
Viewing 121 - 140 of 772 results

Hello :) · 4:41am May 30th, 2020

Hi! I'm not dead. Also, this is a good song.


Innocent Whistling Release of Outline · 11:48pm Dec 8th, 2021

This is the public outline.
Yes it is censored on purpose.
Go on, highlight the Censors, I dare you.

The Outline - Link

Report Fiaura · 335 views · #Outline #Preview #Dead Tree

Update: 1/14/24 · 6:52pm January 14th

I hope all had a nice holiday season, and it is good to be back. This is a little update to my story and letting all who care that I have finally finished up Chapter 5 and am going over rewrites and grammar checks to make sure it's ready. I'm letting it simmer a bit in my head just in case anything new comes to mind or if I decide to edit down some stuff.

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Factober 2-18! Spoopy Rapid Fire! · 4:14am Oct 19th, 2022

1. Jason's mutterings of Ch ch ha ha, is a reference to his mother Pamela from the original FT13, when she said "Kill her, mommy!" In Jason's voice.

2. Sean Cunningham wanted to make his movie FT13 so badly, he put out an Ad in the newspaper promoting its release before anything was even filmed or he had funding.

3. Sean Cunningham's original name for FT13 was, Long Night At Camp Blood.

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Been a while - I'm not dead! :P · 7:26am Oct 30th, 2016

Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time since I been on here and done anything. I really should change that, I just haven't had much motivation to do any writing. So, if you toss me ideas for my current stories that are unfinished, but not on hiatus.

Starbloom Chronicles II
The Return of Mare Do Well
Meeting of Worlds - A Crossover Story

I'll see what I can do.

Report L_Wolf · 349 views · #I'm not dead! :O

Future Diary Hiatus · 7:50am Jul 15th, 2016

On amiamera's suggestion, within a month or so, maybe after I finish the comparatively short Arc 2, I'm going to rewrite or add more stuff to make Arc 1 seem less jumbled and incoherent. I dealt with writer's block at the time by jumping to different targets, and made the story have that rather disorienting hopping around all over the place, and doesn't seem to contain that much Cycle himself despite being an above average importance character.

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So, You Might Not be Seeing Much of Me... · 7:09pm Mar 8th, 2016

A while back, I saw a vauge reference to a webcomic that is supposed to be good. Yesterday, I decided to look it up. I found it to be extreamly addicting, and proceded to read for at least six of the past twelve hours. Now, I am around a hundred or so pages in, and haven't even cleared chapter 2. Of like 50. So, I probably won't be responding for a bit, just so you know.

Oh, and if you want to follow me in my decent to madness, its called Drowtales.(It's really good!!)


IT'S HAPPENING · 6:25am Apr 5th, 2016

EDIT: Hahaha, I just noticed he's staring at the tagged story in glee... how oddly fitting...


Long time coming · 6:18pm Feb 7th, 2016

hey guys , it's been a long year, school is tougher than ever and writing has been slow, now I'm making this blog post to address this and what it means for my stories.

First I want to bring the good news.

one: I am not dead but thanks for the concern.

Two: I am writing as much as I can now.

Three: new chapters coming soon.... hopefully.

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There Will Be A Delay · 4:55am Aug 5th, 2016

Sorry folks, I'm going to be moving house in the next couple of weeks which means my ability to work on The King & Shy will be severely limited. This month's updates are going to be a little sparse due to these circumstances but I promise I will try and find some time to do some writing in between boxing everything up and my full time job. I'm not dead and the story is still alive and well though, no fears there.

Report I-A-M · 334 views · #delay #moving house #not dead

Dead · 1:12pm Jul 1st, 2016

My Wi-Fi is dead. Dead. I am on my phone right now and I don't know what to do. Wi-Fi. Dead. For soooo many days. So sorry about this, it means I can't update yet. Expect something by Tuesday, when my WiFi gets fixed.
Really sorry.


Disagreeing With The Dead · 7:32pm Jun 21st, 2017

I just listened to Lecture 12, "Structuring a narrative without a plot", from the Teaching Company series Writing Great Fiction by James Hynes.  (I don't recommend the series, as it's bloated; Hynes takes a long time getting to his point and then belaboring it, and it's often a trivial or obvious point.)

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Report Bad Horse · 663 views · #Joyce #writing #The Dead #Araby

Dead Space 'On The House' on Origin · 11:47am Feb 14th, 2018

Jesus, ten years already? Gosh, I feel old.

Anyway, one of the best horror and sci-fi games ever made. The graphics still hold up shockingly well without being that taxing on your rig, and I've never seen a studio just completely grok sound in a vacuum on the level the now sadly defunct Visceral Games did in this series.

Definitely check it out, if you haven't already.

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What's it like being dead? · 5:25pm Jan 4th, 2017

I wouldn't know what it's like to be dead.

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A bad meme · 2:55am Jul 13th, 2017

Throwaway obviously. This is a few months old but I feel like I have to get it out of my head.

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Major changes happening. · 6:01am Sep 27th, 2018

i have begun writing again.. after all this time, i am soon gonna restart the story, i have had over a year now, and i have gotten a good idea of where i want the story to go from here, how to progress it the way i want to, and a ton of other things. i am also gonna look it over with a more critical eye and try fixing most spelling mistakes and grammar errors i have made(even though i suck at doing it)

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After six+ years, I am back · 2:14am Sep 14th, 2018

I do not know who still is watching, or if they are even active accounts, but I would like to make my announcement to them and any who stumble upon this account and wonder why there is such a gap between posts.

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Nursery rhymes, but with horsefucking · 8:50pm Jul 8th, 2020


Under the Red Cloud · 10:11pm May 28th, 2022

Hi everypony.

I've been thinking lately of my previous attempt of a sequel for Broken Steel that i scrapped a couple of chapters in. I still want to do a Dead Money themed side story and events in the early chapters of Influx: Beyond the Adventure have supplied the motivation to bring it back.

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Help writing a story · 7:15pm Sep 18th, 2019

If anybody is reading this and is a fan of The Walking Dead Game series by Telltale, I could REALLY use some help writing a story. I have a story on another site I'm writing and so far it has 9 chapters. I'm working on a tenth, but I frequently get stumped with it.

If you can and want to help or just want to read the story, the links are:


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Viewing 121 - 140 of 772 results