
Viewing 121 - 140 of 903 results

The August Commission Poll on Patreon is Officially Online! · 5:12am Aug 24th, 2018

Just like last month, this month's entries compose entirely of prompt suggestions by my $20 Patrons. The poll is open to the public, so anyone can vote regardless of whether or not they follow me. However, it would really mean a lot if you guys took the time to check out what I have to offer on my Patreon page, and consider contributing to help out.

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The June 2020 Patreon Poll Results are in! · 10:53pm Jul 1st, 2020

First of all, the results from June's Patreon Commission Story Poll are pretty damn predictable given the numbers. Among the 78 casted votes, the winning story carried a whopping 15 point lead with a total of 28. So without further ado, July's upcoming Patreon-votes story will be:

Sombra's Herd [by S.O.M.] - King Sombra returns for revenge, and turns Shining Armor into a mare before impregnating her and Cadance

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Awesome stuff I help with. · 2:18am Nov 30th, 2016

So if you've ever talked to me about my favourite authors I've likely gushed abut the awesomeness that is Dromicosuchus.

He's written multiple great fics and now is venturing on changing a ponyfic into an original piece and I'm lending a limb.

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Another Teaser · 1:37am May 27th, 2016

Below the break, enjoy some more cute Sugarcoat x Sci-Twi shipping. Expect the new chapter to drop sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, don't forget that it's the last chance to join this chapter's Patreon. If recurring donations aren't your thing, I've set up a PayPal link too.

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Report JKinsley · 331 views · #teasers #patreon

I'm now on Patreon! · 9:01pm Jul 6th, 2015

:rainbowhuh: Dirty little secret, why is there a logo on your profile pic now?

It's because I'm on Patreon now!

:trixieshiftright: And that is...?

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I HAVE A PATREON! · 3:19am Aug 23rd, 2017

And I don't expect you to give me any money. At all. Seriously, this is just something I thought I'd do to see what happens. I'm not gonna hold anything hostage until I make enough money or have enough subscribers, its just something available for those of you who like my work and would like to help me out a little. If so, here's the link:


If not, no biggie.


Patreon · 9:57pm Jan 23rd, 2017


I've made another post for patrons only on my Patron.

I'm going to try and post things there more often. I know I don't have a lot to offer. But, I will say, that I will soon be releasing the new art version of Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet in hardback book, and patrons will get discounts and first dibs before they hit my general store.

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Report AlmanacP · 253 views · #patreon #books

The May Patreon Reward is Up! · 11:28pm May 31st, 2016

Heads up! For those awesome individuals out there who are supporting me via my Patreon page, the May Supporter Reward is now live! As a thank you for your support this month, you're getting another preview look at the upcoming Sci-Fi Space Opera Epic Colony—in particular a tense scene wherein Anna must ... well, that'd be spoiling the surprise.

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Report Viking ZX · 243 views · #Patreon #Colony

(Patreon Crosspost) Alternate Bumps List · 4:50am Jul 1st, 2017

This is for my Patreon patrons who may not be checking/seeing my Patreon posts, just to make sure everybody gets the memo. This is about the alt bumps thing, just to clear up what stories can be requested as alts.

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Report MythrilMoth · 379 views · #patreon stuff

EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! · 12:09am Sep 19th, 2017

I got my first patron, I’m so excited, ok, back to work, got to keep to that promise after all. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Report Futile Task · 458 views · #Patreon #Excitement

Patreon/Subscribestar · 5:17pm Jul 26th, 2019

It's come to my attention that Subscribestar can't take payments via Paypal because Paypal won't let them. Because of that, I will continue releasing things on my Patreon and it will still have the same tiers and benefits, lowly as they are. However if you have a choice, I still prefer Subscribestar because of their sane policies and the lower cut they take.


First Patreon fic · 6:52am Apr 29th, 2020

Hey all.

Just felt like making this to announce the first Patreon fic is up on my Patreon so if you wanna join to get access to it and possibly future fics early or want to vote on what I write next or even suggest some stuff feel free to pledge up Here

Report DHeroRedMagma · 233 views · #Patreon #shill

Update on my status as a productive member of society and all that jazz... Also Patreon · 5:21am Mar 29th, 2016

Hey! I know i've been radio silent for several months, and there's several reasons behind it. First was I had some issues trying to get funding for college. The second more emotional issue is I moved out of my manipulative father's house, and currently live elsewhere. And finally, even though working night shifts most days, my job as a grill cook for a restaurant in the small town I live in, I was let go because my night manager Steven lied about me not being trained.

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Report Crimson_Moon · 166 views · #Patreon #Life

Got my Patreon sticker fixed! · 9:23pm Jan 15th, 2019

A huge thank you to Knighty for fixing the issue with my Patreon sticker there next to my avatar! I had been wondering why it was missing!


Update about me, Mindrop. · 5:15am Aug 11th, 2019

Yep, it's the Patreon Talk. Stay with me and see just what I am doing and why I have decided to start one.

Hey guys, many of you read what I have been putting out for a year and a half now. That has led to 2 published series, with a 3rd about to be released: Fallout Equestria: Shaping Shadow & Dragon War. With EQG: SAO - Aincrad on its way.

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Report Mindrop · 158 views · #Mindrop #Patreon

The Holidays · 8:19am Dec 17th, 2021

Heya Peeps,

Figure I should let you know that I am officially on break till well the new year. The holiday fic I teased is currently out on Patreon and won't be released publicly till later this month. If you can't wait joining the lowest tier (Which is 1$) you can read it early. But till then I'm on Holiday.

Take care and enjoy the rest of the month.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 140 views · #Patreon #Holiday

Ya boi Tonk's got a Patreon now! · 11:59pm Jun 5th, 2020

Cough up, ya heckers.

Alrighty, so I've finally done it! I've launched a Patreon page ahead of my 5th year anniversary of joining the site. What now?

Well, I've created some pretty reasonable perks for members:

  • $5 gets you access to private Q&A sessions about my work (but watch out for the public ones! Those are still lonely as heck.)

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... · 11:23pm Apr 16th, 2016

If I were to open a Patreon, you guys support me/hate me/in follower me?


Patreon? · 12:15pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Hello followers!

I'm considering opening Patreon account for my writing.

(tagging My Little Rainbows as this will largely affect the progress of that story)

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Report The PatioHeater · 287 views · #Patreon #hiatus

Support my Patreon · 5:37am Sep 10th, 2015

After taking a couple of weeks to finally figure out how it all works, I've finally gone and created my own Patreon page right here.

I know my chapters can take a long time to write, so what better way to ease the wait with a few peeks at the manuscript here and there? :trollestia: Those who are willing to aid enough may even be able to decide what illustrations may show up in chapters as well.

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Report Humanity · 355 views · #Patreon #help
Viewing 121 - 140 of 903 results