we all get impatient, we'll have too little time to write fanfics. Curse you, Hasbro! :rainbowlaugh:

Sigh. Update:

Report Loganberry · 246 views · #season 6 #show

News Regarding MLP FiM Season 6 Scheduled Airings · 2:42pm Oct 1st, 2016

ALL the upcoming episodes of Season 6 are airing 'early' next week on UK T.V. - Tiny Pop channel over a couple days. I will be catching a stream then. North America schedule is still the same.

Source: Equestria Daily:
Right sidebar title - Final 4 Episodes of 6 Release Early
Article - The Rest of MLP Season 6 Airing Early in the UK!

Beware episode synopsis spoilers if you choose to read the article, the images on the page are straight from T.V. guide for upcoming episodes!

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Report Canyon Light · 317 views · #mlp #fim #season 6
Viewing 121 - 140 of 956 results