
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Question of the Week #125 · 2:31am Oct 11th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back. I hope that you will enjoy this Question of the Week.

Well, until the contest comes to a conclusion, I am contractually obligated (a distopian corporation may or may not be holding me hostage :rainbowderp:) to promote my Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest.

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Question of the Week #82 · 5:35am Dec 4th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, I'm down with a head cold... Fun.

Still I'm going to try to ask you all a question even if it is a bit late.

Now as many of you know, I am a writer and some of you may recall that I have mentioned working on my own original work. While I'm not willing to go into too many details on the story as of yet, I do have a question pertaining to a potential theme in the story.

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Question of the Week #77 · 1:23am Oct 26th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far. May your costumes be pristine and unwrinkled.

Tragically the question this week isn't a Halloween themed one... Technically.

What is the weirdest reason you have ever heard of a toy or item being recalled?

Also if you are partaking in Halloween, what costume are you wearing this year (snuck a question in)?

Stay safe, may you candy bowls be full and your chocolates yummy.


Question of the Week #75 · 2:17am Oct 11th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back...

To the question of the week. I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far.

Well, Halloween is coming up and so I figured I'd ask a Halloween themed questions (yep, we're asking multiple questions this week).

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Should I do this? · 10:40pm Jan 28th, 2021

So first off, I am a little bit surprised that my recent story, Which Head is Which? didn't seem to recieve as much attention as it usual does. To be specific, some of the returning commenters didn't... well... return. I'm not sure if it had something to do with the timing of the story being posted or what, but here is a quick promotion of that story.

TWhich Head is Which?
Returning home from a long trip, you're surprised to stumble upon your friends, Flash Gloom and Gash Bloom. Upon meeting the two dullahan twins, they invite you to play a fun little game in the Weeping Willows theme park. So who is who?
Robipony · 7.7k words  ·  47  4 · 836 views

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Which Head is Which? · 6:24pm Jan 19th, 2021

Have you ever wanted to hang out with a couple twin mares in a theme park at night? Have you ever wanted to hang out with a couple dullahans in a theme park at night? If your answer was yes to both of these questions then this is the story for you. :pinkiehappy:

And if it wasn't, then maybe after you read this story you will change your mind. :raritywink:

TWhich Head is Which?
Returning home from a long trip, you're surprised to stumble upon your friends, Flash Gloom and Gash Bloom. Upon meeting the two dullahan twins, they invite you to play a fun little game in the Weeping Willows theme park. So who is who?
Robipony · 7.7k words  ·  47  4 · 836 views

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results