
Viewing 141 - 160 of 533 results

Post-apocalyptic Sri Lanka Easter Sunday Special Update · 7:07pm Apr 22nd, 2019


Guys I just came across the best website ever · 4:35pm Jan 10th, 2017


Meet my sister! · 8:31am Dec 24th, 2016

Everyone, please welcome to the site the one who introduced me to mlpfim, my big sister, Mint Chip! Go check out her page; we may be collabing on some pony-game crossovers soonishly.... And maybe some review stuff, too! Depends on how much I can pester her to agree to- I mean, ask her nicely to make time in her schedule. Yep.


Second Rant · 12:50pm Dec 9th, 2015

I don't usually post two blog posts in a day, and especially not that close to one another, but...

Seriously, it's shit like this that makes me regret being a part of the SU fandom.


The EVENT! · 2:09am Oct 18th, 2015

Oh boy, ever see an episode of MLP that spoke to something in your life at the time? Sure this isn't something serious, but yea, I'm having to keep a secret right now... from all of you.

Potential Questions:

What is the "Event?"
A cross series multi-POV story combining The Adventures of Scootaloo, You're Wanted and Mentoring is Awesome.

What is gonna happen?

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So... · 4:04pm Oct 31st, 2015

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Nice guys finish last'? It's kinda funny really... let me explain:
A nice guy would make sure the woman he's with has the best experience she can before he finishes, as it is the nice thing to do, where someone who isn't a nice guy wouldn't care as much.

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Pre-Readers wanted for... well... look. · 12:14am Feb 10th, 2016

As many of you know who have followed me for a while, I have a, er, problem.

I come up with an idea, plot it out, and run with it for a few chapters. Currently, I have er... sec. Counting.

Priority / Title / Tags-ish / Currently Written

1. Cake Thief (Currently updating - Mys, Com) (20k)
2. Tides of Love (TwiDance, Drama, Teen, SoL) (4k)
A story about Twilight and Cadance, married for eight years following the death of Shining Armor at sea.

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Frenemies Talk, Chapter V · 4:16pm May 4th, 2015

Frenemies Talk, Chapter V: Appleloosa's Most Wanted

And back for the next episode. Wild West, Mild West, buffaloes, sheriffs, outlaws, tack piano music. That's what I was hoping for in this episode, expecting a dreaded highwaypony to strike fear into the hearts of locals and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to finally prove their worth and solve some real problems...

... yeah, about that. If this is the "most wanted" scenario in Equestria, I'm getting back to reading fanfictions.

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Fanfiction Foresight · 10:08pm May 2nd, 2015

Warning: Minor spoilers from the latest episode, Appleloosa's Most Wanted, abound. Proceed with caution.

Whenever I write stories for this site, I try to make them as canon-compliant as possible. It's really just how I roll. But this? This is on a whole different level. And I'm not just talking about me and Scott Sonnerborn having the same interest in Greco-Roman mythology; this goes beyond that. Guys, I think I can predict the show's canon.

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Tbh I'm lazy · 2:56am Dec 7th, 2016

I've got like four different stories I've been working on and I've published like one. Hell they ain't even that bad. I just need a proofreader, a pre-reader and an editor for each one.

Anyone wanna volunteer?


Writing Update 8/24/2015 · 1:54am Aug 25th, 2015

I would like to write a fic with the Dazzlings one day, Adagio is my favorite. :raritywink:

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October 18th - Hiatus! · 12:56pm Oct 11th, 2018

Greetings everyone,

Apologies for being quiet for so long. As of right now, yes, the next chapter of "Rise of the Apple Princess" is on the way. There is still quite a lot that needs to be done before it can go on to the next stage. I can not guarantee when it will be finished but I doubt it will be out in time before the end of this year.

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Missing. It was here, but has been gone for a while. Where did it go? · 1:56am Dec 2nd, 2019

Missing: One Battleship Express, and all of her crew.

Last Seen: February 17th, 2019.

Last known location: The Epilogue of "Tracks Backwards".

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A sort of good update! (About Purple Tears's rewrite!) · 9:47pm Sep 11th, 2018

Hi'a guys!! I've been working on the rewrite of Purple Tears and I'm happy to say I've gotten to chapter 6!! I haven't written anything in 6 yet, but still! I'm there! So I decided I might start posting chapters, but maybe once a month or something. That would give me plenty of time to go at my own pace. I'll probably release it around a time when I can also work on it, so around December? I know it's a long time, but school's been hard and life kind of... Doesn't like me right now. At all.

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I think it's time... · 9:23pm May 30th, 2019

I'm done procrastinating. In a few days, I'm planning to publish everything I'm writing, incomplete or not. I'll try to get them edited first, though, so it might still take some time. Should I fail to get them edited, I will publish them as is. I don't have the cover art yet either, so this might be a good time start working on those. If anyone's interested drawing some for me it would be sweet.

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Princest editors · 3:38am Jul 10th, 2015

I'm looking for someone who would like to edit for a story of mine I'm currently making. It will be another Lunestia story, but will have much more than clop this time. If anyone would like to help out, let me know.


T minus... · 7:38pm Feb 11th, 2017


Just wanted to address some concerns about my latest story... · 9:27pm Jan 23rd, 2017


Announcement · 5:21am Aug 16th, 2017

I'm working on a CYOA, and I've come to realize that the scope is great enough that I'll never finish it as long as I'm the only person working on it. As such, I'm looking for writers to help with the project. I have the main story designed, but those who assist will be given some degree of creative freedom, I just have the final stay as I'm the leader of the project. If you're interested, comment here and link to a piece of sample writing of yours, and if I think you're a good fit I'll PM you

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Have I Ever Mentioned That I have Too Many Ideas and Can't Focus on Anything For Too Long? · 2:24am Nov 20th, 2015

No, really, I can't.

I have been working on Nightmare on Mane Street, but this one particular story idea has been pulling my attention away. I believe this idea may have more merit. It might make a better story than what I have out now and the concept may be more appealing to readers as well. It's only about a third of the way done, but, just to make sure, I'll post an excerpt here to see what everyone thinks and whether they'd want to read it.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 533 results