
Viewing 121 - 140 of 429 results

Episode Re-Review: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? · 5:41pm Apr 29th, 2021

Because having one dream episode per season wasn't enough, now we had one focused directly on Princess Luna. Scott Sonneborn was writing this episode, though the story was credited to both Jayson Thiesen and Jim Miller like with "Princess Spike" and "Party Pooped". Considering how bad the former turned out and considering the latter had received a rather lukewarm reception, that wasn't exactly a formula for success. But hey, Scott had worked well with M. A. Larson and Meghan McCarthy for "The

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Episode Re-Review: What About Discord? · 4:33pm May 8th, 2021

Right as Season 5 was at last hitting some consistency of quality, we had a Discord episode. Granted, he'd been pretty good in "Make New Friends, But Keep Discord" so maybe that wasn't automatically a death sentence despite the synopsis. However, the one writing it was Neal Dusedau, now on his own after he had previously been "helped" on "Princess Spike" by Jayson Thiesen and Jim Miller. But hey, Nick Confalone was able to do well enough on his own (even going on to last until the end of the

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Episode Re-Review: Hearthbreakers · 5:34pm May 6th, 2021

Fun fact about this episode, it originally aired about a week before Halloween due to being bumped around in episode order and that made it a sort of The Nightmare Before Christmas situation, having a Christmas themed episode before Halloween. Yes, that's right, we got our second bite at a holiday episode after "Scare Master" was another attempt at the Halloween episode (which sadly still fell flat). This time around, rather than focus on the entire mane six we were just going to focus

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Episode Re-Review: Secret of My Excess · 6:51pm Feb 23rd, 2021

After a Rarity episode where Spike was inexplicably absent when the rest of the mane six showed up, Spike got an episode to himself once again. People had actually been joking that, up until "Sweet and Elite" Spike was the new main character owing to him appearing in even "Sisterhooves Social" when Twilight was absent completely. And there's no denying that with performances such as "Lesson Zero" under his belt Spike seemed to have become a character that the writers were beginning to

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Episode Re-Review: Inspiration Manifestation · 6:15pm Apr 14th, 2021

Season 4's second half really needed some good episodes under its belt if it didn't want to drag down the entire season with just two truly impressive episodes. Rarity was the next to get a focus episode in a season where she'd already notched two rather interesting ones, including her long overdue return to the spotlight in "Rarity Takes Manehattan". However, Corey Powell was writing this episode and she had been associated with "Rainbow Falls". Perhaps because of that, Meghan McCarthy was

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Episode Re-Review: The Hooffields and McColts · 3:12pm May 9th, 2021

So right after an insult of a Discord episode, and with all eyes slowly drifting towards what was now on the horizon for the Season 5 finale, it was time for the third and final map mission of the season. And by process of elimination it was going to involve Twilight and Fluttershy who had last truly worked together in "A Bird in the Hoof", not a very memorable episode. Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco were going solo this time, after their last writing endevor had been a collab with Meghan

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Episode Re-Review: Family Appreciation Day · 6:48pm Feb 25th, 2021

If "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" was the first true dud of the show and "Hearth's Warming Eve" is the most pointless episode of the show, then this is the most forgotten episode of the show. It seems like an episode that a lot of people forget exists. It's written by Cindy Morrow who had just come off her high from "Sisterhooves Social", so that should've been a sign of something, right? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Campfire Tales · 7:09pm Jun 15th, 2021

At long last, Season 7 decided to settle on a theme that would define it: These "pillars" from ancient Equestria, a sort of mane six before the mane six. The IDW comics had already begun promoting this theme with a stand alone series entitled "Legends of Magic" which had replaced their long running "Friends Forever" series in early 2017 (by a quirk of release schedules the first "Legends of Magic" was actually released before the last "Friends Forever"). Yet it was only now, sixteen episodes

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Episode Re-Review: School Daze Parts 1 and 2 · 4:36pm Jun 23rd, 2021

Oh boy, Season 8. It's been a while, hasn't it? After Season 7 became arguably the show's greatest season and marked an improvement in quality, this season arguably almost killed the show's legacy. Even to this day, some regard it as one of the worst if not the worst outright season of the show.

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Episode Re-Review: Molt Down · 4:32pm Jun 28th, 2021

Season 8 hadn't been focusing on the school or the student/young six all that much up to this point, and when it had it usually wasn't for the best considering the utter disaster that was "Non-Compete Clause". Meanwhile, we had a lot of episodes using cliches or plots that had been done before, and it seemed like they weren't putting enough of a unique take on them. So it was that we had a Spike episode, which was not automatically a guaranteed success considering Season 7 had given him the

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Episode Re-Review: The Maud Couple · 6:09pm Jun 24th, 2021

Hey, remember how great "Rock Solid Friendship" was from last season? Well, I guess Nick Confalone wanted to do a sequel to it here. I mean after all, Nick is writing this episode and it's focused on Maud and Pinkie. The whole point of this episode was that Maud was getting a boyfriend that Pinkie couldn't stand. Yet many regard this as the first true misstep of Season 8, especially with the ship it introduced. And considering the many blunders Season 8 committed that's saying a lot. But has

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Episode Re-Review: The Washouts · 5:39pm Jul 2nd, 2021

Season 8 seemed to hit an abrupt dry patch after "The Hearth's Warming Club". Not a single episode seemed to debut to positive reception as even "Road to Friendship" seemed to be panned upon release (though not quite as much as what had come before it). But this episode promised the return of a fan favorite villain in Lightning Dust, something fans had been wanting to see for years. Nick Confalone was writing this episode, coming off his less than stellar performance in "The Break Up Break

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Episode Re-Review: Sounds of Silence · 4:43pm Jul 4th, 2021

So it was that Season 8 would introduce a new celebrity character in the form of famous musician/comedian Rachel Bloom, and would feature a map mission that would actually have two mane six members instead of anyone else. Most people can't stop gushing over this episode and what it introduced, and what's most surprising is that this episode was written by a one off writer named Gregory Bosignore who had previously done work for various plays. There may be a reason for that, though, considering

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Episode Re-Review: School Raze Parts 1 and 2 · 10:15pm Jul 5th, 2021

*Sigh*, I originally planned to skip over this re-review because I didn't have much new to really say on it. But I felt like it wouldn't be fair to do that when I'm going to re-review the next two two parters, and this would thus be the only two parter (and season finale) I would be skipping. Plus, we now have "The Ending of the End" for an arguably worse season finale with an equally stupid plot twist in the villains department. What's most odd about this two parter is that it's written by two

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Episode Re-Review: Castle, Sweet Castle · 7:07pm Apr 19th, 2021

Season 5 unveiled some new writers as well, though nowhere near as many as had been introduced in Season 4. Jonna Lewis and Kristine Songco were introduced, the two having previously worked together on Butch Hartman shows like The Fairly Odd Parents (which Ed Valentine had also written for) and T.U.F.F. Puppy. Meghan McCarthy was also credited as story editor here, which may be either an indicator that this episode was meant to be the Season 5 premiere originally, or how it's been

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Episode Re-Review: The Last Problem · 4:11pm Jul 18th, 2021

This is it, the grand finale for all of FiM. After nine seasons and just over 220 episodes, this is how it all ends. It really does seem fitting that they would end it not with one more two parter but with a mostly stand alone episode, perhaps because "The Ending of The End" was so polarizing because of a badly thought out twist that destroyed a character, on top of some other questionable writing decisions that made what should've been an epic final battle feel kind of like a let down. And

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #24 · 3:51am Oct 7th, 2020

This is the last of the re-reviews, because in a sense this was the end of what could be said to be the golden years of the IDW comics (at least of their original run). Starting with the next issue it was going to be all downhill with only a few occasional shining examples that never quite seemed to turn the corner, and eventually resulted in the comics tying in completely with the show canon and tossing out their own continuity they'd established. And I think my reviews of everything from IDW

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Episode Re-Review: Forever Filly · 7:37pm January 20th

Well, 2024's underway, and I really need some pony content to get through it. With "Make Your Mark" having wrapped up for good, "Tell Your Tale" has done nothing to convince me it's worth watching, especially not when it's come to light that "Secrets of Starlight" was supposed to be a stand alone special for a Chapter 7 of "Make Your Mark", undobutly meant to be a second pilot, hence why we had a new villain in Alura and a new addition to the main cast in the form of Comet. But not wanting

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Episode Re-Review: Honest Apple · 6:17pm February 3rd

Usually, by this point a season would've given us at least some idea of what was in store and what they were going to focus on. But Season 7 was up to eight episodes at this point and there was no sense of direction, the closest that could be said was family since that was the focus of two episodes centered on different Crusaders. We also had Twilight being freed from being Starlight's teacher, allowing Twilight and Starlight both to explore new boundaries. But this episode was coming on the

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Episode Re-Review: Secrets and Pies · 3:58pm April 6th

*Sigh*, might as well get this over with. When this episode first came out, I didn't think it would be possible for any episode to dethrone "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" for the worst episode of FiM in my book, but somehow this episode found a way to do that. It doesn't help that it had its big secret accidentally exposed early thanks to an IDW comic getting leaked ahead of time, so we the audience already knew what the twist was going to be. By now, the 2017 movie had come and gone

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 429 results