
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Harry Potter fanfic for those interested in what I'm up to! · 9:10am Aug 21st, 2022

Challenging Fate

This is what's been taking up my time these last two weeks and derailed pretty much any sort of work on well, any other project I have. I'm having lots of fun writing it, and I have 7 other chapters for it written up but not yet published.

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Experiment Flopped- HPat6OW · 11:57am Jul 18th, 2021

It is with a sad note that I say this story is now being cancelled. I've thought about this these last few days as I've pondered the idea of a rewrite for it, only to have even the momentum for that at this time come to a crashing and grinding halt. Right now it seems that I just have very little motivation to write much of anything aside from roleplays (and even then some of my motivation for that has been swaying up and down the scale). At the end of the day though with all my pondering for

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Report Rainbow Sparkle · 263 views · #Cancelled

Need Feedback- HPat6OW Rewrite, try to Continue, or cancel? · 4:24am Jul 11th, 2021

So, I'll state front and center, my general motivation to write has been wanning, not just for this story but for other things as well. Even my own Undertale AU. But its also been affecting this, and it hasn't been helped by the fact that I've been kind of stumped with how to begin the next chapter (I've tried writing it out about five times now)

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Pre-Reader needed! · 3:16am May 3rd, 2021

Looking for a pre-reader! I've got the next chapter done (had it done for two days actually, but well, want to make sure I'm done done before uploading it) who can give it a look see, offer feedback and catch any grammer issues there might still be!


HPat6OW Update II · 12:13am Apr 16th, 2021

I have been working, very incrementally, on the next chapter for this. I freely admit procrastination is a bit of a problem for me when it comes to writing, mlp or otherwise. I do know now what I'm going to do mostly with Chapter 3, but my problem at the moment is getting the motivation to work on it more than just 15 minute blocks every other day or so. (not all of which said blocks are actually spent writing but thinking out things). I have been reminded that while I enjoy the idea, harry

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HPat6OW Update · 2:11pm Mar 14th, 2021

I haven't forgotten about my Harry Potter MLP crossover. Just been finding it hard to work on writing this last month and with me trying to get both the next story thing for my Undertale AU written up and work on a NSFW MLP story based off a pic I commissioned, and neither being done themselves even now, I haven't had the energy to work on HP and the Six Odd Witches.

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Harry Potter and the Six Odd Witches IS UP! · 10:18pm Jan 14th, 2021


After finally figuring things out (and having to completely revise my outline at least once) I've got the prologue and the first chapter of my own Harry Potter Crossover with MLP up. Story name is in the title tin and the tagged story section, and I am so happy to finally get this going.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results