
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Need Title Suggestions · 6:21am May 13th, 2017

After hearing opinions over at the Writer's Group, I've decided that my latest story needs a better title to hook people in. I've already tried two different titles, but I can't help but think that a better one could be made. Therefore, I'd like the help of anyone who has already read my story. If you have any suggestions for a better title, I'll gladly hear them if you post them in the comments section. If no one comes up with something, I guess I'll stick with the current title.

Report Eddy13 · 325 views · #Suggestions #Title

Fan Artist Needed · 9:46pm May 11th, 2017

After recalling a piece of advice I got yesterday, I realize that one f the things my latest story needs in order to really grab attention is a cover pic. Problem is, I doubt there's any pic out there that would fit the events of the story. Which is why I'm asking anyone who is an artist if they can help me out. Please note that I can't pay you, so this isn't a commission. However, I promise you that I'll give you a credit mention.

Who will give me a hand?

Report Eddy13 · 330 views · #Artist #Favor #Help #Credit

I Need A Little Assistance · 5:02pm May 10th, 2017

As some of you may be aware based on my previous blog, my newest story isn't getting as many views and comments as I would've liked. To those who have read the story and liked it, I thank you (though it would be nice if you left a comment as well). If you would be so kind, would you mind helping me devise a means to get more people to view it? I've already tried a thread over at the Shameless Self Promotion group, but nobody has responded. Does anyone have any ideas? I feel that my latest story

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Sometimes, My Confidence Takes So Many Blows · 2:08am May 10th, 2017

I must say, I'm a bit surprised at the lackluster response to my latest story. I actually considered it to be one of my best works: it having a complex format, clever writing, a unique premise, and being intriguing. I worked on it for about for weeks, and was feeling quite successful each time I completed part of it. After all that work only to find it not getting the flood of views and comments I was expecting is a bit off-putting. There are times where I wonder if I'm as good as a writer as I

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Report Eddy13 · 326 views · #Views #Comments #Confidence
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results