
Viewing 161 - 180 of 1,570 results

So intimidated · 1:09am Mar 17th, 2016

I really want to write this story that's been stuck in my mind for a year now. I am going to do it; I just wish it was perfect. This will be the first time I ever wrote a story like this. Usually i enjoy writing poems, but this story haunts my daydreaming and distracts me from so much. Its going to be a good story, I just want to write it as well as it deserves. Bleh....


That Time I Was Playing Baseball · 10:24pm Jul 2nd, 2019

When I was around 8 years old (pretty sure that was my age back then), I was playing Baseball at our local club. It was a really awkward situation. I was too young to play with the teenagers, but too old to play with the kiddies. (That's what my mom said once.)

But what I distinctly remember is that the universe absolutely wanted to stop me from playing. Now and then I would get sun allergy during training (basically just a very bad itch all over my body).

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The day has come · 4:00am Aug 9th, 2020

"You know know pretty much everything about all of us, but we never got your story. Heck, we barely even know you." Vinyl sighed. Spike looked up from his map, hesitating before leaning back in his chair.

"You really wanna know about me Vinyl? Why a Dragon-kin is in Celamont of all places?" he asked softly.

"To be honest, yea, I do."

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Any real DPS FFXIV players out there know 1 thing. · 8:04am Jul 12th, 2016

Pulling a fucking boss is counterproductive. Why would I wanna be dealing with missing a positional, especially if I'm tryna get this done as quick as possible?
The mentality is just oh I pull all this crap, force healer to stop dpsing to save me.. this is faster.

No, you pleb, its not. If he wanted super godly run, get a tank to 60.. do it himself.

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It Gets Even Worse, Somehow (One Extraordinary Time, Chapter 4) · 4:49pm Jun 15th, 2019

...Yeah, I've got nothing.

Previously, on One Extraordinary Time:

Hospital visits! Drama! Excitement!

And now:

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Report RB_ · 456 views · #One Extraordinary Time

The True Nightmare: Fourth Story Update · 4:50am Aug 10th, 2017

It's alive! It's alive!

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This is the Final (One Extraordinary Time, Chapter 14) · 12:34am Jun 26th, 2019

It's the last chapter, folks! Are you excited? Because I'm very excited.

Previously, on One Extraordinary Time:

Someone finally caught on to Freddy's misbegotten millions.

And now:

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Report RB_ · 469 views · #One Extraordinary Time

Additional ... (One Extraordinary Time, Chapter 11, Part 2) · 1:27am Jun 23rd, 2019

Hey, so you remember what I said in the preamble to the last chapter about it maybe being safe to come back?

Yeah, forget that. If you dropped off at chapter 7, you made the right decision.

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Report RB_ · 377 views · #One Extraordinary Time

Technical issues with Patreon · 1:01pm Apr 2nd, 2017


So for those of you who are unaware, Patreon had some technical issues yesterday. It's been resolved, mostly, but the system seems to have declined a couple of user payments--I've seen the affected users messages, and this has happened before, so I expect it'll get fixed soon enough.

That said, one of the users it's declined is the one that pays the most. So, that's a good two-fifths of this month's payment I don't have.

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Something Happened Today... · 7:27pm Oct 16th, 2016

So I slept in this morning, waking up at 10:54 AM and checked Facebook, one of my best internet friends messaged me to talk. He always gives me uplifting feelings, so I was eager to let him talk to me. Why in the world does life do this to people?

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In Fanon, No One Can Hear You Chat · 12:59pm Jan 4th, 2021

Just letting you all know that work continues on Hell of a Time. Indeed, the next chapter's been sent off to the prereader. To whet your appetite, have some out-of-context dialogue:

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Date is wrong on my story · 10:38am Nov 2nd, 2023

I started a new story today on November 2nd, 2023 at roughly 6:30 AM but for some reason, no matter how many times I edit it, the story says it was made on January 1st, 1970 at 1 AM. At first, I thought maybe somehow I accidentally changed the time on my PC- I did not. Either way, I modified the desc and saved the changes, but alas, same time, same date.

Does anyone know why this is or how to fix it?

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Report inkuhana · 71 views · #error #bug #date #time

My name is... · 1:10am Sep 4th, 2021

My name is Anxiety, and there is always something wrong.
my name is Serenity, and you just need to breathe and remember.
My name is Self-Blame, and everything is my fault.
my name is Understanding, and you know better than that.
My name is Self-Doubt, and I dont think I can do this.
my name is Confidence, and success is possible, more so if you keep trying.
My name is Self-Hatred, and you are beautiful but I'm a monster.

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Chapter 17 is Out! · 9:56pm Jan 12th, 2022

Quick morning blog for me as the time I've started writing this, I have 15 minutes before I gotta get on the road to work, and it's probably icy out today.

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Update on my life! · 8:04am Jun 25th, 2015

My friend got hit in the face with a ball today...

I died laughing on the concrete.

-----> This person deserves an Oscar.


Chrysalis Saviour of Time Chapter 21 · 1:48am Jan 19th, 2022

Hello folks. Welcome to the blog entry discussing the 21st chapter of Chrysalis: Saviour of Time, aka: Revenge. More discussion after the page break.

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Something in the works? Maybe? · 10:24am Aug 27th, 2021

A thestral, a siren, a zebra, a dragon, a changeling, a kirin, three unicorns, three pegasi, three earth ponies, and three alicorns all walk into a bar.

They then get kicked out because that's way too many characters with "primary/secondary protagonist" billing for one story.

But despite admitting she could stand to thin the numbers just a little, the author is also incredibly stubborn and sentimental and isn't inclined to let go of most of this cast.

This could be a problem.


Story Time: Maa's Perilous Adventure · 10:57pm March 3rd


How To Pick Up Girls - Brony Edition · 8:07pm Feb 11th, 2016

Seeing as how Valentine's Day is around the corner, I feel this blog is appropriate.

So, one of my followers, thegamerator10, mentioned something to me the other day, and it seemed to echo a thought that permeates throughout, not just this fandom, but a lot of fandoms I've seen.

That thought is that being a brony means that you can't get girls to like you. Or guys. Or whatever tumblr-ific sexuality you find attractive.

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Time Travel Types · 7:39pm Mar 16th, 2017

As promised in the most recent chapter of YAHES 2, I give to you my Time Travel Classification System.

Mode of Time Travel:
Physical: You and/or objects travel to the future or past. Most commonly seen form of time travel. Messages from the future count for this type as long as it isn't a psychic message.
Mental: Only your mind travels in time either to your own body or another person's. Type of time travel seen in time loops.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 1,570 results