Immediately after her banishment, Sunset Shimmer is alone in a strange bipedal world, with no money and no home. A chance meeting gives her an unexpected opportunity, but she must take a great risk to seize that opportunity.

Audio reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)

Our favorite Radiant tree-cutting tank, Timbersaw has an...accident involving Puck (The magical dragon) and ends up smack dab in the middle of Equestria...Did I mention that it's full of trees? Join his insanity in the Pony Kingdom.

Face your fears
Radiant and Dire finally settled their differences in this as well.
Basic Dota 2 lore included.
Molten Destructor suit.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Colgate Runs out of Toothpaste

When Soarin loses that which he holds most dear, it threatens to irreparably tear his heart asunder. Wednesdays can be so rough sometimes.

This is a sequel to "Colgate Runs Out of Toothpaste" and spoils the ending of both chapters, so please read it first.

Chapters (1)

A guild called The Phantasmagoric Potholers was formed and adventured on Azeroth (where Warcraft is practiced) but recently some have been kidnapped by mysterious portals and deposited on Tyria (where the Guild Wars were fought). Now another Potholer has been snatched...to Equestria?

A crossover story between My Little Pony and World of Warcraft.

Part of a series of 'Tales of the Potholers', but is a standalone story and does not require reading the previous 31 tales (although they can be googled if you are curious)

Chapters (3)

After being blasted by the element of Harmony, Sunset Shimmer is left a wreck as she is left to reflect on her life, and how it came to being all alone with no powers, the only ones who are willing to comfort her are the ones who destroyed her. And while she just wants to be left alone... another part of her feels something that, while she doesn't want, she desperately craves.

Written for the Legend of Equestria, I got the deadline date wrong xp. So, just enjoy as it is, and I'll see for the heck of it if it's good enough for Twilight's Library. Don't worry, the next ch. of Elsa's Snowdrop is coming soon

Chapters (1)

With their parents and adoptive father dead, twin sisters Light and Evermore Inverse take two different paths in life. But on their 20th birthday they're given their inheritance and decide to carry on their adoptive fathers work. But how will a mare who upholds the law work with a criminal?

Episode 1 : Pilot
Light is a member of the Alchemist Legion. Evermore is a day to day criminal. They share blood but denied it for years, until their deceased father assigns them to work together on his legacy.

I put this fic on Hiatus since I planned too far ahead without planning any logical filler. I might even do a complete rewrite of the fic and possibly make them anthro because it'd be more relevant to a few other fics which I think could exist in the exact same universe. Cross your fingers that I actual get to reworking this fic, I don't want Light and Evermore to fade of into memory in their current state.

Chapters (1)

Although still a novice flier, Twilight has begun to feel comfortable in the sky. But when Rainbow Dash asks her to enter a flying pairs competition with her, she believes that her inexperience will only hinder her friend's chances of winning. Twilight's misgivings deepen when Rainbow learns that two old rivals will be competing as well, and her desire to win begins to drive a wedge between them. Full of doubt of her own abilities and anger toward Rainbow's fierce ambition to beat the others, will Twilight overcome these obstacles and compete with her friend, or will she quit the competition altogether?

This story was accepted by The Goodfic Bin! If you haven't been there, why not check them out once you're done here for some other great stories?

Chapters (13)

( No. It's not a 007 crossover. )
Finally, the opportunity of a lifetime falls in front of her. We find out just how far Lyra would go to take it.
She dons her horned, black helmet and blood-red cape becoming the latest great threat to Equestria, fully prepared to make Ponyville suffer (as best as she can at least) as she chases after her wish to have hands.
What can go wrong?

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis back at her home reflects on how she was defeated, and how she failed.

Cover Art by: Oak Sabletwist

Chapters (1)

A human winds up in Equestria. Unbeknownst to said human the fate of the entire world rests on his shoulders.

Chapters (1)