
Viewing 1381 - 1400 of 1,720 results

Why Crossovers are Bad · 1:17am Oct 28th, 2015

Generalizations are a dangerous thing. They often have exceptions, and require subjective judgements to make. The subject of today’s opinion piece, however, is a generalization that I believe in.

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Late Recap · 1:13am Jul 4th, 2015

I know, this chapter's way later than usual, but I was surprisingly busy this afternoon. Anyway, recap time!

Previously on Dragonball IAIMAY

Twilight Velvet’s eyes drifted over to the photos on the mantle, and she took a sip of her wine before giving a sad sigh. “Don’t you think we ought to tell her, Night?”

“Of course not! She’s still way too young, Velvet. She won’t understand.”

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Still here still here working through my issues 3 · 7:13am Mar 30th, 2017

Hello again doing better

But still working through said issues in that I have literally one month before graduation. So counting down to that but I still have around fifteen pages to write before the 14th for two papers and like a 2 to three page interview of a Sikh and a 7 to 9 page paper over Sikhism.

And I want to write fun stuff but I can't right now because of those things

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New plan! · 1:16am Oct 16th, 2016

well, ive decided to rewrite the love of the phoenix because i didnt like how it turned and its been getting a lot of negativity. im also cancelling my Dbz story and all my others as well. also ive been wanting to share that i now have a youtube channel and ill be honest that its not that good but im going to start doing reviews and stuff for fimfiction and other stuff. im literally going to do it from broadcasting on youtube i guess. my channel is called

Church Alexander

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I Really Like Writing Horror Crossover Fics · 3:23am Dec 2nd, 2017

They're really unpopular, and I seriously don't give a shit. :ajsmug: I've got incomplete crossovers with Don't Hug Me I'm Scared and At the Mountains of Madness on my hard drive. Previous experience indicates they'll get done.

The DHMIS one probably won't have these two in in but you never know. (source)

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Update: The first part of the First Act's Finale is done and Raziel will now have to face Celestia · 9:03pm Jul 7th, 2018

Come here and see the first part of the finale of the first arc of my crossover between Legacy of Kain and My Little Pony as Raziel finally goes to Canterlot during the Grand Galloping Galla to properly meet Celestia. The next part will come sooner than you may expect.

TLegacy of Kain: Harmony's Rise
Raziel has accepted his fate in the Soul Reaver, bringing a chance for the restoration of Nosgoth and the defeat of The Elder God. But the Elder God, not accepting defeat so easily, has decided to escape to a new realm and Raziel will give him chase.
Time Reaper · 141k words  ·  78  4 · 4.1k views

Life Can Be Pretty Depressing... Can't it...? · 2:25am May 10th, 2018

Heyya guys, life has been pretty rough for me for the past few days, from turning 18 years of age, to my lack of a driver's license, and to my, hopefully, last year of high school (though I doubt it, considering what I have left to do in my remaining classes).

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Upcoming for 2017 · 7:29pm Dec 31st, 2016

In February, for my 2 year anniversary on Fim, I will be releasing 4 crossover stories. I'll release one story a week.

I'm going to do
Dragon Tales
Star Vs The Forces of Evil
Fullmetal Alchemist
And one of your choosing. Comment below what crossover you'll like to see.

I am also working on some non-pony stories, so I will post a link to my Writers cafe page when I get them up, and my blog when I finish getting that set up.

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Need input for a Dark Souls crossover story. · 5:42am Aug 26th, 2016

I've seen a couple of crossover stories between Dark Souls and MLP and want to do one myself, but the way I want to do it is by playing through the game, then taking the events and such that happen to me throughout the game and having that become what happens to the character throughout their adventure. I feel it would add a bit more of a Dark Souls feeling to do it this way as I could have a random invader and thus he becomes part of the story, plus there would be a LOT of dying. Let me just

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i like this fanfiction story · 7:53am Nov 11th, 2017


Come on Down to Ponyville and Meet Some Friends of Mine · 3:43am Oct 30th, 2019

For about the last three years, the last line of my story ideas document has held five words. Right at the bottom, at the very end of the 'crossovers' section (I've never written a crossover, and have only enjoyed reading a single one, so you can see just how low-priority they are for me), it says:

Twilight Sparkle in South Park

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A Flutter of the Heart Chapter 6 is done · 7:57am Jul 17th, 2018

Okay, when I said that there was one more chapter after 5, I was wrong. The chapter didn't pace out that way. Instead, I'm guessing that there are 2 chapters left and I will probably write an epilogue, but I am not sure on that one still. I really need to learn to not say that there are X chapters left in the story. It never turns out that way ever. Still, I am not complaining about more time to write this story. I think it's turning out rather well. Better than I first thought actually.

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Tomorrow... · 12:21am Sep 21st, 2017


State of the (Coal) Union · 2:21am Mar 4th, 2018

Hi how are ya?

Real quick, I wanted to address a question that may be on your minds: Where the hell are the updates?! At the beginning of the year, I believe I said something like this:

First and foremost I intend to finish Gangs and Monsters, ideally while 2018 is still young.

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Site Post » Dromicosuchus' "The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Sassaflash" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 3:11pm Apr 13th, 2018

There is much Love in the craft of today's story.

The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Sassaflash
[Dark] [Adventure] [Crossover] • 116,239 words

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Blackbat Attacks Daytripper · 4:34pm Oct 16th, 2016

Whenever on a murderous rampage it's important to not forget about your closest friends.


I Need Brain Bleach, 61!!! · 12:06pm Dec 14th, 2017

So with a title like that I'm sure you're expecting something either truly disturbing, or connected to the Metal Gear franchise.

Neither, but it is something I want out of my head, and I know where to pin the blame! (he proclaimed posing with his hand in the air as if cursing the cruel gods)

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Site Post » MrPeaches' "Wonka Vs. Applejack" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 2:12pm Jan 25th, 2019

Today's story goes down better than a Scrumpdiddlyumptious Bar.

Wonka Vs. Applejack
[Adventure] [Comedy] [Crossover] • 14,202 words

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Chapter 11 Except, Fallout Equestria - Letters to Celestia · 5:19am Jul 15th, 2019


The strangest crossover in Minecraft history · 2:45am Apr 24th, 2019

Viewing 1381 - 1400 of 1,720 results