
Viewing 141 - 160 of 603 results

Swan song...... · 10:11pm Mar 16th, 2016

Intro. Okay everyone, so today while in lunch a friend asks me about swans of all things (being that she knows that I adore my animal facts). So I tell her some basic information about swans: life span in the wild, diet, mating rituals, proper gender titles (Fun fact: Male Swans are called cobs and Female Swans are called pens. Baby Swans are cygnets), and standard species info. The thing I wasn't expecting her

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upsetting turn of events (and the urge to stand again.) · 11:51am Dec 6th, 2017

hey followers and other potential readers, I have an announcement that's personal.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I F:yay:ING LOVE GIANT ROBOTS!

so much that it makes me so happy to know this:

the companies known as Megabots and Sudobashi Heavy Industries, engaged in real life Giant Robot Combat.
afterwards Megabots suggested an entire sports league of such an amazing activity.
there were so many people who challenged them and their robot after the fight.

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weird dream · 1:48am Sep 14th, 2018

had a rather strange dream where im woken up by a strange mewling noise happen to look over.....theres a pinkie pie in my bed ….surrounded my mini pinkie pie babies one of the pinkie pies crawls over nuzzles me and says....."daddy"...… I then wake up for real


One day, it's a dream (Update) · 8:19pm Aug 6th, 2020

Can't wait to leave where I am now and go back home. As much as I don't get along with a certain someone, it's still better than going insane and stressed here.

I think I shall also make it better buy taking in another pet to make it more fluffy and homely. Life without a fuzzy companion is a life not worth thinking about. Should buy a degu or other rodent, maybe another guinea pig.

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Streaming Ancestors: The Huankind Odyssey · 2:47am Mar 26th, 2020


New chapter on the horizon! · 2:53am Aug 14th, 2019

Here at Rocco INC, we are at the forefront of procrastination and writing avoidance! But it has come to our attention that we need to get off our ass and actually put in some work! So we are proud to say that we... Can't do this anymore lol. I have been writing every night since bronycon and I am proud to say that I am happy with what I am working on. Sure I might be butchering a few of my dead end ideas up, but no sacrifice is too big to make this story the thing I want it to be.

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Winter Dreams Available at Ciderfest · 3:49am Nov 19th, 2023

Winter Dreams is on sale at Ciderfest! Get it if you can to support the Foundation for Women's Cancer, as well as getting some great stories! Tomorrow is the last day, so hurry!


I had a weird dream a couple of nights ago. · 2:35pm May 11th

I don't remember most of it, but I do remember waking up at 5:00 after a helicopter fell out of the sky and hit me.


It wasn't scary per se, and it's not like I felt any real pain, but it seemed real for at least a few moments.

Luckily, I got a couple more hours of sleep afterwards.

Report Tape Deck · 35 views · #dream #helicopter #GIF #etc. #etc.

So Awesome · 9:53am Feb 24th, 2016

A vivid dream has possessed me recently.

The town I work in sits on Japan's biggest lake. I've never been in Japan during cherry blossom season. I really like to run.

When the cherry blossoms fall and the sky is clear, I'm going to go to the coast and run. I'm going to run till my legs give out…

and then I'll figure out how to throw ponies into the mix and write a one-shot about it.

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Poor Celestia · 8:55am Mar 22nd, 2016


Stockholm Syndrome - A Dream · 3:29pm Aug 5th, 2017

I had a dream last night, one in which I was randomly passing by a really fancy house where a couple was having a domestic disturbance outside. The psychotic looking wife was just screaming at her shell-shocked looking husband. I muttered something under my breath as I was passing, and she somehow heard me; she got this crazy look in her eye and whipped out a handgun and shot me several times, intentionally missing anything vital. She had her husband drag me into the house and dress and clean

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My Headcanon Name for the 'I Loved You' Moondancer · 12:36pm Aug 23rd, 2015

If I ever decide to write a fanfic where I include the actual Moondancer from the show and the Moondancer from the fanfic "I Loved You", I decided to give the latter the name of Sweet Dreams.

As for her IDW version, I'm thinking of Stellar Grace.


Evil Dreams · 1:18am Oct 17th, 2016

I took a nap after I got home today. I didn't mean to but I took the wrong allergy medication. I have one for emergencies and another for common use. The emergency one causes drowsiness and so I couldn't stop myself from napping after work. It wasn't a long nap, only about three hours long, but it contained a rather strange dream.

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Dreaming of Ponies · 1:06pm Aug 19th, 2019

I've had another dream about My Little Pony last night. This time Applejack tries to complete an obstacle course that Twilight designed in record time, but some of the obstacles have to be beat by lateral thinking rather than physical dexterity. Not only that but one obstacle looks like it was designed by Fluttershy and two seem to be the kinds Rainbow Dash would come up with.


Currently Writing... · 9:32am Jul 11th, 2016

A new Nyx fic. Though by this point I doubt it'll be a sequel to A Mothers Warmth. Thus far its proven to closely resemble the Tears in the Snow series. For some reason I'm not feeling the magic and peacefulness of A Mothers Warmth as I write this new fic which I've currently titled Dreamless Nights.

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Sneak peak #2 · 7:46pm May 16th, 2016

Unlike the previous one, this one's a short snippet from an original work that I'm writing

The dream was the same as the one before. Blurred, red and violent. Citizens of Crestfall ran around screaming, some of them missing a leg, others missing an arm. He didn't just see the carnage unfold, he was the one behind it. Whether they screamed, ran or even tried to defend themselves, they could not stop him from carrying out the Blood Goddess' will.

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Yume Nikki: Origins · 2:44am Nov 16th, 2017

Seemed some (or at least one) of you enjoyed my post regarding my weird-ass Trump dream. Well it turns out that wasn't my most vivid dream to date, and certainly not my first. Oh no, there's been one that's remained fresh in my mind since my sophomore year of college, back in 2009. So I figure I may as well share it as well, as it is one of the most bizarre things I've ever thought up, and something that never fails to befuddle and amuse those whom I tell. Therefore, I shall relate it to you

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Trying to get into a dream job is hard and disheartening. · 4:01pm Feb 27th, 2019

I'm a little...disheartened.

All my life, I have done nothing but obsess over films and fantasizing about becoming a film director. Of course, it comes secondary to my writing career, which I'm still massively focused on, but there is something so satisfying and magical about working on the set of a film or on the stage in a theatre.

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[spoliers] Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep · 4:11pm Jul 11th, 2015

What comes to mind...

Fimfiction is gonna get BUSY!

Princess Big Mac is the star of all stallions.

Spike and Derpy make a great pair.

CALLBACKS to other great episodes.

Luna is still adorable. day is made.

Bad news:
Three. Month. Hiatus.


What the Heck? · 9:12pm Jul 14th, 2015

107 stories in my Tracking bookshelf. How many have a regularly updating schedule? One. (Shout-out to Crystal Wishes and her story, Crystal's Wishes!) I suppose I can't blame anyone, I myself am horrible at keeping track and updated and whatever. I'm still procrastinating my upcoming PMV. Ah, well, this stuff happens. Anyone know any more good stories that often update? I'm tired of going to the library so often. Gas is

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 603 results