
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Calling all artists! · 5:00am Dec 9th, 2016

Well! The first chapter of my de-ponyfied version of Rise and Fall is complete, and all that remains is the final tidbits and tiddlywinks for those folks who most generously opted for one of the higher reward tiers. I just completed the illustration for the chapter this evening, and, well...My artistic chops, it would seem, are not quite up to the task. The result is serviceable, and it'll be going up for this chapter, but it could be better,

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Report Dromicosuchus · 712 views ·

The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord...Sassafras? · 1:56am Nov 30th, 2016

Yes, you read correctly; Sassafras, not Sassaflash. Having mulled the idea over for some time, I've decided it's time I began writing again—and my current rather impecunious state helped me narrow down what to write rather nicely. The possible Celestia fic I mentioned may still happen, but today is not its day—nor will my own worldbuilding yet see dawn, as that's still in rather too unformed a state, story-wise, for me to be able to make something of it. Instead, I've decided to

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Report Dromicosuchus · 685 views ·

The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Sassaflash is Complete! · 6:44am Feb 5th, 2016

Exactly what it says on the tin. More than 100,000 words later, my tale of an angsty necromancer and her unflappable minion and friend has come to a close. Here it be. If you haven't already taken a gander, and if you liked Mendacity (or heck, even if you didn't), please, take a look—and if you've been following along all this time, thank you, and I hope this finale to my tale satisfies.


...Sigh. Never Mind. · 2:45am Oct 16th, 2015

My apologies again for the indecision on my part, as well as the dashed expectations of a new chapter, but...Bah. There were some elements of Starswirl's chapter that I ended up really needing for the next (and last, I think) chapter, so back up it goes again. I've edited it in places, particularly the ending, to improve some of the things that irked me before; not sure whether it's strictly speaking better, but...well. It is what it is.

Report Dromicosuchus · 354 views ·

Mea Culpa · 6:25am Oct 9th, 2015

...Bleck. I wanted Chapter 19 of Rise and Fall to work, I really did, and I know that y'all seem to have enjoyed it well enough, but in terms of the overall story structure it just...I can't be comfortable with it. It serves no definite purpose, its conclusion doesn't really make much logical sense—Starswirl decides to send her back, but somehow arranges things so that she doesn't disrupt the timeflow? What happens if she explicitly decides to do so? It just doesn't work—and perhaps

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Report Dromicosuchus · 391 views ·

Sad Tidings · 2:46am Dec 21st, 2013

Just a brief note to let y'all know that due to an unfortunate incident involving my laptop, a meter of elevation, a hardwood floor, and the rapid conversion of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy, I'll have some trouble getting regular access to a laptop for the next few weeks or so--and consequently, the next chapter of my current story will be delayed by at least that length of time. Fear not, it will come in time--it's just that "in time" will end up being a little bit longer

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Report Dromicosuchus · 620 views ·

Update on Chapter III · 7:02pm Dec 8th, 2013

Just a quick heads-up to y'all to let you know that I've made a few more alterations to chapter III, which will hopefully resolve some of the issues caused by the removal of Stowaway Belle from the story. Chapter VI, incidentally, should be coming along fairly soon; no ETA other than "fairly soon," I'm afraid, but...Well, yes. Soon.

Report Dromicosuchus · 381 views ·

The Incredible Vanishing Sweetie Belle · 11:59pm Dec 7th, 2013

Just a quick PSA; for plot-related reasons, I've removed Sweetie Belle's appearance from chapter III of my current story, and although she will have a role to play in future chapters, it'll be much lighter than I had originally planned. I know that this may be kind of disappointing to quite a few of y'all, and honestly I'm a bit disappointed as well, as I like Sweetie Belle and have fun writing her--but unfortunately, I just couldn't quite manage to get her to fit into the story in a way that

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Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results