
Viewing 1501 - 1520 of 1,729 results

I Love America · 5:12am Apr 16th, 2016

Tonight, I went to a Chinese restaurant.

The lady behind the front counter was white.

Our waiter was Arab-American; the other was Hispanic.

The only other people in the restaurant was a Polynesian family gathered around a table in the middle of the room.

Number of Chinese people in the Chinese restaurant: 0.

But at least I still got an Engrish fortune cookie (You will always have good luck in you. Personal affairs.)

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Hello gamers · 7:16pm May 12th

I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

Catch the SFW flavor here:

TThe Depth of Motherly Love
[TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. A young draconequus named Discord has yet to learn this, and mortals may never do so. Oh, and the first lamia is created amidst all this turmoil.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  18  2 · 251 views

Or the NSFW flavor here:

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"I Miss You More Than You Know" - Cover Art by DamayantiArts · 2:31pm June 24th

I Miss You More Than You Know
Alternative title: "The Weight of a Golden Soul"
Cover art illustration made by DamayantiArts; for the story I Will Be Your Villainess

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[Humility] Psst... · 9:27am Apr 9th, 2016


When you wanna write, but you have a research paper. · 1:07am Oct 31st, 2015


Stalk Me While I Write Today · 10:06pm Feb 12th, 2017


[Superlong] Headcanon Blasts! -or- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the God of Chaos · 4:25pm Mar 3rd, 2017

This blog was meant to collect and show off some new art cuts I've been making. You know, the ones where I take a jpg or a screenshot and cut out the background in order to capture an epic face moment. I've made videos on this process. Anyway, while I do have a few of those that are ready to be shared, the computer on which those art cuts are stored is about one day left from retirement. (Short story on that is: yesterday it had a bunch of audio problems that led to crashes, today it had

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Vacation's Over - Quick Stories! · 5:37am May 25th, 2017


September in a nutshell · 5:04pm Aug 11th, 2015

Ummm... SU will be back day 6 and so MLP on day 12 and new EQG movie day 26... CAN I FREAK OUT (more because I'm already)?!!! I'M SO EXCITED! So I guess... my life will be gone when this all hits me AT ONE TIME. It feels so good actually. And we will have a Rarity episode! RARITY IS BAE :3 Now freak out with me:

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What I've accomplished lately (well, within recent memory) · 2:21am Jun 13th, 2017

I'm feeling a bit down and wanted to end the evening on a positive note, so I thought why not make a list of everything I've been doing lately, see how much I've got done. then I thought, why not blog the list? so here we are.

  1. firstly, I've actually gotten more or less caught up with my youtube videos. I recorded a bunch more today, but that's fine; its a small amount compared to the back log I had before, and now...

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I got Featured in Equestria Daily! Texas Public Radio Speech · 3:48pm Dec 18th, 2017

Last week, I did a speech for Texas Public Radio's Worth Repeating about how I became a Brony. In the speech, I explain how My Little Pony helped me overcome my depression and how my connection to Spike made me a writer. To my amazement, it's become very popular. Apparently, it has three times the hits of Worth Repeating's most popular post! Even the fandom found it, and they posted a direct link to it on Equestria Daily! What pleases me most of all is the number of comments welcoming me into

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Slower Updates · 12:08am Sep 9th, 2016

Hey guys! How ya doing?

For those of you that care, updates on TIOCHS are going to be slowing down... a tad. So far, I've kept my original promise of two updates per week (even more if you count the intermissions, but I don't). Unfortunately, school slammed into me like a sack of bricks, and despite my best efforts, my backlog of chapters has run rather dry, and, to be honest, I have some more important things in my life than my shot-in-the-dark fanfiction.

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Chapter 5 of Anniversary of True Love is finished. · 10:19am Nov 15th, 2017

Anniversary of True Love is finally finished. I really enjoyed writing this story. I have never done romance before, but I think it turned out well. This story ended up with more action than I first imagined when thinking up the story. My first idea was for Lyra to comedically kill an eldritch abomination at the end of the story after getting pissed off that her date was constantly interrupted blowing a hole through a mountain. I am kinda glad I didn't go with that. I like that I have

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Devil May Cry 5 is Real... · 5:13am Jun 11th, 2018

And I couldn't be happier for SOOOOO many reasons.

Some petty, some heartfelt, but mostly because Nero's back, and while he's sporting a new trick up his sleeve, he's the same dork as he ever was in DMC4.

With this said, it's given me quite the motivation for writing. Gonna do what I can for some of my stories. In the meantime, why not check out my current crossover masterpiece? You can find it as a Tagged Story.

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My Say on "Horse Play" · 4:17am May 10th, 2018

I was running super behind on MLP, and I'm almost caught up (I still need to watch The Parent Map). However, I had a feeling this episode was going to be my favorite of the season, and so far, it definitely fits that role. It's basically a mixture of a lot of what I've wanted from MLP: or, to be more precise, basically just a fun Celestia episode and more stuff about Equestrian theatre. But more importantly, I knew there was a reason Celestia was my best princess.

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Batbrony Reviews "S07:E13 - The Perfect Pear" · 5:28pm Aug 12th, 2017


so many friends are leaving ;n; · 1:04pm Sep 2nd, 2017

I'm not going yet, however.

I want to be here for the people who also have to watch their friends leave. I refuse to leave the site anytime soon. I may be gone for a few days, but usually that means my family dragged me somewhere else in the world where I couldn't bring my phone.

I feel a bit upset that the guy I love is most likely leaving, but I'm not following him out. I'll go with him to the "gates" but no further. His work here may be done, but mine is not.

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EFNW 2019: Day 2 - Saturday: Perfect Friendships · 4:18pm Jun 17th, 2019


My Movie Review on From Russia with Love · 12:33am Jun 30th, 2021

Greetings and salutations, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my second analysis on a James Bond movie, I'm gonna give you guys my take on Sean Connery's second outing as the character: "From Russia with Love".

Here's the rundown of it:

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Tell my wife I said "Hello!" · 12:07pm Jul 15th, 2020

New story! Good luck describing how it made you feel. I've yet to hear someone adequately say how it makes them feel, and I'm curious to know.

ETell My Wife I Said "Hello!"
Being kidnapped is the least of Twilight's concerns.
Silent Whisper · 1.5k words  ·  367  29 · 4.3k views
Viewing 1501 - 1520 of 1,729 results