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[2024/05/05] State of Everything · 9:11pm May 5th

So, uh, hello everyone. It's been a while.

I did legitimately forget I had this account, but on account of literally everything going on in my life right now, I've forgotten that I have a lot of accounts on various websites. However, that's neither here nor there.

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[12/31/2022] An Author's Address · 3:42am Jan 1st, 2023

First off, it's address as in I am addressing all of you fantastic people who follow me and read what I put out - all of you make writing so very worth it.

Now! Here's the main kicker:

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[07/17/2021] Zero Communication · 9:25am Jul 17th, 2021

So, this'll be a short blog post.

I don't see comments from people anymore. Do people really not have that much of an attention span anymore that long-form stories like mine, with decently long chapters, no longer get attention?

Has it come to the point where it's not about the quality of stories, but how many you pump out, or how many chapters you put out?

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[03/07/2021] Rewrites and Reworks. · 8:33pm Jul 3rd, 2021

So, haven't seen much from me for a bit, and there's a reason for that:

I've been rewriting and reworking the prologue chapter for Future Tactics - The War Games! The original Prologue was around 12 500 words, but considering how much I desperately needed to rewrite it, to bring it up to my current standards, it's coming along well! About 3000 words into the rewrite, and it should help fix some of my glaring issues that still come up from the original.

Now, on to other things:

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[08/02/2020] Future Tactics, and Future Plans 2 · 3:49pm Feb 8th, 2020

Hello everyone! Yeah, I've finally finished the next chapter! With a lot of it, I struggled with the sense of scale I was trying to convey. In a sense, I was thinking of the market scenes you would see in the show Firefly, which to me felt real, alive. I've been in markets like that, back in 2010, when I went down to Guatemala. The markets are loud, filled with bartering, and they're always a treat to be in. You never know what you'll find (In my case, I found an actual Cavalry Saber.

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[06/02/2020] Future Plans, Future Tactics, and My Life Going Forward · 12:39am Feb 7th, 2020

So, if anyone read my last blog post, you would have noticed that I may have mentioned I was military.

Well, unfortunately, due to medical issues, my employment with my country's armed forces is coming to an end. Things happened, things changed, and I'm researching how I'm going to move forward on this.

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The Return of the War Games · 4:26am Jun 17th, 2019

So, I've been away for a number of years, and honestly? I'm angry at myself. Sure, at the moment, I can justify it by saying that it's because my internet is so bad at the moment, but in the end, that's just an excuse.

I'm reviving my old story, Future Tactics - The War Games, for a good reason.

The story was fun to write, and is fun to write. However, this post is a double-header for a reason.

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[12/8/2014] Updates and Writefaggotry 2 · 8:07am Dec 8th, 2014

So, if anyone IS paying attention, you'll slowly be seeing most of my stories going on hiatus, except three: Secrets of the Zone, Future Tactics - The War Games, and The Unlikeliest of Heroes.

Yes, that does mean the second chapter of The War Games is coming out, although it's taken a lot longer due to loss of interest and depression due to not knowing anyone in Vancouver, but life is looking up.

Also, Secrets of the Zone is getting continued. Hard to write a Russian accent, ya know.

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[26/08/2014] Updates and Writefaggotry · 11:43pm Aug 26th, 2014

Okay! Updates for you followers of mine!


Anyways, been a bit busy with new things. I've had a lot to do, so I haven't really... updated anything in a while.

Now, Only In Equestria - Kartoon Boot Kamp is still open for submissions, as the Open Collab project is still active. Just ask me for the rules again, and I will post them. They should also be in the Author's Notes, which I WILL be fixing at some point. Maybe. So, yeah.

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[6/30/2014] Future Tactics Is Getting A Rewrite! · 9:15am Jun 30th, 2014

All right, watchers! I thought I'd make this simple for you guys, as this is open and shut for me.

Future Tactics: The War Games, well, myself and Khorne felt that the universe did not have enough mythos about it, and that writing an Equestria that had grown up with the advanced technology would seem a bit... well, silly, to be perfectly honest.

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[4/6/2014] Okay, this is getting ridiculous · 8:17am Apr 6th, 2014

On my stories, the ones that did not have dislikes before, now have dislikes, not moments after I post ONE of my older stories to a new group. It's as if vultures linger around looking for ways to remove the authors they don't agree with, simply so that they cannot get a shot at writing a story that can be far greater than anything else.

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[4/4/2014] New Chapters will be up soon! · 2:53pm Apr 4th, 2014

Two updates are coming for two of my stories:

Chapter 2 of Future Tactics - The War Games, entitled "The Price of Containment" is currently being reworked and edited, and should be out soon. Make a note of this, because this is likely to change. Best be warned, because there are things inside this chapter that many would not have entered into in their fics due to some... graphic scenes. The rating for the story is going to go up as a result, maybe. Or it might stay at Teen - Gore.

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[2/18/2014] Future Tactics, And Thoughts · 7:23am Feb 19th, 2014

Initial impressions of people? Some appear to like it. Others, it seems are in the 'tl;dr' club.

Now, I'm going to continue to write Future Tactics, and I don't really give a shit at all whether or not you people agree that I should. This one is truly mine, something to finally call my own, that story that defines what I try to write.

I hath created my own universe, and think it grand.

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[2/17/2014] Future Tactics · 7:46am Feb 18th, 2014

Future Tactics: The War Games, is finally published... at least, the 22 pages prologue is. I had... a lot of problems, but four months of work, and it seems people like it.

I am impressed with all of you.

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results