
Viewing 141 - 160 of 429 results

IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #22 · 2:51am Oct 5th, 2020

The two parters were going to take a bit of a break after this issue, especially since the hiatus was still ongoing with only "Rainbow Rocks" to really tide fans over. The first half was pretty good despite some questionable logic about the mystery and who was suspected. So was this issue able to keep the momentum going or just prove that comics weren't able to ever truly wrap up an arc properly? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Not Asking for Trouble · 5:22pm February 10th

After ten episodes, Season 7 still had only one or two episodes that were not hotly contested. Even the long awaited royal sisters episode "A Royal Problem" was hotly debated, with some really liking it, others despising it, and others still regarding it as a mixed bag. Meanwhile, the early airings on Treehouse T.V. in Canada kept on rolling, at least through the first half. But the U.S. was going to take an abrupt halt in the airings right at the beginning of summer, with this being the last

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Episode Re-Review: Horse Play · 4:26pm May 11th

Season 8 finally had an episode that made use of its changes to the status quo with "Surf and/or Turf", which many said was FiM tackling the trickly subject of divorce (though I personally don't see it). However, the episode also felt at times like it was more of a belated commercial for the 2017 movie rather than an actual episode, and the School of Friendship itself was only sort of relevant to it. And now it was time for something completely different: Princess Celestia's very own focus

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Episode Re-Review: Friendship University · 3:45pm June 15th

Season 8 returned to the airwaves around August, like always, but the first episode to greet viewers was the absolute disaster that was "A Matter of Principals", in which Discord became the latest character to be completely ruined. And the worst part was he got off scot free for his actions. Things seemed to be better with "The Hearth's Warming Club", which finally let the student/young six hold an episode mostly on their own. And thus we come to this episode, penned by Chris "Doc" Wyatt and

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Episode Re-Review: The End in Friend · 4:35pm June 22nd

Season 8 kept on going, even as episodes started to be leaked ahead of time in other countries again. It looked as if the worst was over for Season 8 after "A Matter of Principals", "The Hearth's Warming Club" was widely praised and "Friendship University" was seen by most at least not an infamously bad episode (which Season 8 seemed to have an unusually high concentration of). And now we have this episode, penned by G. M. Berrow, who by this point had stopped penning chapter books and had

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #13 · 3:14am Sep 29th, 2020

So just in time for the show's fourth season, the comics decided to finally include alicorn Twilight. And this was such a controversial thing that some people actually threatened to boycott the comics all together as a result (I imagine most did and eventually left the fandom). Meanwhile, word was just starting to surface about the micro series' successor for 2014, the Friends Forever series, but the micro series promised to go out with a bang by including everyone's favorite princess: Princess

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Episode Re-Review: The Cart Before The Ponies · 5:53pm May 26th, 2021

Season 6 had finally seemed to be getting better. "Flutter Brutter" had been better than "Applejack's 'Day' Off", "Spice Up Your Life" had mostly been better received than "Flutter Brutter" and "Stranger Than Fanfiction" was definitively better than that (arguably rivaling "Gauntlet of Fire" for Season 6's best episode). Though a good deal of that had been because of Josh Haber and Michael Vogel, though Meghan McCarthy still had some indirect contributions even as she was facing down a movie

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Episode Re-Review: Daring Done? · 5:48pm Jun 16th, 2021

Though not the seventeenth episode to air (that was "To Change A Changeling") this episode was seventeenth in production order. And what may be most noticeable is that Josh Haber was returning to the story editor's position here and would stay in it through the rest of Season 7, at first sharing the role with Lewis and Songco but eventually taking over completely. Considering Season 7 had been stuck in the mud up to this point under Lewis and Songco, unable to shake off the bad writing of "Fame

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #11 · 2:44am Sep 27th, 2020

By the time this issue came out the comics had started to attract drama for the fact that starting in the next arc they were going to include alicorn Twilight just in time for the show's fourth season. And while all of that was going on the micro series was trudging along now that it had focused on each of the mane six. So a two parter focused on Shining Armor and Cadence involving how they met probably wasn't the most exciting thing ever, even considering how slice of life the previous arc had

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Episode Re-Review: Party of One · 5:19pm Feb 13th, 2021

So, for the last episode before the big finale, what was in store for us? A Pinkie Pie episode written by Meghan McCarthy, the same Meghan McCarthy who had proven not to have the best understanding of the character given "Green Isn't Your Color". This episode is regarded as a sleeper hit, an episode that no one was expecting to be as good as it was. But has it deserved that reputation? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Somepony to Watch Over Me · 4:25pm Apr 8th, 2021

Now it was time for another new writer to debut, Scott Sonneborn. His writing credentials were not as well known, making him something of an enigma. Considering Sweetie Belle had taken the lead more or less for "Twilight Time" that meant it was now Apple Bloom's turn to be in the spotlight. But this episode was and still is widely regarded as a disappointment among fans. Has it deserved that reputation, or perhaps is it overhated? Well, let's find out.

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Explanation · 7:59pm Nov 19th, 2020

Hello everypony!

So, i guess your wondering why The Ghost Of Equestrisa is gone? Well, I wanted to let you guys know that I have not in any way given up on this story! I just wanted to completely re-write the story, because in all honesty, I'm not really happy wit it right now. I will re-publish it when I'm finished with the changes and everything. That is all!

- Dragon-In-Black


Episode Re-Review: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 · 5:17pm Apr 13th, 2021

So now that the key episodes were all done, what was left for Season 4 before the finale? The short answer, not much. The Equestria Games would ultimately get their own conclusion in the penultimate episode, but this and the next episode would be left to their own devices. We'd already had a supposedly "Very Special Episode" about Scootaloo's potential disability in "Flight to the Finish", but now this one was going to focus on Rainbow Dash and on studying for a test. Amy Keating Rogers was

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Episode Re-Review: Dragonshy · 5:51pm Jan 26th, 2021

Imagine the surprise of everyone when this episode first came out. The first clear adventure episode since the pilot. Perhaps that's why it was Meghan McCarthy who wrote this episode, the same Meghan McCarthy who would become the show's story editor for Seasons 3-5 before handing over the reigns to Josh Haber so she could work on the 2017 movie. And considering the previous two episodes had introduced what everyone thought were one off antagonists but had met with limited success, was this non

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Episode Re-Review: Slice of Life · 6:25pm Apr 25th, 2021

With the show having outlasted even the original G1 Transformers as the longest lasting Hasbro animated property and crossing the 100th episode threshold, something truly special was called for. Especially since in the 2010's making it to even half as many episodes was never a guarantee no matter how good your work was. But Hasbro was going all in on, promoting the heck out of this episode and tapping M. A. Larson to write it as his first solo episode since "Magical Mystery Cure" (which by now

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Episode Re-Review: Scare Master · 5:46pm May 1st, 2021

Not exactly an original title considering Season 1 had "Stare Master" and this was a Fluttershy episode. It was one taking place on Nightmare Night, which got bumped around so that it could actually air on Halloween. Given that our last direct visit to Nightmare Night was in "Luna Eclipsed" that wasn't exactly boding well. But the synopsis made it sound like Fluttershy was ready to come out of her shell and face her fears. Natasha Levinger, who'd prevously penned "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"

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Episode Re-Review: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies · 6:12pm Apr 7th, 2021

And so we had another key episode, this time four episodes after the last one instead of two. "Rarity Takes Manehattan" and "Pinkie Pride" showed that a key episode could be done well, but "Rainbow Falls" showed what could happen if a key episode was misdirected or badly written. And the character whose key was up next was Fluttershy, whose first outing in the spotlight this season had seen her backpedal in "Filli Vanilli" (though all the focus was on Pinkie Pie's horribly OOC portrayal and no

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Episode Re-Review: Tanks for the Memories · 5:33pm Apr 21st, 2021

The show decided to take another crack at the "Very Special Episode" plot after "Flight to the Finish" only kind of vaguely hinted at Scootaloo's disability (potentially) and tiptoed its way around the subject. And just like with "One Bad Apple", the writer was Cindy Morrow and this time the subject was supposedly death. More specifically the death of a pet, a very tricky subject. Cindy Morrow had been absent from Season 4 (alongside M. A. Larson) and her last writing endevor before this had

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Episode Re-Review: Rarity Investigates · 10:52pm May 2nd, 2021

Sure didn't take long for Canterlot Carousel to become relevant, and with our first proper RariDash episode to boot. However, the writers were a bit of a concern. Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco were on tap here, and their only prior result had been "Castle, Sweet Castle" which had been a dud. Fortunately, they weren't doing it alone this time. They had help on the story from both Meghan McCarthy and M. A. Larson, kind of odd that both were pitching in but I guess neither had the time to fully

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Episode Re-Review: Leap of Faith · 5:25pm Apr 12th, 2021

One last key episode before the finale, and it was for the mane six member who'd already been paired up four times with others (Fluttershy in "Bats!", Pinkie Pie in "Pinkie Apple Pie", Rarity in "Simple Ways" and Apple Bloom in "Somepony to Watch Over Me"). Josh Haber, coming off his performances on both "Castle Mane-Ia" and "Simple Ways" was picked to write this episode. Season 4's second half only had two true successes that could rival those of the first half, so was Haber up to the task of

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 429 results