
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

dust an elysian tail · 2:44am Jun 3rd, 2016

I have beaten this glorious beautiful work of art that has brought tears to my eyes.

ok now that my emotional childhood tears are gone I want to tell you I have beaten this game that I have had on my Xbox ever since it was free on gold. and you ask "why haven't you beaten it sooner you seem to be the type of person that finishes games". well I am that type of person and I will tell you this I forget I have an Xbox.

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Report Jade Copperfield · 191 views ·

doom 4 and update · 7:25pm May 13th, 2016

well its out I don't own it but that does not matter. because this game was released on Friday the 13th were you fight the minions of hell with fast uncontrollable brutality. I will play this game one day but first need to think of ideas and progress on my only FIC and thank you that it's the weekend.

hint for next chapter expect pain.

and hint for future possible FIC of what it is about, this is a quote from a cookie.

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Report Jade Copperfield · 188 views ·

battlefield 1 · 8:13pm May 9th, 2016

well battlefield was confirmed and it is world war 1. well Verdun your community is already small but sorry the genre that you have shared with Necrovision has now been taken by battlefield which will furiously stomp on you. ok now let me get into why I made this post about the world war 1 battlefield is that dice have to tread carefully. this is world war 1 well there is gas and trenches says most people, well what about the guns.

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Report Jade Copperfield · 615 views ·

binary domain / first post · 4:17am Apr 3rd, 2016

I wanted to make a blog post for a little bit so what better time to write one than at 11:00 pm at night after I played a few games and will do so during the night. now lets get to what I wanted to talk about, Binary domain a game that did not have a well response at launch or people just didn't care about it. which I will admit I barely knew it existed at the time it was released but now I have gotten it and beaten it and man I don't regret it.

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Report Jade Copperfield · 67 views ·
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results