
How much can a baby dragon take? Countless chores, orders, rejections... What happens when the said dragon gets enough?

Rated Teen for swearing
Cover art vector Sad Spike made by XxWingsxOnxVenxX
All the characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are only used in entertaining purposes.

Chapters (2)

Equestria's first astronautical mission, has only one pilot, Major Tom. He has successfully completed his mission, but he has now gone silent. It's ground control's job to find out what has happened. The answer surprises them.

A quick one-shot I wrote for no apparent reason.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia travels deep into the inner chambers of the Canterlot Archives to get her favorite book, the last remaining first-edition copy of The Tales of the Colts Grimm. Read along as Celestia remembers her childhood and reads through the sacred stories that have been read for generations by ponies all over Equestria.
AN: This story could easily need all the story tags, so don't think there might not be comedy or sol stories here! (Just no super-dark. It is a foal's book, after all.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Nightmare

Regal Crescent, also known as Revan, has returned from a thousand years and seeks revenge on the lord of chaos. A mystery will be uncovered about his past life as a Crystal Knight. Charming Thunder will stop his wrath before he could destroy Equestria even his family.

Chapters (9)

The ponies of Nickerlite know little about Igneous Pie. He farms rocks, what else is there to know? What's more, he never once stands and fights for himself. It was apparent to everypony that he would never amount to much. Still, they might as well give him a try.

I designed this story to be a true slice of life, capturing a moment in the life of the Pie family. Also, they didn't have a tag for Igneous (he's really the main character in this story). I hope you enjoy, and comments are ever appreciated.

The wonderful cover art is a commission by marking. Check out his amazing work on deviantart.

I wrote this short (it turned out a little longer than I had planned) as part of my birthday celebration series. This one is dedicated to Sketcha-Holic and her brilliant stories. Her work continues to inspire my own.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's childhood was a time of discovery for her. She found her true family. She learned to overcome her fears, regain her confidence, and to end her long time depression.
Her life is filled with beautiful moments, horrible moments, all from which she learned from a great deal in the end.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Unfinished

In the aftermath of the Nightmare's near-victory, Twilight Sparkle struggles with her status as an alicorn and the lingering gulf between herself and her senior Princesses. Love inspires awesome and terrifying things, but the path to harmony and friendship may leave her more broken than before. Beneath it all, a lingering memory refuses to be ignored.

Dusk Shine still lives, and he wanders the wasteland of unfinished stories and forgotten dreams at the bottom of the universe, attempting to put his world back together. The price to remake his home may be greater than he can bear, but one name still guides him: Twilight Sparkle.

Two paths draw close once more, not to run side by side, but meet each other head-on.


Check out this amazing fan comic by Bypenandhoof!

Chapters (3)

Celestia attempts to make sense of the crashing of Princess Cadance's wedding (and the subsequent attempt to takeover Equestria) by consulting the all powerful guest list and Luna. The ensuing conversation hints that Luna's absence may have been less than coincidental.

*Intended to be a One-shot

Chapters (1)

Captain Twilight Sparkle is the most feared pirate on the seas. Shining Armor...needs to be more careful about what books she gets to read.

Just a little something I threw together because it be Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Chapters (1)

The first human in Equestria and the first pony on Earth have a chat, things quickly get a bit awkward when they realize they don't have much to talk about.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (1)