
Viewing 121 - 140 of 241 results

NaNoWriMo Part 2; or, November is a Hard Month for Writing · 10:42pm Nov 8th, 2015

Saturday ended with 9,138 words in The bag, only 2,528 words under par! Believe it or not, that is quite the achievement given the week I had. It turns out that between work, volunteering, and getting ready for a trip, it all rolled out to about two hours a day to write.

Sometimes less. For instance, while Saturday was a very good day at about 2,500 words, Friday was... not. 21 words? It's a little embarrassing. :twilightblush:

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A Break to Discuss Visual Novels · 5:49am Feb 6th, 2016

Yes, this is mostly an excuse to discuss a visual novel I recently played, but partly to dissect it as research. See, I've wanted to make my own visual novel for a while (probably for free or under $5, because it'd be more for fun than for a profit motive). I really like reading/playing visual novels, and I like experimenting with my writing, so writing my own visual novel seems like a natural progression of these two things. I have a few artist friends and a couple of people I could probably

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Starlight Vega!!! · 4:05am Apr 15th, 2016

The lezzy visual novel game I backed on Kickstarter last year finally came out! YESSSS!!! :yay:

wai~ :rainbowkiss:


YouTube review of Turnabout Storm novelization posted · 8:12pm Apr 23rd, 2018

It was unsolicited, but still welcome, and I'd like to thank the reviewer, darksymphony777, for running it past me first before simply posting it to the story comments. His review is twenty minutes long and a bit on the stream-of-consciousness side, but definitely worth listening to as he addresses all the major parts and issues of the novelization in turn.

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WishyWish Would Like Your Opinion/Input/Advice · 3:37pm Sep 19th, 2017

(This might be a little lengthy. I have linked it to my current hottest story in order to reach more readers for their opinions.)


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Opinions needed for potential novel. · 12:41am Aug 18th, 2017

I have in mind an idea for a novel wherein, basically, two people, male and female, end up in a new world. The female becomes afflicted with something that'll cause her to hate the male if she stays in his presence for extended periods of time, eventually even potentially driving her to homicidal rage. So they have to be kept apart until said affliction wears off. However, there's just one thing.

They're both children.

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Novel Review #1 - The A.B.C. Murders · 5:49am Jul 3rd, 2017

So, this is something different. Today, since I haven't read much pony recently, I will be reviewing a novel that I just finished. Specifically,

The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie

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Share a smile! · 7:11am Sep 13th, 2017

It seems like this wonderful thing is being thrown around!

Although I may not be very active on this site, not least because I am a huge butt, I still have several people to thank (rest assured I don't actually know any of them).

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Setokaiva's Collection of Novelized RP Logs (On Request) · 5:47am Feb 10th, 2018

During my... kinkier, and sometimes darker moods, I do a variety of NSFW-related roleplaying with friends and randoms alike. All of them so far have been non MLP-related. Some of them could have come straight out of a hentai movie. But others, I've taken a softer and more delicate tone with. I have taken up the project of publishing the results of these RP's for people to see, and I'm currently up to 12 decent-length stories!

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Hiatus - Sorry · 5:17am May 16th, 2020

Fallout Equestria: Letter's to Celestia is still very important to me. I love the story I have planned, I'm very proud of it, and I am very confident in my ability to finish it. I WILL finish it, I fully intend to.

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Random Game Review: Katawa Shoujo · 10:33pm Oct 10th, 2013

I stumbled upon this little gem while browsing TVTropes, and when I mentioned it in the irc channel of The Writer's Group later, someone there told me they'd actually recommended it there in the channel too. Anyway, apparently, the game was made by a bunch of enthusiasts on 4chan's Anime & Manga channel (/a/) who somewhat coincidentally ended up making a serious project out of a silly image from an artist who probably meant it as a rather crude

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Next Monsterotica · 1:41pm Feb 13th, 2020

Well an idea for the next monsterotica will involve something fun and a great Hint to it

Lamp!! That is my only hint of one of the girls XD


What's cleverpun Up To? · 7:52am Oct 10th, 2020

Y'all may notice that, aside from some scattered blog posts, I haven't been doing much on FIMfic lately. And there's a good reason for that.

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Feline Fantasies General Update March 2021 · 1:14pm Mar 28th, 2021

Hey guys, ThatAverageDude here or TAD for short! I hope y'all are having a pleasant weekend so far! :3 It's the end of the month again so I'm here to give you guys another update on the progress of Feline Fantasies!

So, currently, the animated portal sequence has been completed entirely and has been added to the game! It even features some voice acting and I'm really happy with how it turned out! :D

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Something to Read: "Silent Hall" · 3:20am Sep 6th, 2016

I recently picked out this little gem while perusing a Barnes & Noble in Yonkers. I had some spare cash and I haven't had anything to read for a few months (except of course what I could find here on this site), and I needed a dose of some classic fiction to pull my thoughts away from weird fiction. That doesn't mean, however, that I didn't buy a four-inch thick collection of lesser-known writings by H.P. Lovecraft that I happened across. Now, on to a short review of the fantasy novel "Silent

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Start Their Engines · 10:59pm Feb 27th, 2018

Novel Idea's a cool guy. Eh makes AUs and doesn't afraid of anything.

Well, anything but car trouble, anyway. One of his family's cars has literally become more trouble than its worth, and trying to get by with just the one has proven unsustainable. They could use some help in getting a replacement. Details are here, including links to GoFundMe, Patreon, and Paypal. Every little bit helps, folks.


Dusky Novel, Forgotten Dreams and Can We Please Just Agree That Pedophilia is WRONG and Should Not Be Tolerated!? · 11:29am Apr 21st, 2018


I didn't really want to make this blogpost but apparently I have to, since a couple of people have made public statements and videos about it.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about when I say 'Dusky Novel and Forgotten Dreams drama' and would like to retain your IQ, stop reading here. It's a nasty business and tbh there's enough nastiness in the world that it doesn't need me adding to it.

Still reading? Oh well then.

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Believe. · 2:43am Sep 8th, 2018


Novel Idea needs help! · 1:15am Apr 3rd, 2019

Yeah, basically... well, read for yourself.

Last year, I came here and begged for your help to replace my wife’s car. And you did the impossible. You made it happen. You single-handedly bought a new car for my family. And I can’t thank you enough for it.

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I ... am beginning to really hate real life. · 6:45am Apr 26th, 2019

SO... here's the Down Low on things.

The parents (well one of the parents) got on my butt about job hunting. Which I neglected for a bit b/c I was happy where I was... then I realized i'm not exactly in a great place career wise.

So I'm kinda trying to get a full time job and my part time contract is up and my organization, a non-profit is being very very weird about whether they'll extend me or not (they haven't hired the person that will make the decision apparently :P ).

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 241 results