
Viewing 1701 - 1720 of 1,954 results

And now for something completely different... · 8:47pm Nov 10th, 2015

I'm going to take a break from my usual story rotation schedule for at least a couple weeks. There are two reasons for this. First, I think my prolific pace this year has finally been catching up with me a bit. I've been sensing a measure of burnout, particularly around writing clop. The next chapter of The Lawyer and The Unicorn is a major adult chapter, and I don't want to write it until I feel I can do it justice. Similarly, as happy as I was with the bulk of the last Five Star

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Potential Logo for Equestria Girls: the Empowered World found · 11:48pm Apr 9th, 2016

I'm curious about fan opinion on the matter. Would you be okay with this image being used?


Equestria Girls 4: Legend of Everfree · 8:05am Jun 16th, 2016

What? You thought it was over? Well you thought wrong. Step right up for the latest Equestria Girls news mixed in with some thoughts of my own.

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Good Evening · 10:59pm Mar 20th, 2017

Good evening everybody, how are all of you this fine evening?

I helped my mom take my dog Jack over to the Pet Value store to get him bathed, boy was it difficult. Poor thing was shaking so much I had to keep my hands on him just to keep him in the tub. Poor little guy...

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June Updates! · 5:33pm May 30th, 2017

Okay, so we're coming close to June, I'm very happy about that, which means its close to summertime! Which means, I can work on more fanfiction stuff, relax for a bit, and do the things I want to do! WHOO!!! :yay:

But I'm gonna give some updates of things that are going on here.

First of all, exams are coming up next week which I'm a little stressed about, but I do believe I can do it! I know I can, if I've made it past the others, I can pass this!

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"Shadow of the Sun" - an Equestria Girls story work in progress update · 7:16am May 28th, 2018

At 7 chapters and over 16,500 words, I think it is safe to say my new story is far enough along it is viable and will become a thing published in the near future months.

Called, "Shadow of the Sun", it is set in the world of Equestria Girls and will feature the regular cast of the Human Seven (Mane Six plus Sunset Shimmer), Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, along with others, including a few characters from the King Sombra Chronicles world.

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Equestrian City Update - 12-21-17 · 12:07am Dec 22nd, 2017

Episode 5 "Memories" is up and ready for your eyes! Please read and review :D



Crossovers with The Rat Pack · 8:34am Jun 11th, 2017

This here is a YouTube playlist of mine. It details all the pieces of a 1998 HBO Film about the Rat Pack. Now, there are stories on this website based on Frank Sinatra songs, and a story based on "That's Amore" by Dean Martin. However, there are no stories inspired by the songs of Sammy Davis Jr. And there are no FIMFiction stories regarding the Rat Pack in any way. I might get to that someday. I wish to need to

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"Human After All" Update Delayed (But at least there's a preview!) · 2:35pm Apr 14th, 2018

Yeah, sorry everyone, but I've been feeling a bit under the weather and wasn't happy with some things so I need more time to work on it. Plus, I'd need to give the editing team and illustrator time to do their thing. So, come hell or high water, the next update will be on April 22. Everyone's been really supportive of the new story, and I'd hate to disappoint anyone. Still, to tide everyone over, here's a preview from the upcoming chapter! Enjoy!

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Equestrian City - Mistress Mayhem · 3:00am Feb 12th, 2018

Sassy Saddles was a business manager for several different businesses before finally landing a stable position with Rarity Belle. She quickly showed both a stunning sense of fashion coupled with a head for marketing as she helped Rarity enter the fashion world. Partially attributed to the success of her first shop, Rarity and Sassy became close friends as they opened new

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Beach Day! · 2:04pm Apr 13th, 2017

It is Spirit week at our school, and today's theme is Beach wear! I've got a Hawaiian shirt, along with my signature sunglasses I carry with me everywhere, as part of my look. :rainbowdetermined2:

Anyways, what's up with all of you? :rainbowwild:

I'm thinking later today I'm gonna get another chapter of something posted, but I don't know what. I'll think of something. But I've got a few stories to get updated, I've got Sweet Sweet Smallfoot to update, and Past Awakens to update too.

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Demons, Magic Counsellors, and Sunset's Fear of One of Those Things - Development Blog #4 · 8:41pm Apr 7th, 2020

Meet Solstice Shiver, Canterlot High’s New Counsellor for Magical Phenomena and Encounters of the Demonic Kind

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It's time for the start of something NEW! · 4:29pm Sep 20th, 2020

You guys have been waiting patiently day after day for me to write and post the Reboot of one of my best stories:

TEquestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing
Flash Sentry tries to balance high school, being Spider-man, and the magical misadventures of Sunset Shimmer and her friends.
Equestrian Defender · 105k words  ·  130  9 · 5k views

Well rest assured, my friends: THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER!

Either today or possibly tomorrow I'm going to be posting the first chapter of the first story of the NEW! EQuestria Girls Marvel Universe (or the NEW! EQGMU.)

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Benefits :: New Chapter :: Friends With Benefits · 10:20pm Feb 20th, 2019

Alright, the New Chapter is nearly ready
You can expect it to come out This Saturday
While I'm at it, I'm going to switch its regular release to Saturday each week
So I hope you subscribe if you haven't and keep tuning in

If you've just gotten into the story via Benefits or A Closer Look
Be sure to check out the full continuity starting with Lipstick

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MetaVerse Update - November 2019 · 4:12am Nov 9th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse fans!

We are quickly down to the near finalized draft of Episode 18 for Equestrian City. We will be dropping a lot of exposition and action so we want to make sure it's semi-coherent. The writers and myself met with Buck to pick his elongated brain on it, and we feel we are close to wrapping up Season 1! We have a ton planned for Season 2, so no worries there!

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Merry Christmas, Happy Hearthswarming and Here’s a Shameless Self-Plug · 1:20am Dec 26th, 2021

Merry Christmas, Happy Hearthswarming, and Happy Holidays to all who celebrate! I’m really excited to have just finished my first shipfic, “Sunset and Twilight’s Winter Holidate”, which sees Sunset and (EqG) Twilight reuniting after their first semester at separate colleges for a date at a Winter Light Festival! Little Tigress made some lovely cover art for the piece, and I’m happy to say I’m thrilled with

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I Apologize in Advance... · 4:14am Sep 28th, 2015

For what's coming down the pipe. This may be the stupidest thing I've ever written—as such, it's only right that it be shared with all of you.

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I Think I Just Had The Darkest Story Idea I've Had Yet. (Sunset Shimmer is a sick monster) · 10:33am Jul 21st, 2015

Warning: Grimdark scenario detailed below. I may need a hug.

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Bots In Equestria? · 9:55pm Mar 13th, 2017

Okay. I've given it some thought, I'll make an episode one-shot where the Autobots come to Equestria. Here's the basic plot I've got so far:

(Takes place after Past Awakens)

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Equestrian City Update! · 7:26am Aug 5th, 2017

Hello and greetings to anyone and everyone who may see this. I'm making rounds and adding this place to them as well!

Equestrian City Episode 2 and 3 are up and ready for consumption! Head over to the main page and see how it reads to you!

Don't forget we also have a comic thats updated on a fairly decent basis!

Viewing 1701 - 1720 of 1,954 results