
Viewing 161 - 180 of 603 results

Free · 12:15pm Sep 8th, 2015

Somewhere in the world adventure calls
But I'm stuck in this class
Unable to sneak out and shout my answer

Just then the professor turns his back
Right now's my only chance
I hold my breath and run until I'm free

I can't find a dream worth my time
Not a goal or feat worth the climb
Guess I'll never know what failure's like

If you lecture me or you voice
Your opinion know it's my choice
To brush you off and then do as I please

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Welp, I tried. · 7:13pm Jan 30th, 2018

So, I was going to keep it a surprise on the off chance I was actually selected as a finalist, but I entered the third Great Designer Search, a contest where the prize for winning was getting to intern for Wizards of the Coast designing Magic cards. Alas, it was not to be, as I apparently didn't score high enough on the multiple choice test. This also means that they will never actually read my essay questions, which I put a lot of thought into and would have been weighted three times more

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Back in action (for now...) · 12:17am Dec 22nd, 2015

Heya guys! So it has been a little while since I last updated my story because, as I said before, I've been pretty busy with university work. Fortunately, I just finished my last assignment for this semester in time so I can now freely enjoy Christmas.

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Now for Something Completely Different · 3:03am Oct 9th, 2017

I had a rather strange dream this morning, and after telling my roommate about it he insisted I put it here on my blog. Not much else going on, and it might entertain a few of you, so here goes:

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Nightmare Scratch · 3:53am Feb 25th, 2016

I had EMDR treatment yesterday, which was basically where I did guided meditation while holding two vibrating devices. I know. That sounds really weird. The therapist said it was an exercise to trigger something hidden in my brain so that we could find the stuff that keeps me from functioning like a well-adjusted adult. She said that the side effects could include heightened awareness, increase in mood,

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Sometimes I Wonder About My Dreams · 3:40pm Dec 27th, 2023

...and other times I go with the flow.

Last night, I dreamed that Rainbow Dash and I were attacking an auction being held by the Joker. RD spent some time giving him the run-around (fly-around?) while I grabbed whatever I could. At the end of it Batman showed up to capture the Joker, checked the items I'd taken for any traps, and thanked us for our time and effort before sending us on our way.

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Magic is real · 11:17pm Nov 29th, 2023

Turns out, we're all wizards. The problem is that none of us have any mana, and that's the real reason why we can't cast spells.

However, a null-space can be created in the mind that connects the world of mana to this world. With that, one can utilize mana.

The problem is that only a person who has access to mana can open a null-space in another one's mind.

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Report Bad Dragon · 118 views · #null space #magic #mana #dream

A Bizarre Nightmare · 7:03pm Oct 18th, 2020

I had a strange dream last night. The details became hazy the second I woke up, but one aspect remained quite clear.

I was imagining I was reading through a story I uploaded to this site and got to the comments section. The only comment posted was one about how my story was "condescending" and was pretty much the worst story ever written.

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A strangely bad recurring pony dream · 9:32am Apr 25th, 2015

I generally do not have the same dream twice. I can count the number of such dreams at a total of 3 and almost never more than one repeat. Out of these one was absolutely agonizing because I woke up, and then I woke up, and then I woke up...about 137 times..

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CAPITAN CAPITALISM! · 9:07pm Jul 11th, 2015


A CALL TO ACTION · 3:58am May 13th, 2016


For the love of life! · 3:08pm Jan 7th, 2016

PLEASE don't kill yourself, whoever is thinking of doing that!

I've had TOO MANY friends who considered suicide, and I, for one, am tired of convincing them NOT to! I even wrote a freaking SONG for one of them! (You know who you are, so don't pretend you don't...)

For those who have ever considered suicide...
This links to someone else's poem...

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New Blogs and Random Subjects · 4:03pm Jan 8th, 2016

I meant to put this up within the first week of the new year, but I didn't finish it in time. A belated "Happy New Year!" to everyone.

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More Wattpad News · 3:04am Sep 5th, 2017

I just published a new cheeapter of my Starbourne story on Wattpad. (There's now a prologue and a first cheeapter. That is all. If you want the suspense, read now. If you want the full story, read later.)


Thoughts Regarding Cover Art · 12:00pm Aug 17th, 2015

At the moment, I only have one story and I haven't provided it with any "cover art".

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State of address: Plans for 2019 · 1:30am Jan 4th, 2019

What's up, my fellow paladins?

2018 has been quite a year for all of us. I'd entered two contests and ended up winning one of them. Recently opened up the Paladins of Midnight, gotten to know more fabulous people on this site such as Curify, and so much more. Knowing that you guys have been behind me every step of the way, dealing with delay after delay with CoH (Change of Heart), I can't thank you lovely paladins enough for sticking by me.

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Interview With The Barcast! · 7:35pm Jul 6th, 2020

(Art by Petirep).

I have the honor of being the next guest on the lovely podcast, The Barcast! This means so much to me, as this was one of the goals on my fimfiction bucket list, and is like one of my dreams come true. I am so excited.

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Story Notes: 16 (Daisy Dreams) · 1:49am Jan 24th, 2020


Chapter 2 showcases Daisy Dreams. Unlike Cherry Pie, we’ve seen her previously. She actually managed to appear in both previous stories, even if her blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo in Business Trip was uncredited. Pictured above with Rainbow Flash, we’ll see more of Rainbow later on in this fic. It’s always nice to see traditional art as opposed to digital art.

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Revamped Chapters · 5:54am Apr 13th, 2021

Hey, y’all! It’s been a long time, but for a good reason. As you know, Persona: Equestrian Dreams, previously called Persona: Equestrian Divinity, has had some chapters taken down and has had some writing changes. I have just recently re-uploaded the chapter where Creation Nation gains his Persona and meets Carboni and will be rewriting the rest of the chapters that were previously posted.

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Pony Dream · 12:10pm Dec 28th, 2023

This time, when I had an MLP-themed dream, it involved watching an episode where the Mane 6 were attempting to track down shrunken ponies.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 603 results