
Viewing 121 - 140 of 902 results

Answering if I am going to fast to have a girlfriend. Please don’t pressure Moon because of this! · 8:59am May 5th, 2020

I have known Moon for a couple of months now. Look okay I can’t help it I really do love Moon. She also loves me. I didn’t plan on things to go this fast and she wasn’t planning on it either. Look we are taking it slow. Okay I can’t say anything more because it was something that Wasn’t planned. I need advice but I didn’t know who to turn to so I start to ask Moonlight. I will be honest it started out with me and her just cheering each other up but then we started spending the days together

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Rough times · 11:56am Mar 11th, 2020

I know that most likely, not many will see this, yet I want to put this out here.

Long story short, something heavy has happened with me, causing a massive blow to my motivation. I've been working slowly, but I'm making my way to the end of the third chapter.

I've fallen into a habit of only writing when I have time at work, I'm going to be trying to write at least a little bit at home to get back to speed.

If you do happen to read this, thank you.


Health problems! · 4:15am May 23rd, 2020

I was planning on my next blog to announce a podcast but I didn’t plan on writing a blog about having another seizure a few days ago. I think this one was a little bit more powerful than the last one but this time it was due to my idiotic tendencies. I managed to stab my self in the arm with a knife accidentally while trying to cut something. It didn’t go in very far I just washed it and bandage it but well I start to have a anxiety attack and it didn’t go so well afterwards because I end up

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I do not feel well! · 6:12pm Mar 3rd, 2020

Today my stress levels rose to new heights and combined with me not being able to get a good night's sleep yesterday night I almost had a seizure. I think that it was triggered through my stress and no my head hurts and I feel lightheaded. I also feel a little bit tired. I don't actually know if I did have a seizure or if I stopped it. I have no clue all I can say is that I feel really bad.


Well I might have just had another seizure. · 8:57pm Mar 4th, 2020

Well guy's if you know I mention how I had a seizure yesterday dur to stress and well after you have a seizure triggered by something you have to be very careful because the trigger is sensitive and could give you another relapse seizure. I push myself to far and had a relapse seizure today. Having epilepsy sucks.


So I have just bought and played the Witcher 3 for the first time on my Nintendo switch! · 2:17am Jan 27th, 2020

Well to be honest the game looks Amazing on the Nintendo switch. It doesn't look as good as it does on the Xbox one or any other system but it still looks better than it has any right to be. I have no idea how the switch does it but most of the games that shouldn't be able to run on the Switch actually run pretty well. The witcher 3 runs at a steady rate of 30 Frames per second. There's also no input lag or frame rate drops. The game if I can remember correctly is running below HD resolution.

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Why did I joined FimFiction? (Personal story) · 3:46am April 28th

Personal storytime.

It was around March of 2020, the pandemic happens and we are forced to stay home for our safety.

I don't mind staying at the house since I rather not go outside other than getting foods or watching movie at the theaters but the pandemic made me a bit scared because the disease and it took me few months (around 6 or 7 months) to finally go out.

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Report Ragnarok17 · 76 views · #Personal story

Best crossover that I can get behind! · 6:54pm Mar 28th, 2020

Even with the joke in mind I am glad that these two communities have started to celebrate their games together instead of bickering about which one is better. I wish a lot more gaming communities were like that. I completely love this crossover and all that it stands for.


Some things and some other things · 1:21pm Jul 27th, 2015

Wow, I wrote 3 chapters and over 10,000 words in three days. I don't think I've ever managed to do that before.

What's my secret?

Being sick off work in bed. Having no obligation but to lie there stoned on painkillers meant I was free to write without guilt.

I'm back at work tomorrow so it'll be longer between the next chapters, which are monsters anyway because a lot of stuff happens in them.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 441 views · #writing #personal

I know I say this a lot, but I'm sorry for not updating · 1:30am Dec 26th, 2016

I'm working full time, and still don't have regular computer access. I want to get a new laptop in the new year, which should help my updating speed.

I have most of the next few weeks off, so I'm hoping to update the major stories at least once in the coming days.

As is, I've updated Marjoram with a small chapter that probably isn't canon within the story. Just two one-shots for fun. I hope you enjoy them!

I'm working on a new chapter of Captured as I type this, honestly.

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Report Nekiyha · 275 views · #personal #update

An Admission and an Apology · 11:02pm Feb 2nd, 2016

This is not about ponies. It’s not me trying to be funny with footnotes and worldbuilding. This is entirely and unamusingly personal. If you don’t care about my personal problems—which is a solid choice I fully support and may even recommend—then by all means don’t read this. I'm completely serious about this. If you follow me for stories and the occasional sort-of amusing blog post that's perfectly, utterly okay and you need not, indeed, should not read this. There’s nothing worthwhile

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Gone MIA · 11:52pm May 5th, 2016

Random fun fact: dealing with insurance is boring and time consuming.

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Report RadiantBeam · 311 views · #me #personal

YODO · 8:16am Jun 23rd, 2015

Saw this on my friend Nav's blog (AKA: LunarSlayer), thought I'd do one:

1) Name: Max
2) Birthday: October 13
3) Nickname: Thorniestmax (The Horniest Max)
4) Eye Colour: Brown, with green flecks (that seem to randomly disappear in the wrong light)
5) Hair Colour: Auburn
6) Zodiac Sign: Libra
7) Your fear: Being alone, Spiders, Heights, Feet (ugh)

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Four Years Strong! · 5:00am Jul 15th, 2019

Hey, guys! Since I know that I've gained a lot of followers since this time last year, I feel like I should recap something very inportant for me. For you see, this website has really helped me out a lot since I first joined back in 2013. It was through this site that I first began to write fanfiction, and gained a steady following of readers through my Magnum Opus romance series Brushed Away. It was also through this site that I was able to learn so much about myself, as well as the

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Report TheVClaw · 288 views · #Anniversary #Personal

Update · 3:28am Jul 6th, 2015

Great news! I should have a chapter done and ready to go when I get home on Wednesday! Hooray! Here's a little taste of what may be in it.
On mobile, so I can't post vids, just links D:

In other news, yall only have 3 days left to ask questions. I know that there must be something you want to ask. I truly don't mind ;)

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Life is screwed up for me right now! · 1:23am Mar 15th, 2019

Hey Guy's I am about to ask you guys to do something that I have been trying to avoid and that is I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind a complete pause on all of my stories until I get my life fixed. I have been dealing with life and have been having a little bit of trouble with family matters and so I need help and you can help by understanding and supporting me. I will still be around to reply to PM's and The Please Read My Story Group but I won't be making new chapters to my stories

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Best Doctor tribute in my opinion. · 2:21am Jun 30th, 2020


My Reflection! · 7:00am Dec 30th, 2019

I have decided to thank about all the people I have helped but did I really help? I guess I was just wondering if you guys ever thought about all that I have done for some of you. Am I really a good person or am I just a person who gets in the way? I don't know how many people I have helped but I know how many people I have failed so why do I have to just remember everyone who I have lost? Ithe people I have failed? I promise to do better by them but I ended up failing someone else. I don't

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I need your guys help. · 7:05pm May 5th, 2020

I want to surprise Moon with something romantic but we live to far away from each other to exchange physical gifts. So I need your guys help with an idea I have but I want you guys to PM me so Moon doesn’t catch wind of this because it’s supposed to be a surprise. She already knows that I am working on a romantic surprise but doesn’t know what it is. So if you guys have any ideas or want to help me then contact me in the PM’s.

Report Badwolf1175 · 162 views · #Help personal

I can't take this anymore! I can't keep going! · 3:47pm Jan 13th, 2020

I just can't keep going I don't know what to do. I just can't keep going! My life is just not right. I like to say I love my life but I have always tried to have a good life and be loyal to my family but I just can't anymore I can't take it anymore. I need help and advice.

Viewing 121 - 140 of 902 results