
Viewing 161 - 180 of 225 results

Episode Re-Review: Wonderbolts Academy · 6:47pm Mar 16th, 2021

So at very long last, Rainbow Dash was going to take the first steps towards becoming a Wonderbolt. But Merriweather Williams, the new black sheep of the writing staff without a single uncontroversial episode to her name, was in charge. And she was responsible for writing arguably Rainbow's worst outing to that point in "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well". So suddenly this episode wasn't looking so great. But was Merriweather able to defy expectations and actually crank out something good? Well,

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Episode Re-Review: The Summer Sun Setback · 6:56pm Jul 13th, 2021

When Season 9 came back for its second half, the leaks returned as well. Before long, everything that the show had sought to keep under wraps was spoiled, including a controversial twist in the finale. In the meantime, desires to give characters a proper conclusion were meeting with mixed results. Pinkie Pie got "The Last Laugh" which seemed decent, but Rainbow Dash had the appalling "2, 4, 6, Greaaat" and from there we went to "A Trivial Pursuit" which saw Twilight's freak outs get so bad that

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #4 · 2:54am Sep 20th, 2020

So we come to the end of the first big arc the comics did, and it hasn't really held up the greatest with the third installment being the one that has held up the best simply for being as filler loaded as it was when first seen. The first installment was rough around the edges and the second installment just reeked of forced conflict that has only gotten worse when the show somehow thought it could revisit that years down the road. So now we come to the fourth and final comic in the "The Return

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Episode Re-Review: Friendship is Magic Parts 1 and 2 · 3:50am Jan 22nd, 2021

Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty late to this party considering so many others started doing it in 2020. But with all that was going in the world and in my personal life I just wanted to wait until things somewhat settled down a little before jumping on this bandwagon. For at least the foreseeable future I'm going to doing these re-reviews once a day, probably at least through Season 4 and maybe into Seasons 5 and 6 (I think most of my reviews from Seasons 7-9 are pretty spot on about what I like and

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Episode Re-Review: Ponyville Confidential · 6:48pm Mar 8th, 2021

So, just as Season 2 was finally back on the right track with "Hurricane Fluttershy" another polarizing and controversial episode was on tap. M. A. Larson was in the writer's seat here, and by this point Larson's reputation and credibility had taken a nosedive given "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" and to a lesser extent "Luna Eclipsed" had shattered the image of him being near perfect. But it was a Cutie Mark Crusaders episode and the CMC had begun to stop fixating on cutie marks in all

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Episode Re-Review: Just For Sidekicks · 5:21pm Mar 20th, 2021

Although this episode was the eighth in production order, it was bumped to the eleventh episode to air so that it could directly tie in with the episode coming immediately after it (something the show would only do once more throughout its run). It was a Spike episode, one written by newcomer Corey Powell at that who had penned the impressive "Sleepless in Ponyville" all by herself. So now she was moving from Scootaloo to Spike, a big step up even if the episode was labeling Spike a sidekick

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Episode Re-Review: Rarity Takes Manehattan · 6:25pm Mar 30th, 2021

After being denied a focus episode in Season 3 because Meghan McCarthy thought Rarity was "too mean" for feeling guilty about lying to Spike, Rarity got to have her long overdue return to the spotlight for the first time in over a year. In fact, over two years since "Sweet and Elite" had aired in 2011. And Dave Polsky got to do a Rarity episode like he had hoped to do in Season 3 before Meghan gave his script to Merriweather Williams for revising. Yet nowadays people seem to mostly remember

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Episode Re-Review: Hurricane Fluttershy · 4:06pm Mar 7th, 2021

After several episodes of Season 2 had been less than stellar, capped off by "Dragon Quest" and the ultimate insult to anyone who cared about Spike's character, Season 2 desperately needed something good. A Fluttershy focused episode was on tap and Cindy Morrow was in the writer's seat for it. Given her previous track record it was anyone's guess if she'd be good or bad. So, did Cindy Morrow keep the faith alive or just continue Season 2's skid? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Flight to the Finish · 5:43pm Mar 27th, 2021

Because Season 4 didn't already have enough on its plate with two arcs (assuming you count Twilight trying to figure out her role as an alicorn princess as one), a third one was added with this episode. Everyone probably thought the Equestria Games would never be seen, but surprisingly they would come back for Season 4. I'm willing to bet though that the games were originally meant for Season 3 before it was made a half season, so once Season 4 was announced they came back to some of their

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Episode Re-Review: Pinkie Apple Pie · 5:53pm Mar 31st, 2021

The new writers kept on coming for Season 4 as the next to debut was Natasha Levinger. And it was both a Pinkie Pie episode and an Applejack episode, both of which came with a lot of baggage and high stakes since both characters were easy to get wrong or easy not to write well. This episode was one of four to have an animatic clip of it shown off at conventions in 2013 to build hype for Season 4, specifically the song that was going to appear in this episode. So, with Season 4 now starting to

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Episode Re-Review: Hearth's Warming Eve · 5:11pm Feb 24th, 2021

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but Merriweather Williams sure seemed determined to try. After "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" didn't go over well, Merriweather had a chance to indicate whether it was a fluke or not with this episode. In fact, this episode and the two immediately following it were moved around in episode order so that this episode could air in time for the Christmas 2011 break, the first such instance of an episode being one number in production

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Episode Re-Review: Rock Solid Friendship · 4:39pm Jun 10th, 2021

Season 7 seemed to have no direction of any sort out of the gate, and after three episodes it was impossible to pick up on any sense of quality. So it was that Nick Confalone was stepping up to write, his tenure in Season 6 having mostly been defined by the controversial "No Second Prances" even though he'd also written "The Saddle Row Review" and "Dungeons & Discords" which had far more positive of a reception. Early synopsis' suggested the focus of this episode would be Pinkie Pie trying to

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #6 · 4:27am Sep 22nd, 2020

So when the second arc of the comics got off to a promising start only to immediately squander it on contrivences and continuity errors, was this second issue of it able to get things back on track or only serve to throw everything further away? Well, let's find out.

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IDW Comics Revisited - "Reflections" (Main Series #17-#20) · 3:53am Oct 3rd, 2020

This is it, folks! We've hit the big one! The one many of you have probably been waiting for! For those of who you joined the fandom at a later date, it cannot be stated enough that in 2014 this four part comic arc in the main series took the fandom by storm! It was everywhere, and coming off of more than a few less than stellar issues and arcs ("Neigh Anything", "Pirate Ponies", "Book Worm") the fact that the comics in the main series were going back to a four parter was quite shocking. And by

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Episode Re-Review: Discordant Harmony · 5:01pm February 17th

Season 7 had been up, down, and all around in quality up to this point, the longest such period of inconsistent writing quality stretching all the way back to Season 1 when the show was still trying to find its footing. It almost feels like Season 7 was originally going to be a half season, which would explain why it was the only one not to get a two parter season premiere. It being ordered while Season 6 was still in production likely had something to do with the theatrical movie taking longer

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #14 · 3:47am Sep 30th, 2020

With 2013 coming to a close and the micro series also drawing to a close as the show's fourth season was in full swing, the main series had to continue this pirates story that had quite a few issues in its first half. And considering the previous two parters in the comics did worse in their second halves, it seemed like there was so much against this issue right from the get go? But did it manage to defy the odds and do a good job of getting the comics back on track? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Uncommon Bond · 4:07pm April 13th

After the absolute disaster that was "Secrets and Pies", Season 7 really needed something to redeem it and give it the chance to go out on a high note, especially now that the big 2017 movie had come and gone, and the show's future was still uncertain. Josh Haber, after having returned to the story editor's chair and ultimately taking back the reigns fully from Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco for reasons unknown, now decided the time had come to pen another episode himself. But this time, he

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Episode Re-Review: Fake It 'Til You Make It · 4:06pm April 27th

Oh joy, it's back to Season 8. Season 9 has its fair share of detractors, but hardly anyone I know ever sings Season 8's praises, and for good reason. We now know that the School of Friendship was added at Hasbro's request because they wanted the show to wrap up with nine seasons, forcing the writers to change their plans for the pillars. About the only good thing to come out of Season 8 seems to have been the young/student six, though even then some get more praise and attention than others

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #2 · 2:14am Sep 18th, 2020

So after the first comic started things off on a fairly promising (if now somewhat rocky) a start there was naturally pressure on the comics to keep it up and perhaps do even better. But many regard this as the first of many stumbling blocks for the comics, even back when this is the only other one to go on. Considering I found the first comic to have not aged the greatest (though still ultimately enjoyable) has time made this second issue any better or just made it worse? Well, let's find

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Episode Re-Review: Feeling Pinkie Keen · 6:40pm Feb 3rd, 2021

Oh boy, it's this episode. All the way back in 2011 this episode touched off a real firestorm of controversy, and a lot of what it involved (science v.s. religion) has only gotten worse since then. Dave Polsky wrote this episode, marking his debut as the last of the writers assembled for the show. So, putting aside the controversy for a moment, is this episode actually good or is it still bad on its own merits? Well, let's find out.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 225 results