
Viewing 121 - 140 of 5,085 results

Planeswalker Card Concepts, Mark II · 8:02am Mar 14th, 2018

A revised version of some of the planeswalker card concepts I posted before. All three have been tweaked a bit for balance reasons, and to more closely tie them into what I want to do with them thematically. I’m mostly making it a new post instead of an edit so I can get further feedback on the cards and their balance, since planeswalkers are easily the most difficult to get right.

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The movie intro we got was the better one · 12:08am Nov 18th, 2018

Okay, okay, hear me out. First, we start with the recent post on EQD showing us the musical intro and opening that was originally slated for the movie:

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Thoughts on The My Little Pony Movie · 5:09am Mar 15th, 2018

So, I finally, finally saw The My Little Pony Movie, and it was fine, I guess. I mean, it was NOWHERE near as disappointing as Legend of Everfree. Heck, my experience with the live-action Beauty and the Beast was more disappointing than my experience with this movie.

I’m going start with the cons because I want to end on a good note:

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My Little Planeswalker Cards, Take 2 · 4:05pm Jun 29th, 2018

On a whim, I’ve redesigned some of the old MLPlaneswalker card images from one of my previous blog posts, with some templating and wording cleanups, as well as a few other minor tweaks.

Artist: Noctilucent-Arts

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A couple characters who may appear in a Sideboard Stories chapter or two in the future. · 4:20am Mar 6th, 2018

Nargus Cugio 1UB

Legendary Creature — Cat Bird Rogue

When Nargus Cugio enters the battlefield, put a mark counter on target creature you don’t control.

Whenever a creature with a mark counter on it leaves the battlefield, draw a card.

1UB: Return Nargus Cugio to its owner’s hand.

“A hit job, eh? Not my usual fare, but I can pull it off.”



Kusha Irongale 2UR

Legendary Creature — Dragon Spellshaper


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Bronycon Thursday day: escape room? · 10:02pm Aug 9th, 2017

Just landed in Baltimore! And noticed via the Bronycon web site that there's a local escape room giving con discounts. Sounds like a fun way to burn a Thursday afternoon. Is anyone who's here already, or by Thursday morning, interested in teaming up and doing some puzzle solving? After the con discount it would work out to a little over $20/person; can take a group of up to eight (the more people you have, the more brainpower you can apply to each puzzle within the one-hour time limit).

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Mlp animal recast meme · 10:07pm Aug 5th, 2016

Twilight sparkle- Sergal
Applejack- hyena
Rainbow dash- Leopard
Fluttershy- Cat
Rarity- Chinchilla
Pinkie pie- Dog
Spike- Squirrel
Princess celestia- Reindeer
Princess Luna- Wolf
Princess Candace- Fox
Sweetie bell- fox kitten
Scootaloo- Puppy
Apple bloom- Duck
Shining armor- Puma
Sunset shimmer- Rabbit
Trixie- Jackal
Twilight sparkle and Applejack hybrid- Sergal and Hyena hybrid
Derpy hooves- Goose
Big mactosh- Ox
Snips- Raccoon
Snails- Raccoon
Babs seed- Platypus

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Report abbylou146 · 313 views · #my little pony

Something I need to explain... · 7:37pm Jul 21st, 2016

Okay, some of you may have seen a new part for Going Deep Under pop up in your feeds. That was my fault, I accidently published it when it was far from ready.:twilightoops::twilightsheepish: Rest assured, when it is ready I will let you guys and gals know. Should be up later today if all goes well.:raritywink:

Report The Bricklayer · 319 views · #my #mistake #oops

Commander TwentyNeighTeen · 2:08am Aug 30th, 2018

On a whim possibly inspired by the overall middling reactions to Commander 2018, I’ve been spending some time designing some cards for what may turn out to be a mock-commander set sometime in the future. It’s uncertain if I’ll finish it, but I’ve gotten the ideas written down for the sake of writing them down. Here’s what I have so far.

Deck: Arcane Royalty
Theme: Spellslinger
Subtheme: Extra Combats

Primary Commander:

Twilight, Soul of Magic 2URW

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The My Little Pony Movie · 10:17pm Oct 6th, 2017

Now that it's out and I had a chance to see it, I'm going to write how I felt about it:

This movie rekindled my love for the show.

That's it.

What, you want a review? Check someone else's blog.

Fine, I'll bite. Review below.

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Alakazam! Retconjuration! (Glimmering Oil Edit) · 7:00pm Apr 2nd, 2018

I've made something of a mechanical change to Human!Starlight Glimmer's card in Glimmering Oil. Before, her first ability said "creatures your opponents control lose all abilities." Now, it says "Nonlegendary creatures lose all abilities." This change is intended to create less of a rules headache when two copies of her are on the battlefield. I've also made a couple slight tweaks to her power/toughness and mana cost as well.

Below is the full text of her edited card:

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New Year's resolutions: that I pray are doable! · 6:57pm Dec 28th, 2015

First off post Trixie school days. I have two more chapters to go. So it shouldn't be that difficult, and I have a friend, editing them! That one is definitely a go!

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New Character Tags · 12:25pm Jan 11th, 2017

So Knighty finally got around to implementing those character tags he was talking about all those months ago, so I decided to go back and update the tags for my stories. Everything is now what it should be, with stories like The Collection stories, X, and Remember When...? being altered.

Not sure if anyone cares, just wanted to let you know.

Report chillbook1 · 273 views · #My Stories #New Tags

The difference between gaming and movie crossovers · 11:39am Feb 10th, 2018

Hi Bronies and Pegasisters. I just wanted to do a short blog about writing crossovers.

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HL Maps · 4:03am Dec 25th, 2019

The Earth Pony Village

The Enchantress' Eternal Garden
The Unicorns Hidden Valley.


Hey! It's ready, and published! · 4:59am Feb 22nd, 2020

So, I finished editing and fixing up and all that stuff my new book, and due to how Amazon works, the changes will be available any time between the next hour, and the next 48 hours. As for now, I have a bone to pick with Amazon that I'm sure you guys will get a kick out of. It's a minor thing, but it still bugs me, and it's something that I'm sure you guys will catch once you see the new manuscript.

You see this?

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Greetings Munchkins · 4:40am May 30th, 2016

Greetings fellow humans that live in a world that is absolute shit, I am ThePonyofSalt and this is my first blog entry. Now I'm going to go ahead and get this out of the way, I haven't really watched the show since season 4 but that's because if I did my family would force me to literally drink bleach. That's why all of my shit stories will take place in an AU. Before you leave muttering about how I need to kill myself for not actually watching the show that much past season 4 well, I will

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BEST SONG EVER ON MLP KARAOKE! · 10:30pm Mar 18th, 2019

I installed the game onto my computer to day with it only just finishing a few minutes ago

After going though who i was and a few songs I found the best one EVER!

A Pinkie Pie version of We're Number One from Lazy Town!


Ending at Season 9 · 9:02pm Feb 17th, 2019

Okay, I'm sure some of you heard and some may not, but My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is ending at Season 9. Which means, after Season 9 is finish so is G4. Which also means no adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her Friends, no more lessons that the show could teach both old and new fans. I well understand it not going to remain on TV forever, but I feel it end a little too soon. If it end at a Season 10, them maybe I will be a little more happy to see it go, but Season 9? Sorry doesn't

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On this blog. · 7:51pm Oct 26th, 2015

This blog is going to be my rage outlet where I talk about stuff. And rage. My general pony parable pet peeves will be posted here for all to see. Feel free to smite me if I share my opinions. The things I will discuss include:

Displaced fics
People who write with terrible grammar, for people with terrible grammar (I can only save one fic at a time)
How not to create OCs
Why I hate certain fics for seemingly no reason

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Report TodayIWriteFanfics · 312 views · #This #blog #is #my #blog #ok
Viewing 121 - 140 of 5,085 results