The plot is simple enough: Two eccentric-yet-sane human twins, Sylus James Harkens and Clara Belle Harkens, born in the Bells of Clarity Asylum, along with an insane girl named Pinkamena Diane Pie, try to escape when they are children. Only Clara does, and the other two are punished separately. Pinkamena was brutalised with the normal treatment, but for Sylus... Overseer Dash had something else planned for him. Something far worse than mere physical wounds. Far, far worse.

Authors: Me and Lord Sylus of Night.
Cover Artist: Lord Sylus of Night.

Chapters (7)

Non-canon prequel to The Enchanted Library

As a filly, Rarity's favorite bedtime story was about three princesses trapped throughout Equestria by a wicked spirit of chaos. How she dreamed of finding them all when she was older, especially the princess trapped in a library under a tree. She knew, however, that fairy tales weren't real.

Only when she grew up would she find out how very wrong she was.

Based on an AU a friend came up with in which Rarity stumbles across an enchanted library where Twilight is its spiritual guardian, and both form an unlikely friendship as she helps Twilight be restored to normal.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has come to discover that royal politics are complicated, but foreign policy is the worst. When the minotaur king decides to pay a visit, Celestia invites Twilight to be part of her first meeting with a foreign leader. This is her first big chance to impress on an international level... but the king isn't here to celebrate the Magic of Friendship, and he has more than a few choice words for the rookie princess. Twilight might just want to go back to world-saving after this.

Originally written for the write-off prompt "There's Magic in Everything." I was too late, then changed it up, and was left with... well, this. Brilliant!

Thanks to my prereader BlinkyPony along with my editors PaulAsaran and ultra1437 for all their help!

Cover art can be found here.

Chapters (1)

On this historic day, a small but proud nation to the chilly north votes on independence.

Unfortunately for Princess Celestia, that nation happens to be the Crystal Empire.

-Written to coincide with the Scottish referendum on independence.

Chapters (1)

Morning Breeze. A mare in the esteemed royal guard. Certainly not a rarity, but still it's an accomplishment nonetheless. She has served the night guard to the best of her ability, and though never personally standing guard around her princess, she takes great pride in her duty. So when she learns that she is to be reassigned to make way for the return of the Lunar guard, naturally, she is a bit upset. Especially considering the Lunar guard is made up of thestrals, bat ponies of ancient times that disappeared after the fall of Nightmare Moon. Her irritation at being replaced by, thestrals, of all creatures, has her frustrated. But a chance encounter in the halls of Canterlot castle may reveal more than what she perceives.

Update: Edited by Jphyper! Thanks!

Featured in Popular stories tab on 9/18/14! Thanks for all the faves guys!

Chapters (1)

The evil comes, and no one can't stop it. Equestria will fall if no one stops it. The monster will be stopped by unusual group of ponies and one draconequus.
And all begins with searching for the cutie marks.
I usually have strange dreams, and this is one of it. I hope you will like this story.

Chapters (1)

Mis-communication has started many a war, but in this case maybe calling it a war was too generous.

The "war" is over, Twilight has successfully orchestrated a bloodless end to the Griffons' aggression, but only now does she realize that there is more to winning than she had first assumed, especially against a nation that holds war as a central part of their culture...

Now Twilight must deal with the aftermath while facing a challenge she never anticipated: being seen as a conqueror.

This can be read alone, but I recommend reading the letter that started it all for a chuckle and a little exposition. This series of expositional one-shots can also give some additional world-building.

Chapters (13)

Do you want to be the next great Equestrian supervillain? Do you have what it takes to challenge the Mane Six? If so, then see Pinkie Pie at Ponyville Castle! She’s looking for a dastardly new crop of evildoers, and if you're one of the best you just might make the cut.

Oh – if you do decide to apply, be sure to fill out Form 112-B in its entirety! Twilight gets very upset if you forget the form. And don't be late!

Chapters (1)

Legend tells us of how the two Royal Pony sisters defeated the Malevolent Discord, toppling him from his 2000 year reign of chaos.
Legends tell us Of King Sombra, and how this once royal and noble Unicorn conquered his own Empire and enslaved his own kind.
Legends tell us of the founding of Equestria.
Legends tell us of many things, but they forget the most important one.
How Equestria was given Life.

Chapters (1)

The Elements of Harmony have failed to stop Discord and now it falls to one man to save them all, one very unstable lunatic of a man. Who is this man you ask? Why he is The Freakazoid!

** popular story list 9/19/14**

Chapters (1)