
Viewing 161 - 180 of 915 results

My father died · 10:50pm Jan 23rd, 2017

My dad died today. I still cannot believe it even though I knew it was coming. It doesn't seem real. Everytime I go to the livingroom where he was I just keep expecting to see him there. I know in my heart ge is dead I just can't accept it I guess. He was tough, lived a year and a half longer than any of the doctors expected. I just thought I would have more time. I guess I was wrong.

Report Saffron · 327 views · #Death #sadness #tragedy

That Time Of Year Again... · 2:54am May 25th, 2020

Was running errands early today.

Passed by a Memorial service held for a poor family who had lost a loved one.

It got me thinking about someone in my life who I had lost, how life just moves forward without skipping a beat.

Oi, I tried my best to wear a smile today, but overall I really just felt drained.

It's nearing that time of year again, when I just felt the pressure of my loss the worst.

Each day feels like a Time Bomb.

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Report Forgetful · 270 views · #summer #loss #sad

Am I just a bad writer? · 3:41pm Apr 20th, 2020

I don't know...
I just don't know anymore.
Is anything I do good?
Writing has always been comforting to me, and yes I struggle with grammar, but I don't know how to get better, they say keep writing keep trying, but I've been writing most of my life, and I'm still struggling.
Probably not going to be very active while I deal with this. I'm sorry. I wish I was stronger, I wish I could be better.

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Report Nailah · 378 views · #sad #depressed #struggle #writing.

Terrible news · 3:18am Jun 24th, 2020

So Today I've had $3000 worth of military gear stolen, along with my ps4, a tv game case, and sadly my only laptop. So I'm sorry to say it may be a while before I will be able to write again. It's extremely aggravating for me, but I can imagine it must be just as aggravating to not recieve chapter updates.

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Report StormHoof32 · 278 views · #Sad #angry #lost

Next Chapter of Long Broken world · 4:04am Nov 15th, 2018

Alright new chapter is almost ready, i needed to rewrite cause of mutiple reason xD but hey atleast im not but anyways i hope you waited long enough but hey i just notice there not much of story about gilda with an oc of someone or with anon weird can someone tell me why?

Report Raikiry · 251 views · #Romance #Drama #Sad

Why (Some) People Like Sad Stories · 4:20am Jun 1st, 2020

That was the topic of my part of Trick Question's talk last night. Here are my slides (revised today). Not Trick Question's slides, because they aren't mine.

Why Do People Like Sad Stories?

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Report Bad Horse · 856 views · #sad #talk #ponyfest

is it wrong to hate and fear humanity · 5:33am May 15th, 2021

my wife tells me I can bring joy to others

my wife says my words bring comfort

maybe I no longer believe the world is worth the risk of helping, because humans are fundamentally predatory.

so if the world fundamentally betrays you, what would make you want to share those things with them?

serious question. trolls and bullshit gets deleted and reported.

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Respect to a Legend · 11:11am Apr 15th, 2020

I play alot of TF2 so hearing that we lost Rick May yesterday because of the Virus really hits you right in the feels
It was wonderful going into tf2 servers and seeing everyone play soldier in respect to this fallen Legend

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best."


Damn guys. · 2:27am Jul 7th, 2019

I'm starting to get bored. I see you know, 252 views on my first chapter, and 12 likes, and I think. (That's a good start. Good start.)

Then I see that only one person's bothered to talk to me, and it just dies. Questing's so much more interactive than fanfiction... But I'm not giving up. Hopefully, people start interacting with me and my story, beyond putting it in their 'read later' list.


I need help. · 1:33pm May 6th, 2021

Last night, two of my mom’s chickens were attacked and we just found the rooster this morning. He was cold, but still breathing when we found him. Right now, we have him rolled up in a towel, and put him in a box with a heating lamp to keep him warm. He has some of his back head feathers torn out and he’s covered in dried blood. As for the hen, she’s currently M.I.A. As for what attacked them, we assume it was raccoons. Does anyone have any advice they could give me?

Report GamerDroid23 · 178 views · #Rooster #hurt #sad

Final Message · 12:51am Jul 14th, 2023

Hey everypony... So... This is gonna be my final message to you guys... After this, I won't be doing anything else on this or any of my platforms... I just want y'all to know I'm sorry... People have been hating on me over opinions and death threatening me over false accusations... So... I'm leaving. And I ain't gonna come back. Ever. The only thing you can expect to come from me is Nightshifts at Daisy's (a Minecraft map I'm making that is too close to finished to not release.). You can find a

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Final Message · 12:51am Jul 14th, 2023

Hey everypony... So... This is gonna be my final message to you guys... After this, I won't be doing anything else on this or any of my platforms... I just want y'all to know I'm sorry... People have been hating on me over opinions and death threatening me over false accusations... So... I'm leaving. And I ain't gonna come back. Ever. The only thing you can expect to come from me is Nightshifts at Daisy's (a Minecraft map I'm making that is too close to finished to not release.). You can find a

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Oof. · 12:23pm Sep 24th, 2022

Seriously, ouch. Someone took the time to downvote both of my Kindled stories... kinda feels like I got a gut punch. No new upvotes, just one person who felt the need to downvote both... if he didn't like one there was no way he would've read the other right? That's some malicious intent.

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Report Darkevony · 135 views · #Hurtful #demoralizing #sad

I feel terrible · 9:13pm Jun 23rd, 2015

I saw that one of my followers were banned because they were underage, like me and I shouldn't have joined this site, I feel so sorry for myself. So anyway, I'll tell you the followers who were banned:

Jewel Shimmer, who was 11, like me, was banned
MLPEGRRR, who was a year younger than me, was banned 8 weeks ago.

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R.I.P Kenny Baker · 7:02pm Aug 13th, 2016

Another talented actor has been taken from us this year, now Kenny Baker, the actor who played R2-D2 in the first six Star Wars movies, has died at the age of 81. Originally turning down the role, Baker accepted after Alec Guinness signed on to play Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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Report SuperPinkBrony12 · 501 views · #Death #Sad #Legacy

Goodbye George Michael · 5:16am Dec 26th, 2016

Apparently the year of death isn't even taking a holiday, as one more musician has passed away. This time it takes the form of former WHAM! artist (and later solo artist) George Michael, he died Sunday at his home in England at the age of 53.

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Report SuperPinkBrony12 · 402 views · #Death #Sad #Legacy

Merry Christmas! · 7:04am Dec 26th, 2016

It's still Christmas for another 10 minutes here.

[... 2 hours later, after writing a long post and deleting it...]

Um. Happy New Year!

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Report Bad Horse · 721 views · #fandom #gripe #sad

Funerals · 5:39am Nov 21st, 2016

So, I went to my uncle's funeral this last Saturday. It was a nice funeral, or at least as nice as celebrating a dead person can be, but it was open casket. Now, I am desensitized to death, blood, gore, and dead bodies, but I always find myself uncomfortable with open coffins. It really disturbs me for some reason. I have to assume it's the setting that it's in. If I were to find a dead body somewhere I would be less disturbed than finding an open coffin somewhere. At least with a random dead

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Report TheTimeSword · 350 views · #self #funerals #death #sad

Goodbye Glenn Frey · 4:06am Jan 19th, 2016

Adding to the list of talented individuals that have died this year, Eagles co-founder and guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67. His death was a result of complications from multiple illnesses, and he passed away in New York City.

In addition to his works with the Eagles, Frey had a successful solo career, and even reunited with the band in 1994. He released his final solo in 2012.

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Report SuperPinkBrony12 · 414 views · #Death #Sad #Legacy

Sad Life · 8:33pm May 11th, 2016

Hey guys I have a friend who is feeling down in the dump, so please oh please go help them out. LyraAlluse

Report Hoofed_Writing · 292 views · #sad #help #friend
Viewing 161 - 180 of 915 results