
Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,570 results

Read It Now Reviews #48 – Temporal Irregu-Rarity; Sleeping Your Way to the Top; Goodbye, Crusaders; All the Time in the World; Chuckle · 11:44pm Aug 28th, 2015

Tons of new stories that managed to draw my eye came out in the last week or so, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on them with you folks.

Today’s stories:

Temporal Irregu-Rarity by Pineta
Sleeping Your Way to the Top by –TGM–
Goodbye, Crusaders by HalfTangible
All the Time in the World by Adda Le Blue
Chuckle by Obselesence

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[News] Imgur blocked us?! · 12:53pm Feb 8th, 2016


Read It Later Reviews #63 – Who Has Time for Laziness?; The Dusty Trail; A Good Trot, Spoiled; A “Warm” Distraction; Two Cups of Tea · 10:59pm Jan 23rd, 2017

Apparently the answer to that first question is me, given that the first two reviews in this set were from a Read It Now set that I let sit for so long it ended up Read It Later. But I felt like reading some stories yesterday evening to round out a set.

Let’s get cracking.

Today’s stories:

Who Has Time for Laziness? by Minds Eye
The Dusty Trail by Unicorncob
A Good Trot, Spoiled by Estee
A “Warm” Distraction by Alchemicgree

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I Do What I Want · 6:10pm Jul 5th, 2021


"Adult Humor" · 7:01pm Sep 28th, 2020

"It's funny 'cause she's drunk!"
"Haha, they're making fart noises!"
"sexual innuendo"

I understand that different people find different things amusing, but what I can't stand is miscategorization. This isn't adult humor, this is the humor of the obnoxious kids back in middle school. It's fine if you enjoy middle-school obscenity humor, but don't pretend it's "mature". It's not.


I Accidentally had the Hypest Boss Fight of All Time · 6:20am January 18th


JINGLEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS 2021!!! · 8:12pm Oct 28th, 2021

Yeah, I know, I'm like a week late with this announcement. I'm aware that I've been getting more and more scarce on here, but that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in some Fimfic events from time to time - and this is certainly, certainly no exception.

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also btw since i've already had a tumblr for years i've recently returned and become active on tumblr again so have another link · 9:28am Dec 25th, 2022


On "Canterlot Boutique" · 8:47pm Sep 12th, 2015

...I dislike Rarity episodes. Quite a bit. I like the series and its characters because they're not superficially girly-girl and stuff, but the Rarity episodes move off in that direction more often than not by the very nature of Rarity's profession. I wouldn't exactly say it's a BAD thing for the show to cater more to its target audience, considering I and most people here are decidedly not such, but I literally do not care about the fashion aspect of this universe. As such, I'm not

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On "Made in Manehattan" · 2:04pm Sep 27th, 2015

I'll do Friendship Games sometime tonight.

So that map's a lot sparser in terms of popping up than I was hoping. This is only the third time in more than half the season, AND it's sent them somewhere we've already seen. It did lead to the return of Coco Pommel, though, who was pretty adorable in this. And the goal of the episode is actually a pretty nice one.

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So break has started. (Mention of tomorrow's new episode) · 2:43am Nov 21st, 2015

Thanks to Thanksgiving, I have the week off from school starting today and honestly I'm just so ready to do nothing over break. Nothing for SCHOOL, anyway. I might work on fics... in between me watching the rest of the Arkham series and rewatching Batman: The Animated Series because why not.

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Stupid Fake Sunlight. · 3:54pm Jan 23rd, 2016

Alright, fine...

You monsters.

I'll keep writing it.


But only because I like AU Twilight and Celestia's chemistry. And thought of a bunch of ideas involving them.

So now it's incomplete, and it has a Twilight Sparkle tag.

Can't promise it's gonna be entirely what you people are expecting though.

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That One Time I Was Framed By A Squirrel · 6:33pm Dec 18th, 2016

Today I am going to tell you a true funny story that happened one day when I took a small day trip up to the Grand Canyon.

At some point during my visit to the iconic national park, I was just chilling on a park bench when this squirrel comes up to me and starts speaking in some kind of squirrel language I suppose.

So I say, 'Oh hello little squirrel have you come to say hello?'

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It's Friday, I'm drinking, you're bored ... · 5:35am May 7th, 2016

... and I may have just talked not only myself but a collaborator into some impromptu livewriting performance art.

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Update On Progress, Or Lack Thereof · 1:30am Mar 17th, 2017


They Came, They Faked, They Conquered: Season 8 Episode Four (spoilers) · 1:58am Apr 11th, 2018

I needed a miracle from this writing team and I got one. Thanks to this episode I can live One More Day.

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New Story Tomorrow! · 2:00am Jan 24th, 2018

Hey, everyone! After ages, I have a new story:yay:. This will be my first in a long while and will once again feature a new character.

Anyway, it's back in the writing saddle for 2018 and should mark the start of a new set of stories I plan to write over the coming months. Not to spoil who I've included in this new story for the first time (though you can try and guess if you want to) I will just leave this here:trollestia:.

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English Is A Tough Language · 6:08pm Sep 14th, 2017

English Is A Tough Language

English is kind of complicated. I often revert to speaking French, Korean, Chinese, or Japanese (or a combination of all of these at once) because they make more sense. :P

Reasons English is a weird language:

1. There are a bunch of variations of a word that are pronounced the same, but they are spelled different and mean different things.

Such as to, too, two. There, there, their. Where, wear. Tare, Tear. Bare, Bear. So on and so forth.

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How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative is COMPLETE! · 5:59pm Dec 11th, 2017

At long last, the final chapter of How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative is done! For those of you who've been waiting until the story's complete, now's the time!

I'll have a Retrospective up on the story later this week!

But for now, enjoy the finale of the Origin Arc!

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  328  7 · 4.4k views



New Story Out Sometime Next Week! · 11:48pm Sep 4th, 2017

Well, when I say nest week I mean it will hopefully be out for next week. So yeah this new story will be my first in a while and is set to feature a character I've never written for before. That could also be down to the fact that she hadn't been introduced to show when I started too, but oh well:derpytongue2:.

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Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,570 results